Auto Win Machine is a new horse racing service from Jim Slater that he claims will show you his methods for making a substantial profit through betting.
What does the product offer?
Jim Slater talks a big game about Auto Win Machine saying that it is one of just 2 or 3 horse racing services that is actually able to make money and that he will ultimately not just teach you how to win, but to not lose.
This all sounds well and good but one of the bigger questions that hangs over Auto Win Machine is what are you actually getting?
The sales material makes it sound like Auto Win Machine is a combination of a tipster service and a self selection service and the fact is that if you opt for the upgrade for access to the Member’s Area then it is both.
Otherwise, Auto Win Machine is a self selection based product which is allegedly able to allow you to produce winning bets with a shockingly high strike rate of 86% or 7 out of 10 bets.
The fact is that Jim Slater isn’t ever really clear on this number. Not surprisingly there isn’t really any evidence to back any of this up.
How does the product work?
The method of selecting horses for Auto Win Machine is allegedly based on formula that was developed by Jim Slater with an anonymous partner during his time working as an area manager for a large bookmaker.
The partner looked at wider trends that Jim Slater allegedly struggles with whilst he dealt with specific numbers. Auto Win Machine allegedly shows you which horses you should be looking at, races you should consider as well as what bets will allow you to make a profit.
What is the initial investment?
Auto Win Machine is being sold for a one time cost of £37 however if you try to leave the page you will be offered it for £10 less.
There is a full 60 day money back guarantee offered and because Auto Win Machine is sold through Clickbank you won’t have any problem claiming a refund.
What is the rate of return?
According to Jim Slater, just one of his betting banks saw growth from £100 to over £3,000 in just 6 months. The headline for Auto Win Machine claims that using £5 bets you can make between £110.50 and £325 every week.
Frankly, Auto Win Machine seems like a bit of a stretch.
There are plenty of claims made but given how long Jim Slater says he has been using the methods that Auto Win Machine shows you I would expect a lot more evidence than there actually is.
There are a number of red flags with Auto Win Machine aside from the lack of evidence however, for example the fact that the author can’t actually decide how well his system perform. I won’t even start to pick apart the many holes in his story about how he became a bookie and started on his way to becoming a professional bettor.
The fact is that any good system will sell you on numbers and facts, not stories and claims that lack evidence. With all of this in mind, I’d be inclined to give Auto Win Machine a miss personally.
auto win machine is five star crap.why pay to back favorites when you can look at sporting life or racing post for free.
some of us saw the light when no post appeared for four days,when challenged on chat room Jim Slater behaved in aggressive maner.
for gods sake give it a NO.