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Commission Uprising Review

Commission Uprising is offered by Steven Rounds that teaches users how to use CPA marketing to generate revenue.

What does the product offer?

Commission Uprising comes in the form of a video training course and software. The software is a WordPress plugin that seems to create the adverts between links with the videos providing information on using the plugin and how to make the most of CPA marketing. Steven Rounds says that you can use Commission Uprising and CPA marketing to generate massive amounts of income (which will be discussed in more detail later).

How does the product work?

Fundamentally Commission Uprising works by you linking people to other content. In order to view this content they have to input details (for example a name and an email address). You as the marketer then generate income every time somebody inputs their details from a CPA network (it is worth noting that you will have to register with a CPA network before you can start to make any money).

What is the initial investment?

Steven Round makes Commission Uprising available for just $7 if you attempt to leave the main page. There is also a 30 day money back guarantee in place.

What is the rate of return?

In terms of the rate of return on your Commission Uprising, Steven Round claims that you can make as much in a month as most people will earn in a year. He then shows figures that run into thousands of dollars per month including one month where he allegedly made over $23,000.


There is some merit to Commission Uprising in so much as fundamentally the product can work. The fact is that CPA marketing can be a viable revenue stream, as to whether or not the amounts that Steven Round mentions can be achieved is another story. The fact of the matter is that a large number of people have ad blocking software on their computers which will instantly negate your pop up ads. Secondly, as people become more and more tech savvy they are less inclined to give up their details to an unknown website. On these grounds I don’t think you will earn a massive amount of money through Commission Uprising.



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From: Simon Roberts