Bet Maximiser is a new horse racing tipster service which is operated by Joshua Webb. He claims that the service allows subscribers to profit whilst ultimately minimising the risk involved.
Introduction to Bet Maximiser
The marketing for Bet Maximiser is a bit of a mess, and as such, it was very difficult to know where to begin with the service. When I am stuck in this regard however, I often find myself drawn to the headlines. After all, what better way is there of summarising a product than the same flavour text that Joshua Webb is using to sell his service.
There is a lot here but there are a few choice selections in “RISK ONLY £10 PER DAY. PROFIT EVERY MONTH” and “NEVER LOSE WHEN A WINNER COMES IN!”. All of this before a call to action from Joshua Webb that we need to change the way that we bet. Presumably, Bet Maximiser seems to be the product that will allows us to achieve this, so let’s have a look and see if there is anything new here or simply old ideas rehashed.
What Does Bet Maximiser Offer?
Joshua Webb paints a very good picture about his service. First of all, he says that Bet Maximiser is a “new betting strategy”. But it’s not new, because he’s actually been tweaking the system for the last 2 years. If it were new and there are no results, you should walk away or “get ready to lose a fair chunk of your money”. I will come to this.
The truth is that when you strip away all of the pomp that Joshua Webb has put into the marketing for Bet Maximiser you are simply getting a daily tipster service which appears to cover both horse racing and “games” (although I am yet to see a “game” advised).
The emails are sent out to Bet Maximiser subscribers the night before the races/games which have been selected. There are no more than 4 selections advised for a day, whilst the emails contain the selections to bet on as well as the relevant staking plan (which I will get to in detail). Outside of this, you are pretty much left to your own devices by Joshua Webb. As always, BOG is a good place to part in the light of a lack of information. It will at the very least ensue that when a bet comes in, you know that you’ll have got the best possible returns from Bet Maximiser.
There is a staking plan in place for Bet Maximiser and honestly, it is key to how Joshua Webb claims that the service works. As such, I don’t really want to give too much away, although there is still plenty I can say. Each day, the least that you will risk is £10. This doesn’t however mean that it is the minimum that you will bet on a given day.
Sometimes you will cover more bets when you have winners coming in. Personally, I feel that the staking plan behind Bet Maximiser is something that ultimately works on paper, but not so well in reality.
Finally, I want to talk about the strike rate. Whilst I always like to cover this subject, the truth is that on certain betting systems and strategies it carries more weight than others. Bet Maximiser is one whereby it carries quite a lot of weight. Over 6 months, Joshua Webb has produced an average strike rate of just 26.27%. This number is pretty low and honestly, it causes some disconcertion for me about the long term future of Bet Maximiser.
I will explore this in detail shortly however.
How Does Bet Maximiser Work?
The core premise of Bet Maximiser has essentially been covered in the staking plan. It is a strategy that theoretically minimises your risk by minimising investment. When opportunities open up and a profit has been confirmed, we then look to leverage that in order to further increase the profit. As I have already touched upon, I can’t help but feel that Joshua Webb has worked this out very nicely on paper, although the reality seems to present a rather different picture.
None the less, what really concerns me about Bet Maximiser is that Joshua Webb is still finding and issuing tips. The astute amongst you will have noticed that at no point is it discussed where these selections come from.
This is a problem as I believe that ultimately this is what you are paying for. Sure, the betting strategy is a part of Bet Maximiser but there are variations of this knocking about in plenty of places online. As such, I would expect to see some information on what Joshua Webb is supposedly doing in order to find winning bets.
What is the Initial Investment?
At the time of writing, Joshua Webb is asking just £60 in order to get access to Bet Maximiser. This is a one time payment and is supposedly a discount on the real value. The “real value” of Bet Maximiser is somewhat pricier with Joshua Webb asking £10 per month in order to receive his selections and strategy. Rather unfortunately, this is an upfront cost which means paying out £120 in one go.
Fortunately, there s a 60 day money back guarantee in place as Bet Maximiser is ultimately sold through Clickbank. Rather shadily, this isn’t something that is ever mentioned however.
What is the Rate of Return?
Supposedly, Joshua Webb has made an average monthly profit of £789.27 using just £10 stakes. This suggests that the system has an effective points profit of 78.9 per month, a number that is frankly ludicrous. This number also points to a profit over the 6 months of £4,735.60. Over 12 months, this kind of return would mean almost 1000 points of profit. Not even the best services I have looked at come close to this.
It is very important to keep in mind that other than a rather questionable Betfair account screenshot, there is no evidence to back these numbers up.
Conclusion to Bet Maximiser
There are a lot of different methods you can build a betting system around. There is trading, dutching, matched betting, scalping. The list goes on and on and all have differing levels of sophistication and result. One of the things that I am generally very wary about is anything which claims to have a staking plan that will make you money. Staking plans to me are like seasoning in a meal. They are there to accompany an existing system and maximise the profit. Bet Maximiser highlights this rather well.
The strike rate for Bet Maximiser is claimed to be 26.27%. For the sake of some easy maths, we will effectively call this 25%. This means that you should lose £30 before a bet wins. On these winning days, you may then bet up to 4 times which depending on your first win may not actually produce much profit. In fact, it is feasible that you may not even make back your losses on the 3 other bets.
With no detail on how Joshua Webb finds bets and no discernible focus on value, this is looks like a problem to me in the long term.
As well as the lack of any real system being in place for Bet Maximiser, I want to talk about the claimed results. 947.12 points would be a strong result over a 3 year period. This is however effectively what Joshua Webb is claiming that you will make in 12 months. With no evidence however, this just doesn’t seem tangible.
The nail in the coffin for all of this as far as I am concerned is the cost. I am not entirely sold on how Bet Maximiser is supposed to work and there is no evidence provided that the service really works. Given these factors I feel that Joshua Webb is asking a little bit too much. As such, I don’t believe that Bet Maximiser is something I would really recommend.