Cash for Codes is an affiliate marketing method that uses copy and pasting developed by Thomas Buckman.
What does the product offer?
Cash for Codes provides users with information on how they can generate income through copying and pasting a single line of code. Thomas Buckman says that his system is ideal for those with no experience in affiliate marketing and that in fact it is beneficial if you approach Cash for Codes with a clear mind.
How does the product work?
Thomas Buckman says that by using Cash for Codes you can disregard the usual methods of affiliate marketing such as having a product or website, nor do you need to optimise your website for search engines or generating web traffic. This is because Cash for Code uses a “Hypersonic Mesh Drive” which according to Thomas Buckman is based on medical technology that was used for locating and cataloguing cells. Quite how this software was modified for affiliate marketing, or why, is never touched upon.
What is the initial investment?
Thomas Buckman “generously” reduces the cost of Cash for Codes to $49 although he claims that it is worth as much as $500. There is a full 60 day money back guarantee in place which is provided by Clicksure.
What is the rate of return?
Cash for Codes can allegedly earn you as much as $700 per day, $21,000 per month or even as high as $252,000 in a year. Thomas Buckman claims to have personally made $103,896.38 in a 30 day period.
Cash for Codes appears to be a lot of bark with no real bite. There is no evidence to suggest that this product works as advertised with no insight into the how’s and why’s. Given the dubious origins of the software and the fact that you do not need a product or website, I fail to see how exactly Cash for Codes makes money. Really Thomas Buckman appears to be more interested in trying to convince people that this is a quick and easy fix to their problems that it is hard to put faith into the product.
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