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Assured Soccer Profits: The Ultimate Soccer Membership Package Review

Assured Soccer Profits: The Ultimate Soccer Membership Package (or ASP for short) is a long standing betting system which is sold as being able to provide a substantial long term profit. It has been created by John Duncan.

Introduction to Assured Soccer Profits: The Ultimate Soccer Membership Package

In this day and age, it takes rather a lot for me to really sit up and pay attention to a betting system or service. Honestly, I am exposed to so much that it all just sort of… Melds together. However, every now and then, something lands on my desk which looks interesting. And I carry out a bit of initial research, and it becomes even more interesting. And, not to overuse the term, but the best reason something can be interesting, is because it is profitable.

Enter ASP. A betting system that I believe I did look at a primitive version of many many years ago when I was a much less confident writer. However, just as I have grown, so has the system into its current form which is “The Ultimate Soccer Membership Package”. Not surprisingly, there has been a lot of change since those early days, although, there is some stuff that remains from John Duncan (the creators) original manual.  

And it is with this all in mind that I wish to look at ASP with a bit of a new eye. The fact is that whilst the first iterations weren’t bad, the betting world has changed substantially. So, let’s see, firstly, if it is something that can still over a profit. But more importantly, can it deliver a profit that warrants putting in the time and the effort required.

What Does Assured Soccer Profits: The Ultimate Soccer Membership Package Offer?

There is actually quite a lot to Assured Soccer Profits: The Ultimate Soccer Membership Package, however, to read the sales material you wouldn’t really believe it. The fact is that John Duncan is actually quite modest about his service which is a very welcome change. There aren’t ridiculous claims about what you can expect, there aren’t pictures of sports cars or talk of life changing amounts of money.

Instead, there is a very simple idea. That if you stick what is taught, then you will find yourself slowly and steadily making money through sports trading. I will talk about these numbers in detail a little later, but for some context, John Duncan says that “even £100 per week can be achieved CONSISTENTLY just so long as you are prepared to master the strategy”.

This massive downplaying of things combined with a whole page on the website that talks about who Assured Soccer Profits: The Ultimate Soccer Membership Package isn’t for are very interesting. And there are a lot of people that this isn’t for. So, with that in mind, let’s get into the details about what all of this entails.

First things first, I want to talk about the core product. As it was in its primitive form that I looked at a long time ago, this is still a betting system that aims to teach you how to trade. The core of it all is presented in vide format. John Duncan says that this shows you, step by step how to find the best games to trade on and how to do so successfully.

The videos themselves are pretty standard fare for this kind of thing. That is far from a negative though. What you can expect is plenty of in play betting, slides, and notes, all detailing John Duncan’s methods. Honestly, they are all pretty easy to follow and do a very good job of conveying information.

Supporting this video training is a PDF document that is, frankly, pretty weighty nowadays. It is a long way from the slim tome that Assured Soccer Profits: The Ultimate Soccer Membership Package once was. And again, this isn’t a bad thing at all. The content is much more in depth, provides a better idea of what to expect, and does a very good job of tying into the videos that you will have watched.

Comparing it to what it once was as well, it is now a much better written product that is a lot more cohesive. It is clear that John Duncan has spent a lot of time and effort improving on the initial offering and it is no bad thing at all.

Between the videos and the manual, I think it is a pretty fair description of what “the core” of Assured Soccer Profits: The Ultimate Soccer Membership Package is. Watching and reading through this content is the single most important element of understanding what John Duncan is aiming to do. But that doesn’t mean that it is where it ends either. In actual fact, there is a massive amount of support and additional tools to help you out.

One of the main ones here is a library of additional tutorial videos. These look at the football market that is used and also cover various in game situations that might arise and how to deal with them. This kind of stuff was very much missing from Assured Soccer Profits: The Ultimate Soccer Membership Package way back when and ultimately, this kind of thing is what helps you to become a better trader.

On top of this, you receive a number of additional tools such as calculators, record keeping aids and quite importantly, access to a daily list of the most promising games to trade. Now this doesn’t take the work out of Assured Soccer Profits: The Ultimate Soccer Membership Package. Far from it, but it does mean that John Duncan gives newbies a pretty good jumping off point, which is very welcome.

Finally, there are two brief  additions that are worth mentioning. The first is a library of previous blogs which have been rewritten as “training modules”. These provide wider insight into being a trader and are somewhat useful. As well as this, you get email support from John Duncan directly. This is something that you may well need to utilise if you want to get the most out of Assured Soccer Profits: The Ultimate Soccer Membership Package.

How Does Assured Soccer Profits: The Ultimate Soccer Membership Package Work?

Now talking about how Assured Soccer Profits: The Ultimate Soccer Membership Package works is a bit of a tricky thing. All too often when it comes to a service that teaches you how to do something, it can be difficult talking about it without giving everything away. Now, I feel like I’ve given enough information in terms of the breakdown of each strategy to give users an idea of what to expect.

From here, I think that it is probably worth talking a little bit about John Duncan’s credentials. Because ultimately, you are taking his betting advice. And if he isn’t any good at what he does, his betting systems won’t be either. But it is a bit of a tricky thing…

See, here’s the thing. John Duncan’s biggest credential and credit is that what started out as Assured Soccer Profits way back when, is still going. It may be under the guise of Assured Soccer Profits: The Ultimate Soccer Membership Package, but this has been around for almost 10 years. And it is still getting positive reviews, and for good reason. The fact that as it has progressed and changed since I first looked at a more primitive example is testament in and of itself.

Finally, I think that it is quite important to note that John Duncan takes Assured Soccer Profits: The Ultimate Soccer Membership Package very seriously. I know of few people who will say to you “here’s a list of things that, if you are looking for, you shouldn’t spend money on my product”. A lot of people in this industry are simply looking for a quick cash grab and the longevity combined with the integrity of John Duncan speak volumes to me.

What is the Initial Investment?

If you want to sign up to Assured Soccer Profits: The Ultimate Soccer Membership Package, there is just one option that is available. This is a one time cost of £83 which is inclusive of VAT. Now I will admit that briefly comparing this to what I thought way back when, I recall finding it to be a little bit pricey. Given everything that it has become though, I think that this is actually a pretty fair price to pay for something like this.

One of the things that is particularly noteworthy to me is the fact that Assured Soccer Profits: The Ultimate Soccer Membership Package is being sold through Clickbank. This means that there is a full 60 day money back guarantee offered on this, as with almost all products that are offered through the platform. Unfortunately, this isn’t something that John Duncan mentions in the sales material.  

What is the Rate of Return?

In terms of the income potential for Assured Soccer Profits: The Ultimate Soccer Membership Package, one of the things that I really like about John Duncan is that he doesn’t try to oversell the potential of this. He says that daily profits of £10, £15, £20 or more are attainable. He then goes on to say that once you have mastered Assured Soccer Profits: The Ultimate Soccer Membership Package, you can see profits of £50 – £100 per week. Again, these are numbers very grounded in reality.

Elsewhere in the testimonials, you see people saying that they have made amounts ranging from just £2.61 to as much as £1,000 per week on average. Whilst most people aren’t going to be getting close to that higher number, I do believe that the testimonial is genuine.

Conclusion for Assured Soccer Profits: The Ultimate Soccer Membership Package

It’s rather hard to know where to start when talking about Assured Soccer Profits: The Ultimate Soccer Membership Package. Normally, that is the kind of statement I reserve for a service that has very few redeeming features. But in this case, it is simply that there are so many positives to what John Duncan is doing that it is hard to know where to begin.

Probably where I really want to begin though is by talking about some of the littler things that impressed me here. Firstly, I am massively impressed by how John Duncan markets his product. In the world of betting products, it is typically a game of excess. If you, as a product creator, made £10 betting, well, that could just have easily been £1,000 hypothetically. So why not market that amount instead?

With Assured Soccer Profits: The Ultimate Soccer Membership Package though, everything is modest and it is grounded. This is really important to me because it really sets the tone for what you are walking into. Sure, £10 per day doesn’t sound like a lot. But that can quickly add up. In fact, it works out at an extra £3,650 per year. Now that sounds like an impressive number. But even there, John Duncan doesn’t push that agenda.

One of the other things that stands out about Assured Soccer Profits: The Ultimate Soccer Membership Package that I haven’t really spoken about is the consistency of results and the longer term potential. Obviously with Assured Soccer Profits: The Ultimate Soccer Membership Package having been around for so long, there are plenty people who have been talking about the system and more importantly, how they’ve got on with it. Now sure, it isn’t all great, but for so long now, people seem to be positive.

And that brings me on to one of the factors of Assured Soccer Profits: The Ultimate Soccer Membership Package that I think really does bring home the fact that you are dealing with a solid product here, and that is the longevity. If you can maintain a betting system for 8 years, updating it, modifying it, and improving it. Well, that just shows a lot of dedication on behalf of John Duncan.

Simply the fact that I can see how much everything has changed and grown since I first looked at that earlier iteration is testament to Assured Soccer Profits: The Ultimate Soccer Membership Package. And all of these positives come at a reasonable price as well. £83 isn’t cheap, don’t get me wrong. And in fact, way back when, I thought it was a tad pricey for the offering.

But things have changed and it is quite apparent to me that John Duncan has improved. For this level of betting system, I’d expect to pay about £100, so it is very much in the right ballpark. The pricing and the improved content also means that there is definitely value to be had here. And there is that 60 day money back guarantee as well, there is almost no risk.

So, would I recommend Assured Soccer Profits: The Ultimate Soccer Membership Package? It’s certainly worth some very serious consideration. In actual fact, I would put this up there as being one of the better systems that I have looked at. Especially in terms of what John Duncan has grown it into. Of particular note is the fact that if you are looking for something that specifically deals with football betting, you could definitely do worse.


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