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12 Minute Books Review Matt Rhodes

12 Minute Books is a new product from Matt Rhodes that the creator claims will allow you to start quickly making your own ebooks to sell online.

What does the product offer?

Put crudely, 12 Minute Books is a training course, and it is one that frankly isn’t that different to a number of other examples that I have looked at before. The titular 12 minutes are how long Matt Rhodes says that it will take you to publish an ebook from scratch. 12 Minute Books can allegedly be applied to any niche however there are some which are better than others (something that the training looks at).

In terms of what you actually get, 12 Minute Books comes as a 48 page training manual which Matt Rhodes says has had “all the fat trimmed” meaning that you can simply jump in. Included with your training is things like how to gain new ideas, ways of boosting sales and even how to use your phone to take pictures for your books.

Also included are two bonus products, both of which are fundamentally tied into the core product.

How does the product work?

The main idea behind 12 Minute Books is actually a relatively simple one. Namely that you should aim to pump out short books on topics that people may be looking for (a few examples cited by Matt Rhodes includes changing oil on a car, making a family recipe and even getting others to share their “best” stories in certain niches).

The approach of 12 Minute Books is very much towards volume rather than actually producing anything that is necessarily quality.

What is the initial investment?

At the time of writing, 12 Minute Books is being sold on a “limited time” offer of $7. Despite the banners that pop up on the 12 Minute Books website, this does seem to be a permanent price.

In terms of a money back guarantee, 12 Minute Books does come with a 30 day one in place however it is worth pointing out that as 12 Minute Books is sold through JVZoo, you will have to claim this directly from the vendor.

What is the rate of return?

It is somewhat peculiar that Matt Rhodes doesn’t really make any claims about how much you can expect to earn through 12 Minute Books. There is a reference to making $304 per month, per book however this honestly feels more like a rhetorical statement than a necessarily serious claim.


There isn’t really anything that 12 Minute Books does well as far as I can see, In fact, I have looked at some products before now that share a similar core idea.

The kind of books that you are producing may well have a niche market, but with this kind of tight niche, you will often find that your potential audience already knows what you are showing them.

One of the big questions surrounding 12 Minute Books in my opinion is whether or not there is any value to be had, after all, it is only $7. Personally, I don’t believe that there is any value, namely down to a lack of decent content.



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