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Betting Code Cracked Review Tony Silverman

Betting Code Cracked is a new to market horse racing tipster service which is operated by Tony Silverman. He makes some quite extraordinary claims about his abilities to find winning bets.

Introduction to Betting Code Cracked

I always find people’s conceptual approach to betting interesting. And one of the main things that I see (especially from some of the more questionable tipster services on the market) is the idea of there being some kind of betting code. This notion that if you can just get a grasp on this one thing, then you’re quids in for the rest of your like. It’s certainly a fine fantasy, isn’t it? Picking winning horses day after day.

Now according to Tony Silverman, he and his cousin are living that dream. And now he says, you too can share in his success. Because he is going to share with Betting Code Cracked subscribers the exact same tips that he finds. And that is supposedly a very lucrative business, at least, so we’re told. I mean, who wouldn’t want to make six figures a year, right? That’s a ludicrous amount of money and it is supposedly very low risk as well.

Of course, as great as Betting Code Cracked is made to sound, I have some very reasonable questions to ask. Because it probably won’t come as too much of a surprise to learn that Tony Silverman isn’t exactly forthcoming with information about how this is all achieved. Which for anybody who has followed me for any time will know is a massive red flag. So with that said, let’s see if there is anything of merit to this service.  

What Does Betting Code Cracked Offer?

Sometimes in this line of work, I find it difficult to know where to start when it comes to writing a review. Sometimes, this is because a service is just choc full of content. It’s like a massive Sunday Dinner. With so much on the plate, where do you begin (to which the answer is obviously the pigs in blankets, but I’m getting off topic)?

Other time, you look at a service and I still don’t know where to start when writing a review. But on those occasions, it can be because there just isn’t a whole lot to go off. Something that as well as being frustrating from a professional standpoint, generally counts as a massive red flag for the service as well.

This latter one is definitely the case with Betting Code Cracked. Now that doesn’t mean that there isn’t anything that I can tell you. There is some insight and information that I can share, but because Tony Silverman is, for some reason, so keen not to tell us what he does.. It definitely muddies the waters a little bit.

So, what can I tell you? The short answer is that despite the rather grandiose claims, Tony Silverman is running a pretty standard tipster service here. In fact, I don’t believe that I’ve really seen a single element of Betting Code Cracked that makes it stand out from the crowd. Now that doesn’t have to be a bad thing. But in this case, I can’t help but feel like it is.

Betting Code Cracked is a very typical modern tipster service. Tony Silverman sends out his selections directly to subscribers via email. All that you have to do, we are told, is check these emails each morning (although they usually land quite late in the morning, which is a far from ideal). You then simply have to “get those bets on”. We are told it doesn’t matter how you place those bets (or apparently where), but you have to place the bets “exactly as advised”.

Now that last part is a bit problematic for me. Because the information that is contained within them is… Well, it’s very basic. Tony Silverman provides enough detail to know what you are betting on, but that is about it. And that counts a lot against Betting Code Cracked as a service in my opinion.

What that means is that if you actually want to come close to getting the most out of the service, you really need to be using an odds comparison site. The fact is that because Tony Silverman isn’t overly forthcoming, it falls on you to get the best possible value out of your bets. And that is something I believe you will want to do.

First things first, you aren’t getting a lot of time to get the best value. And further to this, it isn’t even like Betting Code Cracked is concerned with longer odds betting. As such, it is doubly important in my eyes that you are making sure that when you win you are maximising your possible returns. Especially in light of the whole “strike rate situation”, as I’m choosing to dub it.

You see, the sales material really goes out of its way to suggest that there is an incredibly high strike rate. One of the “testimonials” for Betting Code Cracked says that Tony Silverman didn’t get a bet wrong for 3 weeks. The affiliate material for the service says that Tony Silverman “is so good at what he does, he almost never picks a losing horse”. And yet, that isn’t in line with what I’ve seen here (which is admittedly a pretty small data sample).  

On top of this, and probably not surprisingly, Tony Silverman doesn’t provide any proofing backing up his claims either. This is really quite surprising to me given that he claims to be so mathematically biased, but this is a point I want to pick up a little later.

 Finally, and quite noteworthy in my opinion is the fact that Tony Silverman doesn’t actually provide a staking plan for the service. Now in and of itself, that isn’t the end of the world. A simple level staking plan would probably more than suffice if I’m honest. But it has implications as the profit is all in pounds and pence.

How Does Betting Code Cracked Work?

How Betting Code Cracked is supposed to work is an incredibly interesting story. And that is a very deliberate choice of words as it is all very narrative driven. Tony Silverman starts out by talking about how at school his mathematical abilities were “so impressive that [he] was hailed as a genius”. He also had a cousin who would take him to poker nights. And supposedly, Tony Silverman was able to start counting cards.

This is important because we are then told about how he became obsessed with gambling. His mathematical approach taking him to casinos in London, Macau, and Las Vegas. After getting “BANNED FOR LIFE” he turned to horse racing as it was the “easiest game to crack”. And this is where Betting Code Cracked comes from.

We are told that Tony Silverman is able to put his considerable mathematical knowledge to use to consider the “stats and the odds, and ‘cracking the code’”. As is the case with a lot of Betting Code Cracked, quite what this means isn’t understood. But what we are told is that he has to keep doing this because his brain doesn’t switch off. That when he goes to sleep at night, all he sees is numbers.

Which brings me back to the fact that there is no proofing. Because as I mentioned earlier, if that is the case, why doesn’t he keep the numbers? And with proofing, you could get some idea of the ebb and flow of the service. That would at least make up a little bit for the fact that despite Tony Silverman saying a lot, he doesn’t actually ever offer any insight into what the selection process for Betting Code Cracked really entails.  

What is the Initial Investment?

If you want to sign up to Betting Code Cracked, there is just one option that is available. That is a one time fee of just £29.99 (plus VAT). This figure supposedly isn’t even for access to the tips. Tony Silverman says that he is giving those away. The cost is just a token fee to help cover his server costs. This of course raises a lot of questions in my book.

It is worth noting that there is a 60 day money back guarantee in place for Betting Code Cracked. This is backed up by Clickbank who are generally pretty reasonable with this, so long as you aren’t flagged for continually returning products.

What is the Rate of Return?

Now we come to the main reason that anybody would want to consider Betting Code Cracked, and that is the potential profit. Tony Silverman headlines his sales material by claiming to have made £185,000 in just one year. That is an insane amount of money. It is also seemingly backed up by a (highly questionable, if I’m honest) screenshot of a William Hill account which has £184,227.87 in it.

Elsewhere, there are references made to making £3,500 per week and more than £15,000 per month. Of course, both of these numbers are in line with that headlining number. Betting Code Cracked’s testimonials are also very conveniently in that same ball park.

Conclusion for Betting Code Cracked

In my mind, I am going to state the very obvious here. The chance of Betting Code Cracked coming close to delivering on the claims made are slim to none. In all the time I’ve been doing this (and it has been some time), I’ve never seen a genuine tipster service that has come close to delivering on an income of £185,000.

Now that doesn’t necessarily mean it’s impossible. I’ve seen plenty of tipster services that have made more than 185 points. And if you were staking £1,000 per point, then that number might be pretty easy to hit. But let’s be honest here, most people aren’t staking £1,000 per point.

And really, most people aren’t going to make that money. And they’re not going to be making £3,500 per week. Because putting aside just how ludicrous the number is, there isn’t really a single thing that suggests that Betting Code Cracked is actually able to pick winning tips.

Look, let’s really boil down what Tony Silverman claims. He’s a math genius who has somehow learned how to beat the casinos. Well, that might be believable. People have done that before, but if you take the time to look into it all, it isn’t a single person. There are organised teams who utilise card counting to take the casinos, and they spend a lot of time waiting for the stars to align. You can’t just nip in, count cards, and make a fortune.

But even putting that aside, it’s all just a bit suspect. The fact is that despite all of the services that I’ve seen in which some tipster or other claims to be a mathematical whiTony Silverman or genius who is making a fortune, none of them have delivered on it. And I really don’t believe that Tony Silverman can do that either.

What you are dealing with here are some very grandiose statements that have absolutely no evidence backing them up. Do you get proofing for Betting Code Cracked? Of course you don’t. Does Tony Silverman actually do anything to demonstrate his knowledge of horse racing that allows him to find winners? Of course he doesn’t. Let’s be honest. It’s all a bit suspect.

Honestly, if I put my hand on my heart, the best thing that I can say about the service is that it comes with a money back guarantee. And that’s just generally something that Clickbank make all of their vendors, so it isn’t even like Tony Silverman is being generous or this is unique to Betting Code Cracked.

 Put bluntly, everything about this is just… Well, it’s all highly questionable. Which begs the question of why you would take any of Betting Code Cracked at face value. Honestly, I don’t really see why you would. When it all boils right down, you’re simply taking Tony Silverman’s word that he can deliver on his claims. Because to reiterate the point, there is no evidence backing them up.

And so, I find myself at the old, “bloke in the pub” scenario. If someone came up to you and said, “Here mate. I’m a Math genius. Banned from casinos all over the world for making too much money. Now I can give you horse racing tips that’ll make you £185,000. You’ve just got to give me £30 tonight”. Would you give him that money? I’d imagine the answer would probably be no.

So why would you do it online? Well, there’s definitely a flashy looking website. And I can see the appeal of the marketing. But ultimately, it all just seems to be BS. Which means it probably won’t come as any surprise to learn that I really wouldn’t look to recommend Betting Code Cracked. Because if I’m honest, I just can’t find a reason to. It is one of the single most questionable tipster services that I’ve seen for a very long time – leave alone would be my advice…


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