Binary Trading Hack is a piece of binary options trading software by Thomas Lawrence. The software is free to access but requires you to sign up with Amber Options.
What does the product offer?
Thomas Lawrence claims that Binary Trading Hack is able to trade profitably using binary options. Binary Trading Hack is claimed to be able to trade with a frankly astonishing 89.12% accuracy. The software is able to monitor all of the major currency pairs in order to highlight potential trades. In order to gain access to Binary Trading Hack you have to use Thomas Lawrence’s chosen binary options broker, in this case it is Amber Options.
How does the product work?
Binary Trading Hack monitors three different indicators to provide what Thomas Lawrence claims is a nigh fool proof method of trading. This method has been automated and ultimately developed into the Binary Trading Hack robot.
What is the initial investment?
Technically Binary Trading Hack is a free piece of software. It is worth noting that in order to gain access you do have to make a deposit through Amber Options which will likely be a minimum of deposit of $250. There is also an option to pay $495 to have the software recoded to work with any broker although you do have to send an email to allegedly make sure that this is possible first.
What is the rate of return?
Thomas Lawrence claims to make a consistent profit of $40,000 to $60,000 each month by using his software.
With Binary Trading Hack we once again see a new twist on the same old method of encouraging people to sign up with a binary options broker. As always it follows the same established rules, large amounts of cash, easy to use etc. and finally having to make a deposit through a certain broker. Thomas Lawrence says that the software can be set up to work with any broker for a conveniently large fee, although you must check first. This ultimately sounds like you will always be told no in order to generate further commissions.
The software itself follows a reasonably simple method that Thomas Lawrence shows which does allow you to trial the methods manually before signing up. This is a step in the right direction for this kind of product but ultimately I would still be inclined to look at other methods of making money online.