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AdvantEDGE Review by Charlie Burton The Forex Trader

Charlie Burton is a Forex Trader and has launch AdvantEDGE, a new Forex product promising to teach newbies how to trade the currency markets professionally.

What does the product offer?

The product is a full training course of the Forex currency markets. Included is a trade signal indicator that is claimed to make profits on an automated basis. There are many Forex courses around, although the author of this one holds particular interest, in that he is very well known, and this suggest this product should be higher quality that what is usually found on this subject. Charlie Burton is a trusted name in the Forex world, it seems.

The sales material for AdvantEDGE is pretty straight forward about what you can expect from the product. This is a premium Forex based product that provides both a piece of software to assist you in your trades, as well as top notch training. The whole thing is operated by Charlie Burton (who I will look at in greater detail below) and is frankly, one of the best looking Forex related offerings I have seen.

I will start by looking at the software aspect of AdvantEDGE, namely as I think that this is what most people will be interested in. It essentially updates you of trades that Charlie Burton recommends you place. This side of things is really pretty straight forward and isn’t necessarily anything too new from a technical standpoint (although to be fair, it is probably the best example I have ever seen).

The other side to AdvantEDGE is the training which runs for a total of 12 months. Whilst this definitely sounds a lot, Charlie Burton estimates that in order to become a competent trader in your own rights requires several years of work. This is definitely in line with what other Forex professionals claim and cements that you aren’t working with a cowboy who is looking to make a quick buck. What it also means is that with expert guidance (and the software to support you), you can reasonably expect to start to build a career as a trader if you wanted to.

How does the product work?

Everything related to AdvantEDGE is based on the knowledge of Charlie Burton. This is somebody who has been a top independent trader for a number of years and knows the game well. A quick search of his name reveals countless interviews, articles and even an appearance on a BBC documentary.

His approach to trading is very straight forward and easily graspable which definitely helps when dealing with AdvantEDGE. This is because a key aspect of your training is managing risk. This is something that Charlie Burton is very keen on saying that as a trader, he would rather think about what he has to lose rather than what he can make. There is clearly something to this philosophy, even if it does seem almost childishly simple.

What is the initial investment?

As is often the case with Waverly Media, AdvantEDGE is not cheap (with cheap of course being a relative term). As mentioned the training runs for 12 months and if you want to get the most out of AdvantEDGE you will follow through with this. The first 3 months of AdvantEDGE are almost designed as a trial featuring a 30 day money back guarantee as well as a reduced monthly rate (£89 instead of the usual £149).

The 30 day money back guarantee doesn’t just extend to your initial investment in terms of the service. In an unprecedented vote of confidence in his product, Charlie Burton has arranged for his brokers to pay you back if you aren’t in profit in a month. This means that you can deposit up to £300 through the broker, and so long as you are following Charlie’s trades, then you will have your initial £300 back if you have lost money.

What is the rate of return?

In theory, your earning potential for something like AdvantEDGE is infinite, however Charlie Burton does make a much more toned down guess in his sales material. Claims of up to £1,000 per day may seem rather ludicrous at first glance. When you realise that this is simply the same amount that Charlie Burton aims to make on a daily basis, it becomes a lot more believable.

Personally, I would expect the final profits to be somewhat less than this, especially when you are getting started out. What I don’t doubt however is that you will make money, something that is the ultimate goal of any product and I can see you making the claimed amount without too much trouble.


AdvantEDGE is all about the name attached to the product, and in this case, Charlie Burton more than fills the proverbial boots. I will old my hand up to the fact that I wasn’t entirely sure who he was when I started out. Having spent some time with him and his products however, there is no doubt at all that this is somebody who understands.

One of the main criticisms of AdvantEDGE is going to be the price, especially with the various risk protection things that Charlie Burton has put in place, however you can’t really fail to make profit.with these methods. If you do? Then you get your money back anyway making the whole of AdvantEDGE to ensure that you don’t lose out.

I am actually writing this at 2.30am and a big part of this is that once I started to get involved with my research into AdvantEDGE and Charlie Burton, I was gripped and fascinated and this isn’t something that happens often. The training (at least what I have seen from it) is incredibly intense in places and there is no argument from me that it numbers amongst some of the finest Forex trading courses I have looked at.


The product has been removed from sale.






Comments (10)

Looks interesting, thanks for the review. Always wanted to get into Forex, and just didn’t know where to start. I have a friend who has done it for a good few years but does not have the patience to teach me. I am looking at joining this tomorrow.


Does it work? Thanks.

Tim does this work on a Samsung tablet ?john

Have looked into Forex systems/training course before and quickly realised I do not have the time or the mental discipline to succeed. However I find the whole thing fascinating and this new system really intrigues me. I will do some more research but am highly tempted to take the plunge! Would like to hear from anyone who has actually purchased it.

“AdvantEDGE Review by Charlie Burton The Forex Trader” – The title to this review reveals that it is written by Charlie Burton himself. If i’m reading this correctly Charlie Burton has given his own AdvantEDGE Forex system a glowing review. There is no other name attached to this review so that has to be the case. Self praise as we all know, is very little praise indeed. That is not to say that his AdvantEDGE Forex System is not viable. It warrants further investigation. And that’s exactly what I’ll be doing over the next few weeks and months…

MakeMoneyForum Admin

Hello Brian,

You are mistaken.

We wrote the review, the only reason the author’s name is in the title is for search engine reasons.

What it should have said was this: AdvantEDGE by Charlie Burton The Forex Trader Review.

Apologies for any confusion.



Hi MakeMoneyForum Admin

Thank you for clearing that up. I’ve looked at the AdvantEDGE Forex System and it’s promising. They’ve set a guideline of some 9% return on your money if you trade all of the opportunities which the system’s software creates. (based on actual results over 12 months). The practicality of being able to implement every trade opportunity is not highlighted. Do they have a Smartphone app? Can you set it up to automatically accept every trade opportunity so that you don’t have to be a slave to your PC? Their Money Management looks good. You’ll learn not to “Sell The Farm” on every trade but stick to a low 0.5% – 1.0% Risk of your fund on every trade, even less sometimes.
The first 3 months price is reduced to £89.95 and then £149.95 per month for the remaining 9 months is £1620.00 for the first 12 months. Then £29.95 per month thereafter to keep the software and remain a Student of Charlie’s Online Forex knowledge base. You can cancel at anytime without any liability. You’re not tied into a 12 month contract.
What I like about it is that with the first 30 days Money Back Guarantee on your £89.95 payment you can have a serious look at it and decide whether you’ve got the funding, time and dedication to apply everything that Charlie will teach you over the time of your association with him and AdvantEDGE.
What I don’t like about it is the price. That’s because I believe that every Sales Business should broaden their products appeal by working on the model of “Stacking The Product Up High, And Selling It As Cheaply As Possible.”

MakeMoneyForum Admin

Hello Brian,

You can be alerted to the trades by email, and then have a VPS set up on a smart phone and trade that way.

Regarding your comment:

What I don’t like about it is the price. That’s because I believe that every Sales Business should broaden their products appeal by working on the model of “Stacking The Product Up High, And Selling It As Cheaply As Possible.”

I do not agree, because real value costs money, the same reasoning behind why Porsche are not selling their cars for the same price as Citroen. Real value costs.

Also as it will be only Charlie Burton who is servicing the clients there will be a limitation of how much support can be provided, the same as any such service where personalised support is offered.



Hi Admin

Thank you for your reply. Affordability for the client widens the product appeal(Market) for AdvantEDGE. Charlie would actually be making more money by selling it cheaper. Is it realistic that Charlie on his own would be able to offer support to his clients and give them true value where they profit from the software and his Forex Training? It’s bigger than a one man operation.
I’m interested in purchasing myself but it’s a lot of money and as we know money does not grow on trees.


Brian Mullan

hello.. does this work? as a one click approach to trading ?.

love to know more

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