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Auto Binary Signals Review

Auto Binary Signals is an online application by Roger Pierce that provides users with signals to show what direction the market will move in.

What does the product offer?

Auto Binary Signals is a signal generator for binary options that shows users what direction certain currency pairs are likely to go in and what percentage of “surety” there is about this. Roger Pierce says that Auto Binary Signals will only notify users if there is a trade with a probability of 80% or over and from there you can make a decision about whether to place said trade. Auto Binary Signals also comes resplendent with a training guide, members area and a bonus in the form of daily market analysis.

How does the product work?

Roger Pierce says that Auto Binary Signals is based heavily on his own personal trading system that uses 5 different indicators to generate a percentile representation of a shift in trends. These are then allegedly combined with a risk management system to ensure that trades are profitable.

What is the initial investment?

Auto Binary Signals sells for a one time cost of $97. Because it is also sold through Clickbank there is the additional benefit of a 60 day money back guarantee should you be unhappy with the product.

What is the rate of return?

According to Roger Pierce you can make hundreds of thousands of dollars per month by implementing the advice of Auto Binary Signals. He also says that Auto Binary Signals can secure weekly profits of $59,177.10 per week. There is evidence of sorts of this, namely in the shape of various “screenshots” of bank accounts.


I am weary of all binary options products and Auto Binary Signals is no different. The fact is that there are plenty of incredible claims made about what you can earn and the lifestyle improvements that you can expect if you choose to use Auto Binary Signals however there is very little in the way of substantial evidence. Given the fact that Auto Binary Signals comes in at a not inconsiderable $97, I would expect something and with no real proof of anything that Roger Pierce claims, I would avoid Auto Binary Signals personally.



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From: Simon Roberts