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3 Win Bets Review

3 Win Bets is a new to market horse racing tipster service that is operated by one Lee Moore. He claims that his approach to betting allows profits to be produced that are significantly higher than the norm.

Introduction to 3 Win Bets

There are many different ways of approaching betting, and all of them have their own merits and flaws. This is all part of the industry, and if you’re a casual punter, that is all fine. But there are a lot of people who aren’t simply casual punters. They are out there acting as tipsters, and when that happens, the standards become significantly higher. In my opinion, if you are going to ask somebody to pay to receive your bets, you have to have a bloody good system that you’re asking them to pay for.

This brings me to today’s review subject, 3 Win Bets. A system that, on the surface of things, seems like a solid offering from Lee Moore. He definitely talks a good talk about how much profit his service can potentially bring in. And adding to the blatant appeal of all of this is the fact that the profits have all seemingly been made to very modest stakes. Honestly, if you don’t look too hard at this, you’d definitely be forgiven for thinking that you were onto something truly special.

Unfortunately, there is often a bit of a disconnect in this industry too. For every service that is genuine and good, there are a lot that are… well, they just leave you lacking a little. 3 Win Bets is a very good example of this. In theory, there is some merit to what Lee Moore is doing with his betting. I can really ese the idea behind the service. But none of that matters if the really important stuff is missing. Something that is a bit of a niggling doubt with this. So, with all of that said, let’s have a look and see whether this is really worthwhile.  

What Does 3 Win Bets Offer?

There is a lot surrounding 3 Win Bets that I rather admit I will probably be quite critical of. But one thing that I think that Lee Moore can unequivocally be praised is in how he has organised and manages the structure of his service. There are a lot of ways that you can feel about it, but it is important to keep in mind before anything else, this is a massively rigid service.

This applies to what you receive from Lee Moore, as well as the betting that 3 Win Bets is built around. Honestly, I don’t think it is an inherently bad thing. A genuine tipster who knows what they’re about, and what works, shouldn’t necessarily want to change things up too much. But that is reliant on… well, having a tipping approach that works.

Before I get into all of that though, let’s start by talking about the management approach. Mainly because I think that this is an area where 3 Win Bets is perhaps a little less controversial (at least, in my mind). As you might expect from any modern tipster service, Lee Moore issues all of his selections directly via email.

Something that he is very clear about is that he also only tips Monday through Saturday. One element of all of this that is pretty decent is the fact that tips are issued before 9.30am. This will typically give you a decent window of time to actually get bets placed. Whether or not you wish to try and seek out the best odds is a difficult thing.

You see, 3 Win Bets is based around patent betting. For those who may not be familiar with this bet type, it is effectively a form of accumulator. You take 3 selections and back them individually to win, as well as backing all the doubles, and finally a treble. This can mean very big profits when it all comes in.

The problem you can have is that identifying the best odds for this bet type can be quite difficult. I typically recommend using an odds comparison site with any new tipster service, but that isn’t necessarily an option with 3 Win Bets. Mostly because comparing odds on patents isn’t something that is easy to do. Lee Moore apparently just uses Betfair, but there are arguably better options out there.

This can be a quite important consideration really. Because whilst it is easy to get hung up on that treble, the fact is that all 3 selections don’t land all that often. As such, it can be better to think about your base odds. Especially as Lee Moore tends to favour initial selections for 3 Win Bets that are typically at lower odds in the first place. Look to maximise them, and the rest will follow.

As you might expect given the type of bet that is used and what it means, 3 Win Bets isn’t a high volume service in so much as you are effectively just placing a single bet each day. But because that bet is made up of multiple other bets, the stakes add up. Lee Moore makes a £5 patent sound very small, but the fact is that means £35 per day. £210 per week staked.

With that in mind, Lee Moore’s recommended betting bank of £1,000 seems quite reasonable. But it is also a bit esoteric working out at 28.57 points. It isn’t necessarily that this is a problem of any sort. But it does seem like 3 Win Bets is perhaps based a little bit around numbers that sound good, rather than meaning anything.

The thing is, this is all very important. In the very limited proofing that is provided (if you could even call it that), Lee Moore claims that he had 9 days in March that saw a profitable return from 23 bets. That is a strike rate of some 39% which sounds great. But I have some doubts about this number and even more doubts about whether it is sustainable if it is genuine.

How Does 3 Win Bets Work?

When it comes to looking at how 3 Win Bets works, there are two different elements that come into play. The first and most apparent of these is the bet type that Lee Moore employs. The idea of using a patent to bring together bets and maximise your returns isn’t anything that is new. I’ve seen it used many times before to be honest. Under the right circumstances, it can drastically increase your profits compared to level stakes betting.

Probably not surprisingly, this is an element that Lee Moore leans into very hard. He makes a number of comparisons with his own betting results and how it has outperformed compared to level stakes, and based off that, he is definitely onto something. 3 Win Bets has undoubtedly made more money using patents than had all bets been backed to £10 stakes. But that is only a small part of the bigger picture.

You see, the most important component of a betting system is actually having a decent selection process. Something that Lee Moore doesn’t really talk about at all. This is ultimately quite concerning to me. Something that I often find myself saying is that a type of bet does not make a betting system. And that is incredibly apparent in 3 Win Bets. There is no talk about horse racing, about the approach, there is basically nothing. Simply this notion that a patent bet is your best approach.

Even that might be acceptable if there were some sort of comprehensive proofing, but you don’t get that with 3 Win Bets either. Don’t get me wrong, we are shown a number of betting slips that show off an array of winners but I am quite sceptical about these. Aside from the obvious issue that they’re the same types of slips I see on so many questionable services, there also simply isn’t that much. Even if you took it all at face value, you’re not even seeing a month of evidence.  

What is the Initial Investment?

There are two options available if you want to subscribe to 3 Win Bets. The first of these is a 1 month period, the other is a 3 month period. Something that Lee Moore puts out as being a strong positive. The costs aren’t necessarily prohibitive and are roughly in line with what I’d expect of a service of this nature. However, it is all ultimately academic. Because the service has now been closed “until the end of the month”.

This all strikes me as a bit suspect as one of the things that is include with 3 Win Bets that Lee Moore completely fails to mention is that there is a full 30 day money back guarantee in place if you buy the service. Something that is ultimately backed up by the fact that the service is being sold through Clickbank.

What is the Rate of Return?

Lee Moore claims that in under 3 months of betting he’d have made close to £5,000 of profit. That is one hell of a result. Especially when you take the time to put it into context. Because what that suggests is that depending on how you ultimately want to measure “a point” here (either the full £35 bet or the £5 on each element of the patent), 3 Win Bets has made either 140 points in that period, or close to 1,000 points.

Both of these figures far exceed what I would expect to see from any genuine tipster service in the same period of time. Even at the lower end of the scale, I would say that 3 Win Bets is seemingly double what I might anticipate in the same period of time.

Conclusion for 3 Win Bets

It is very obvious to me what the appeal of 3 Win Bets is. I may be sceptical of a lot of things here, but there is very little sense in trying to say that I can’t see that. The fact is that in the tipping industry, people want big profits, they want simple instructions, and they don’t necessarily want to make significant investments.

To that end, this is a service that really seems to tick all the boxes. I say seems to there because the truth of the matter is that I am hugely sceptical of what 3 Win Bets is supposedly all about. This isn’t something that I say lightly either. Because the blunt truth of the matter is that once you start to scrutinise this, very little stands up.

One of the first things that I tend to look at when I’m looking at a tipster service is whether or not it is actually genuine or not. Of course, there is little way of actually telling this in a short space of time, but there are indicators that you can use. Certain things that I like to consider “red flags” and unfortunately, there are quite a lot of them with 3 Win Bets.

First things first, let’s talk about the lack of evidence that exists backing up Lee Moore’s claims. Ultimately, what we are given are some 23 bets. That is to back up over 3 months of betting. It is far from comprehensive. And like I said earlier, I do find myself doubting the validity of the evidence provided.

The fact is that in the time I have been doing this, I have looked at literally thousands of tipster services and betting systems. And rather unfortunately, a large number of these tend to quietly close a few months after launching (I’ll be coming back to this shortly). They all just happen to bet with Betfair. I have my suspicions as to why this is, but needless to say, I don’t necessarily buy the results.

On top of that, it strikes me that Lee Moore completely fails to mention the fact that 3 Win Bets coms with a money back guarantee. Something that is once again, in line with that previous experience that I have had with similar services.

The last, and most telling thing to me, is simply that Lee Moore doesn’t actually seem to know much of anything about horse racing. Sure, he talks a big game about how good his patent bets are. What he doesn’t do is talk about the thing he is betting on. Give me somebody knowledgeable over somebody with a “clever idea” (not that I think 3 Win Bets is particularly clever) any day.

Probably not surprisingly, when you bring all of that together, 3 Win Bets isn’t something that I would look to recommend. Honestly, I just don’t see much substance here. Lee Moore is simply selling his service off the back of the vague idea that one bet type is superior to another. And whilst there may be some kernel of truth to all of that, it doesn’t mean anything against the backdrop that it sits against.   


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