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Big Race Profit Basher Review Tipster Street

Big Race Profit Basher is a long standing tipster service which is being offered through the Tipster Street stable of tipsters. It specialises in providing selections for major horse racing events.

Introduction to Big Race Profit Basher

It isn’t very often that I find myself struggling for words. Sure, I might not always know where to start (especially with some of the crap I look at in the betting world), but actually struggling. That is something a bit different. You see, the subject of review today is a tipster service that can only be described as a rollercoaster ride. It really isn’t quite like anything I have ever seen before.

You see, there are two very different sides to Big Race Profit Basher. There is pre-September 2018, and post-September 2018. Now I’ll be frank, the majority of what I will be talking about is that “post” period. This has produced much more consistent results, more recently, and as such is just a generally better indicator of what to expect. With that said, I will also be coming back to those earlier days too.

All of this is very important as I feel that it is very necessary to ensure that Big Race Profit Basher is placed in the proper context. Because make no mistake, there is a lot of potential here. And I would love nothing more than for Tipster Street’s tipster to be able to deliver on this. So, let’s dive straight in, and see whether or not this is indeed the case. 

What Does Big Race Profit Basher Offer?

At its core, Big Race Profit Basher is a very straight forward tipster service. With that said however, there are a lot of elements that also stop this being a straightforward thing. Now looking at Big Race Profit Basher as a “bigger picture”, it is quite clear why these things are the way that they are, however, to simply reel them off makes it all seem… Well, a bit odd if I’m honest.

So, first things first, I want to tackle the logistical elements. Now, as the name suggests, Big Race Profit Basher is mostly concerned with… Well, big races. More specifically it is geared towards “big field high profile races & festival meetings”. Which of course has a knock on effect on how often you will be betting etc.

In fact, whilst there may well be days where you are placing bets for several days at a time, that is very much the exception rather than the rule. In actual fact, it isn’t uncommon to see a week before selections, sometimes even longer than that. However, I don’t see that as being a bad thing. Personally, I can’t think of much worse than simply betting for the sake of it.

As you would expect, Tipster Street issue selections directly via email and these are usually sent out on the morning of racing. Typically speaking, Big Race Profit Basher subscribers will receive bets between 9am and 11am which may not suit everybody. Especially if you are working a 9-5.

This allows me to move onto the topic of bets whilst still highlighting a point somewhat related to the logistics. You see, you could very easily look at what I have said so far and presume that you aren’t dealing with a particularly high volume service. This would ultimately be rather naïve though. On the days where there are bets, you can see quite significant numbers from Big Race Profit Basher. Especially when things like the Grand National are on.

Of note is the fact that you won’t even be winning all that many of those bets. I will explore the strike rate a little later, but there is a clear focus on value and backing outsiders with Big Race Profit Basher. A fact that is very much reflected in average odds of 10.31 according to Tipster Street.

Adding to the potential concern that exists around these numbers, it is also worth noting the point that all of these bets are advised as each way. Now that inevitably means that you will win more bets, however, it also has a quite substantial impact in terms of how much you end up betting.

Which brings me to the staking plan, and honestly, it is a bit of a scary thing. Tipster Street’s proofing shows horses being backed at anywhere from 1 point each way, all the ay up to 5 points each way. That creates the potential to lose 10 points on a bet, which is a very significant number. For context on this, Ascot last year saw as much as 30 points being staked on a day. That is no small amount.

Inevitably, this leads to massive drawdowns which can be concerning. Now Tipster Street recommend a 400 point starting bank for Big Race Profit Basher which should be enough. Unfortunately, that comes with its own sets of problems. For example, a £1,000 bank means staking £2.50 per point which just doesn’t offer significant returns.

Of course, if you are betting to £10 per point (which is recommended if you want to make a half decent amount of money), then you need £4,000. That is a massive amount of money to find in order to get started betting. Especially for a tipster service that is so… Divisive as Big Race Profit Basher is.

Just to add to all of these problems, you also have to talk about the strike rate for Big Race Profit Basher. This stands at just 15.7%. Now given the odds involved, I may not consider that to be too bad, but it certainly isn’t brilliant. And unfortunately, a bit of brilliance is what is needed here, even if Tipster Street are quite happy to push this as being a success.

As a final aside, I just want to mention a bonus that Tipster Street offer when you sign up to Big Race Profit Basher. This gives you access to all selections that their tipsters send out on a Sunday. Whilst getting something for nothing isn’t ever bad, this does then mean even more expenditure in terms of a betting bank etc.

How Does Big Race Profit Basher Work?

There are a few core premises to Big Race Profit Basher and fortunately, Tipster Street are quite open about sharing them. I have touched n the fact that this is a value based service, but that is something that I tend to take with a bit of a pinch of salt. In many respects, all betting services can lay claim to being “value” based. But looking at the average odds etc. here, I can believe it.

The next element is actually the focus on big races. I don’t want to claim that they are in any way easier to predict, but you don’t tend to see horses entered into these races that don’t have form etc. that can be at least considered.

The final thing that Big Race Profit Basher does (which admittedly ties into the previous points) is choose races where there are a larger number of horses running. Now this may sound counterintuitive, but the more horses that run, the more chance of an upset. This is why if you look over the last 10 years, 4 of the Grand National winners have had odds of higher than 33/1.

Whilst all of these things are strong positives, it is also worth noting that there is detailed proofing provide by Tipster Street. This means that as well as having that insight into the selection process, you can also look at past results with a view to getting an idea of what to expect for the future.  

What is the Initial Investment?

If you want to sign up for Big Race Profit Basher then there are three different options available. The first of these is a monthly subscription. This is priced at £20 inclusive of VAT with payment being handled directly via PayPal.

Alternatively, there is a quarterly subscription which is priced at £45 every 3 months. Finally, and ultimately representing the best value, Tipster Street offer the option to sign up to Big Race Profit Basher for the full year. This comes at a one time cost of £155.

Unfortunately, Tipster Street do not offer any sort of money back guarantee. Whichever option you choose, it is worth keeping in mind that the first 28 days of selections are priced at just £4. This at least gives you time to see if this will be a good fit for you.

What is the Rate of Return?

I started out this review by talking about how there are very divided results with Big Race Profit Basher, and it is finally time to talk about that. Now, at the time of writing this, Big Race Profit Basher stands on a profit of 467.37 points based off Tipster Street’s extensive proofing. Given that this goes back all the way to 2017, that isn’t really the strongest of results.

This number includes a spike in profit between August 2017 and March 2018 which topped off at some 450 points. This was followed up almost immediately by a 300 point loss over the next 4 months.

Using this as a jumping off point, Big Race Profit Basher has actually produced a pretty respectable 320 point profit over the last 18 months. And furthermore, these results have been maintained with relative consistency. There have still been a few ups and downs, however, these aren’t overly exceptional given the size of the bank and are very much the exception rather than the rule.

Conclusion for Big Race Profit Basher

Frankly, there is a lot about Big Race Profit Basher that I like. Particularly if you choose to focus more on the results of the last 18 months, something that isn’t entirely unreasonable. The fact of the matter is that 320 points over 18 months comes in at some 18 points per month, a very respectable number.

Ultimately, this should be the bottom line. You have a decent profit at a decent price. Using £10 stakes you would be £160 up per month to £10 stakes. That isn’t a bad average amount to take home for placing just a few bets during festivals. And on top of that, there remains potential for more profit through betting using the bonus Sunday bets.

The fact is that there is clear potential here for there to be value for money, depending on you look at things that is. Honestly, £20 per month just isn’t a lot for a tipster service. With that said, if you are looking at how much you are paying out on a “per tip” basis, there is arguably less value to be had.

Another thing that I like about Big Race Profit Basher is just the general setup of the service. The fact is that whilst there are loads of tipster services out there who provide tips on a daily basis, it is always nice to see something that focuses on a more casual type of betting. There are plenty of people out there who simply like to follow those major events and this opens that door.

With that said, there are a few criticisms that you really need to keep in mind. First things first, there is the fact that this is a high stake service. Putting down as much as 10 points per bet is a very big ask. This means that in order to get that £160 per month average, you may well be staking as much as £100 per bet.

Now the substantial betting bank does help cover this, but by the same token, it also brings its own problems too. Again, sticking with them £10 stakes, you are looking at £4,000 in order to get started. The problem that I have with this is that if you’ve got four grand to invest, you could go to other tipster services and stake £40 per point. That would mean that even half the points profit would still produce twice the monetary profit.

And that is really where I am with Big Race Profit Basher. There is a massive amount about the service that I genuinely quite like. I think that there are some pretty solid results there. And there remains that potential for a massive spike in profits as it has happened before now. But it seems somewhat unlikely. I certainly wouldn’t gamble on this kind of thing happening.

So, as much as there are some strong positives to Big Race Profit Basher, I just don’t think that I would recommend it. Which is a shame because I do believe that there is probably some decent underpinnings. I think that the results demonstrate this quite adequately.

Unfortunately though, the fact is that whilst this isn’t necessarily the worst service I have seen, there is just so much better out there. Sure, you might pay more for them, but you will find they are also much easier (and cheaper) to get up and running.  


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