£100 in 7 Days is a new horse racing tipster service which is supposedly being operated by Tom Crossland. As the title suggests, he claims to be able to produce £100 of profit in 7 days.
Introduction to £100 in 7 Days
I have seen a large surge in certain trends over the last few months and £100 in 7 Days manages to encapsulate this perfectly. In fact, the only thing that stops it checking all of the boxes is because the football season has started proper now and people are turning back to the Sport of Kings.
What I mean by this is that there have been a large number of products on the market which claim to help you to make a set figure in a set amount of time through their tips. I have also seen a resurgence in lay betting recently which is what Tom Crossland has made £100 in 7 Days all about.
Historically, I have not been kind on the recent wave of releases for a large number of reasons, but maybe Tom Crossland can change all of that with £100 in 7 Days?
What Does £100 in 7 Days Offer?
Honestly, £100 in 7 Days does nothing that you haven’t seen before now. It is a daily horse racing tipster service in which selections are sent out directly to subscribers. Tom Crossland does this via email and usually sends them out on the morning of the racing.
Rather unfortunately for a lay betting service, the quality and content of the emails sent out to £100 in 7 Days subscribers seems to be rather lacking. I believe that this will have an impact on the profit and loss in the longer term, but will come to this a little later.
In terms of what you are getting, £100 in 7 Days deals exclusively with laying horses which means everything is pretty straight forward. As you would expect, Tom Crossland appears to have used Betfair for his bets (at least, he talks about a 5% commission) meaning an account with them or another betting exchange will be required.
There are generally very few bets on offer per day making £100 in 7 Days a very low volume service.
In terms of a staking plan, £100 in 7 Days is a lay betting service and there doesn’t tend to be a whole lot of wiggle room in this regard. This doesn’t however mean that there can’t be any staking plan.
Tom Crossland recommends starting with £10 bets and as you win more over the week, upping them to £20. I do feel though that the stakes are only one side of lay betting and honestly, I find it disappointing that Tom Crossland glosses over the liabilities side of things so much.
It is no coincidence that in the “proofing” (actually a short list of supposed bets) the losing bets are all low odds. His seems to be detached from the reality of £100 in 7 Days however.
Finally I want to talk about the strike rate. This is an important thing with any lay betting service as the fixed returns mean that you have to win consistently in order for it to be profitable. Again, based off the claimed results published by Tom Crossland, this would work out around 82%.
This is a believable enough result for a lay betting tipster service, I am not sure however whether or not I believe that the results for £100 in 7 Days are genuine.
How Does £100 in 7 Days Work?
Rather frustratingly, we aren’t told anything about how Tom Crossland finds his selections for £100 in 7 Days. Honestly, there are a lot of reasons why this is problematic.
First of all, there is the point that I have always made that as a consumer, you should have an understanding of where selections are coming from. You should have enough information to make an informed decision. £100 in 7 Days does not provide this.
I think that this is especially prevalent when dealing with a lay betting tipster service. The sheer fact that you are picking horses to lose means that there is an increased chance of an inexperienced tipster “getting it right” for longer. This can lead to significant problems down the line.
What is the Initial Investment?
There is only one option if you want to subscribe to £100 in 7 Days which is a one time payment of £29. Supposedly, this will buy you access for a five week period with Tom Crossland saying that he is sure that once you have made £500 you will want to sign up for a longer term. There isn’t however any evidence to suggest what this may cost however.
It is worth noting (although it isn’t mentioned) that there is a full 60 day money back guarantee in place. This is because £100 in 7 Days is sold through Clickbank which means that you shouldn’t have any problems recovering this should you need it.
What is the Rate of Return?
The amounts that you can earn through £100 in 7 Days are right there in the title. Each week, you can supposedly expect to make £100 (or possibly more depending on whether or not it is a good week). Because you are signing up for 5 weeks, tis means that you should theoretically come away with £500 at the end of this.
Conclusion on £100 in 7 Days
There are a lot of different reasons that a service can stand out for me. Some of them are incredibly positive things. Perhaps a particularly large profit has been generated. Preferably, there is a strong consistency to results. Other times, you can just see that a product is quality, even if the results don’t immediately reflect that.
Of course, for all of the positive reasons that a service might jump out, there are a lot of negative ones as well. Sometimes a service makes claims that are simply ridiculous. Sometimes a service can have results that are too consistent. Honestly, it is a fine line to walk sometimes and only experience can help you see the difference.
This brings me to £100 in 7 Days which on the surface of things seems like a reasonable shout. Making £100 per week through lay betting is a seemingly very feasible thing to do. If somebody asked you how you felt about picking 10 losing horses a week, would you feel confident in doing that?
The problem here however is that because £100 in 7 Days is concerned with lay betting, you can lose a lot. Very quickly.
This liability is something that Tom Crossland doesn’t really discuss. In my experience, anybody who takes lay betting seriously is very aware of the impact this has on your long term profit and loss. This suggests to me that whoever is behind £100 in 7 Days is either irresponsible enough to skip over this very important aspect of betting or alternatively isn’t really aware enough to know. Neither one of these is great.
As if this side of things wasn’t enough, when carrying out research into £100 in 7 Days, I wasn’t particularly surprised to find that the service is offered by (what I like to refer to as) a serial marketer. These are vendors who are constantly offering some new betting system or other.
Unfortunately, I am yet to see one of these sorts of service actually succeed and honestly, I see nothing to suggest that £100 in 7 Days will be any different.