A Class Apart is a tipping service developed by Steve Davidson that provides selections that are back to win or back to place.
What does the product offer?
Steve Davidson provides A Class Apart subscribers with tips via email, a members page and an Android app. The selections are not sent out daily so there could be points where no bets are a provided. When tips are sent out they are sent out around 12:00 which Steve Davidson maximises the choice of selecting the right horse. A Class Apart has allegedly produced a strike rate of 55.87% for win selections and 68.97% for place.
How does the product work?
A Class Apart looks to be an analysis based system. Although this isn’t explicitly stated it is heavily implied with Steve Davidson saying that the late selection advice is so none runners and track conditions are known. This is followed by him saying the more current information the better the chances are of winning.
What is the initial investment?
There are 3 different subscription lengths for A Class Apart which run for 1, 4 or 6 months. These cost £29.97, £89.99 and £119.98 respectively. Unfortunately Steve Davidson doesn’t make any money back guarantee available.
What is the rate of return?
A Class Apart has produced a total profit of 314.34 points from January 2013 to January 2014. Based off level stakes this represents a return on your investment of 146.89%.
A Class Apart doesn’t really bring anything new to the tipster scene. That having been said what is on offer looks to be a solid enough product that is able to produce relatively consistent wins and profit. For many bettors this is enough and that is understandably so. The lack of a money back guarantee isn’t as ominous as it first sounds as A Class Apart is subscription based and in this field it is pretty much the norm. What does put me off is the cost as I have seen tipster services with similar results for much less. Personally, this is where I would start shopping around, but that doesn’t mean that A Class Apart is a bad product.