Created by Nick Stephens, BoomBets is a new horse racing tipster service that the creator says places a focus on being consistently profitable.
What is the product?
Honesty, there is very little about BoomBets that sets it apart from the multitudes of tipster services that are currently available on the market. It is a straightforward daily (almost, Nick Stephens says that some days, he may not find selections) tipster service that focuses on UK racing.
The selections themselves are sent out before 10am on weekdays and 11am on weekends. Unfortunately, the selection process for the tips isn’t something that is even touched upon. Whilst the sales material for BoomBets does make a vague reference to value, the fact is that there is nothing that provides any insight into how tips are chosen.
The only thing that is really linked to this is the “story” part of the sales page for BoomBets in which Nick Stephens talks about how one day, he simply decided to find a betting method that worked after multiple losses following other tipsters. To credit BoomBets, it is clear that there is a focus on value throughout the service with average odds claimed to be 6.8 (to Betfair Start Price).
In terms of the other details, all bets are back bets and appear to follow a simple level staking plan, however this isn’t something that is explicitly stated. In terms of the strike rate for BoomBets, Nick Stephens claims that this currently sits at 23.2%, a figure that is again in line with the claimed odds.
What is the investment vs. the rate of return?
There are three offerings when you sign up for BoomBets.
The first of these is a 3 month subscription which will cost you £45 per period. The second option is a 6 month subscription which costs £60 and finally, selections for the whole year for £90.
It is worth taking time out at this point to mention that whilst Nick Stephens chooses not to mention it, there is a full 60 day money back guarantee in place courtesy of Clickbank.
In terms of the income potential, since going live at the start of 2015, BoomBets has supposedly made just over 550 points of profit.
Unfortunately, with no real proofing for this I wouldn’t look too much to these figures.
Does the product provide value for money?
Unfortunately, I don’t believe that BoomBets does provide value for money, mostly down to one key concern.
Unfortunately, I am not entirely certain that BoomBets is entirely legitimate as a tipster service.
The first clue is how soon BoomBets has been registered as a website. This is particularly suspect when you consider that Nick Stephens says that he has been trialling BoomBets for several years.
The other thing that I find particularly worrying is the combination of the creator not notifying users of a money back guarantee whilst also ensuring that even the minimum subscription length exceeds the refund period.
This isn’t to say that BoomBets is a scam or anything, but these are definitely things that I would keep in mind when looking at tipster services.