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Bet Inspector Review

Bet Inspector is a new to market horse racing tipster service that is operated by one George Peterson. He claims that his approach to betting can allow you to make a full time income.

Introduction to Bet Inspector

With so many people out there claiming to know how to make money through betting, it can be very hard to know who you can really trust. Every man and his dog seems to be an expert these days. Unfortunately, there are often disconnects between the claims that are made and the services that are actually presented. Numbers don’t quite add up, the tipsters that are (supposedly) behind a service don’t know their arse from their elbow, and I don’t think I’ve ever seen a service that produces the claimed results.

This might seem like a bit of an incoherent rant, but it is quite important for me to set the scene before I look at Bet Inspector. This is a tipster service that knows how to sell itself. I can very clearly see how you might look at this and feel like you’ve found something that is genuine and above board. After all, George Peterson talks a good talk. He hits all the right notes, has a well-produced sales video, and the claims aren’t really that outlandish. If you didn’t stop to think about it, you might think you’ve hit the nail on the head.

Here’s the thing though. When you start to scratch the surface of Bet Inspector, things don’t really hold up in my opinion. There are a number of claims that are made that George Peterson just doesn’t back up. There is information that seems a bit irrelevant to me. The whole thing just doesn’t quite come together in the way that it should. And that is cause for suspicion. Honestly, there is a lot of nuance to talk about with this, and because of that there is a lot to unpack. So, let’s get into it all.

What Does Bet Inspector Offer?

Whilst I don’t think that it’s necessarily reasonable to say that Bet Inspector is a simple tipster service, I don’t think that it is necessarily anything particularly complex either. This applies both to how George Peterson manages his service as well as the bets that he recommends you place. Whether or not you view this as a bad thing or not will likely depend on your outlook, but I don’t think consistency is a bad thing at all.

Now, let’s start by talking about how this is all managed. Bet Inspector is a near daily tipster service. I say this because whilst George Peterson talks a lot about year round betting (courtesy of betting on various racing disciplines), there seems to be some days off. What I will say however is that they seem to be very few and far between.

The fact of the matter is that if you’re following Bet Inspector, you are going to be pretty busy. This is down to a few things in terms of what George Peterson sends out with his selections and what onus that puts on you as the punter. Things that I find to be rather frustrating if I’m really honest.

Firstly, as you’d expect from any modern tipster service, George Peterson sends out his selections directly via email. All that you have to do is copy his bets. That is all that there is to Bet Inspector. There is however a small problem with this. Not least of which is because whilst you are given details of what to bet on, it’s very minimal. Information is rather scarce.  

Building on this, there is the second part of Bet Inspector and the onus on you as a punter. That is where to place your bets. George Peterson suggests that you can place your bets through Betfair’s exchange as he supposedly does. But ultimately though, all of that is simply put back on you. Realistically, I don’t think that this is an option. If you want to try and get the most out of this, an odds comparison site is pretty much a must.

A key part of this are the odds that George Peterson tends to favour. Typically speaking, Bet Inspector is based around quite middling odds. Specifically, we’re told that you can expect to see odds between 2/1 and about 8/1. With an odds comparison site, this can potentially get into double figures. That will matter because you simply aren’t going to win all that often.

George Peterson claims a strike rate of some 23%, but that is really quite high given the odds involved. It would mean that on average, you are guaranteed to win around a bet per day. Numbers that from what I’ve seen, simply aren’t that viable. Furthermore, I don’t think I’ve looked at a service that uses the kind of odds Bet Inspector does that does consistently get this kind of result.

With that said, I want to talk about the volume of bets involved. As you might expect from my inference, Bet Inspector can be quite high volume. George Peterson says that most days will have 3 bets as an average. I’m not really sure where this comes from though because I feel like I’ve seen more 4 or 5 bet days. A figure that is at the top end of what we can supposedly expect.

As you might expect, all of this can actually get quite expensive. Those numbers can start to add up, even with a simple level staking plan. George Peterson claims however that you will generally only see “the odd six or seven bet losing run”. I am not sold on that however (especially given the lack of evidence backing this claim up) and anticipate much more significant drawdown than this.

With that in mind, I am still surprised writing this, when I consider that we are told that a 50 point betting banks should be enough. Admittedly, that is a minimum, but I don’t really see how that will sustain you for that long if you hit a period of sustained drawdown. Which I cannot stress enough, at the odds involved is a possibility.

How Does Bet Inspector Work?

If you want to know how Bet Inspector works… well, there isn’t a whole lot of information that is available. Something that seems rather contrary to the sales material, because in theory, George Peterson talks a hell of a lot about why this should work and why he is the right man for the job. Now, to be clear, this isn’t something that is said overtly. Instead, there is a very strong inference of things. A clever marketing trick, but of dubious value as a punter.

So, first things first, George Peterson talks about the fact that he has a past as a trader “at one of the largest banks in the UK”, proclaiming that he knows “a thing or 2 about investments/returns”. He also says that he has been a racing enthusiast for as long as he remembers. Note that this doesn’t really say anything that influences how Bet Inspector works. About the closest a direct comparison comes is us being told that both have losing days.

In the marketing video for Bet Inspector, we once again, have that inference that there is some understanding. However, it does take a slightly different tack. Instead of listing his achievements, George Peterson just vaguely throws out a load of horse racing terms saying:

“But it’s not just about a runners form, there’s the distance to consider the track conditions, the draw bias, the jockey, the trainer, and the list goes on. To be able to pick winners on a regular basis, you need to take all of this into consideration. But the key is knowing which bits of information to consider for each race.”

It sounds great. Dare I say impressive. But what it doesn’t actually do is tell you much of anything about what Bet Inspector is built on.

The final thing that we are told is that there is a focus on longer odds. Supposedly because there is no point chasing small returns on bets. This is something that, once again, sounds good. Especially if you’re not in the know about horse racing. But I feel like actively avoiding lower odds bets would put Bet Inspector at odds with a lot of reputable and genuine tipsters.

What is the Initial Investment?

If you want to sign up to Bet Inspector there are two different subscriptions available. Firstly, there is a quarterly subscription for which George Peterson is asking just £30 per quarter (plus VAT). There is better value to be money available if you are willing to sign up for a much lengthier year long subscription. This is priced at a one time cost of £79 (again, plus VAT).

Something that isn’t really mentioned anywhere in the sales material is that whichever option you choose, Bet Inspector comes with a full 30 day money back guarantee. This is backed up by the fact that the service is being sold through Clickbank. What George Peterson does say though is that “If it ends up not working for you, I’ll gladly send your cash back”. However, highlighted in bold is that you have to “fully commit to it for at least 30 days”.

What is the Rate of Return?

George Peterson claims that last year he saw a profit of 228.07 points. A number that is both very reasonable, and also very respectable. I am however at least a little bit sceptical of this if I’m entirely honest. Not least of which is because we don’t actually get any evidence backing it up.  Bet Inspector is built on the idea that we should just be taking the tipsters word on it all. The one person who stands to profit from your subscription.

The closest that we come to any evidence that Bet Inspector has really performed is a photo of a Betfair account that supposedly belongs to George Peterson. This shows a claimed profit for January of £2,508.63. A figure that it is claimed has been achieved using £100 stakes. But that is a long way from conclusive.

Conclusion for Bet Inspector

There area  lot of reasons to be sceptical of a tipster service. A hell of a lot. And being rather contrarian about this, sometimes that can be because things fit together a little too neatly. At least, when it fits together in such a fashion with a complete lack of evidence. Something that I think is very apparent when you look at Bet Inspector.

The fact that George Peterson is willing to demonstrate an understanding of horse racing through using a lot of terminology (in a way that doesn’t really mean anything) is rather telling to me. The casual mention of being a trader and so understanding a good investment. A seemingly clear strategy in terms of why he picks the horses that he picks. But do you know what it all has in common? Nothing backs any of it up.

A good investor or trader would understand the importance of demonstrating that their portfolio works. George Peterson doesn’t. A tipster worth their salt would be able to talk about how the different factors of a selection process intersect and impact each other. These things may be considerations in Bet Inspector. But as they are presented here, they’re just words. And so on and so forth.

Look, I’m not going to keep going over this because I think I’ve adequately made my point. But there area few other things that I want to mention that don’t pertain to the blatant lack of evidence that exists within Bet Inspector.

Firstly, I would be very sceptical about backing a tipster service that unflinchingly backs middling odds horses without reason. That lack of flexibility will eat through a bank. Secondly, it concerns me greatly that George Peterson fails to mention a 30 day refund period (over which he has no control), whilst very conveniently saying that he’ll give you your money back after 30 days if you aren’t happy. I’m a bit doubtful there.

Finally, and this is quite important to me. I don’t see how the approach taken is sustainable. What little technical information that is provided about how you should be managing your time following Bet Inspector isn’t just minimal, it seems quite reckless. I don’t believe for a second that you’re going to see a strike rate of almost 25%. You will experience drawdown. But none of that is accounted for.

Genuine tipsters want you to keep your betting bank healthy. If only because it means that you stay on with them. There is no consideration for that from George Peterson that I can see. And when you combine all of that with the stuff I mentioned earlier, Bet Inspector just looks like a bloody big risk to me. One that ultimately, I don’t think I would recommend you taking.


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