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Credi Response Review

Credi Response is a new product from Cyril Gupta that allows your Facebook fan pages to automatically interact with people who comment on your posts.

What does the product offer?

It is not very often that I see something that I find something that I consider to be really revolutionary or even that different to the norm. In my line of work, there is a strong sense of “been there and done that” but with Credi Response, it is the first piece of software that I have seen that does what it does. In fact, I find it noteworthy that Cyril Gupta refers to the “only alternative” in the sales material, suggesting that Credi Response is one of only two pieces of software that does what it does.

It is probably time to say what Credi Response does, which is automates interaction with your Facebook followers on a Facebook fan page. Essentially, when somebody comments on your post, you can set up Credi Response to automatically send them a message to their inbox.

This is a fully customised message which is sent automatically. If for some reason you don’t want Credi Response to respond to people instantly, Cyril Gupta has built the software so that you can also set a time delay on it.

You also have the ability to set the software up so that Credi Response can include personalised details such as the name of the person you are messaging as well as things like the date and day.

Credi Response has been designed to work for almost any niche and according to Cyril Gupta can be used by almost anybody who uses Facebook as a part of their marketing efforts.

Credi Response is easy to use and from what I have seen, there is no need for any technical knowledge in order to get the most out of the software.

It is finally worth noting that Cyril Gupta says tat Credi Response s full compatible with the ToS of Facebook. Furthermore, it actually uses Facebook’s own API’s in order to reply to comments (although the standard terms surrounding spam usage still stand).

How does the product work?

There are multiple ways that you can set something like Credi Response to work for you but I feel that this is an occasion whereby the most straightforward is the best.

Cyril Gupta talks at length about utilising Credi Response as a marketing tool, so when people comment on your Facebook fan page posts, you can send them details about the product and see if they require more information etc. Obviously this approach is somewhat at odds with the spam ToS, however I feel that it can be reasonably managed.

There are also people on the sales page for Credi Response who have used the software and they have said that they have used it for a number of different things ranging from giving users free stuff to opening a dialogue with them about what they want from the future.

In this regard, Credi Response is a massively versatile tool that is only really restricted by your Facebook audience.

What is the initial investment?

At the time of writing there are 3 different packages available if you want to sign up for Credi Response. The first of these is the Credi Response Elite Monthly package which allows you to send up to 1,000 messages a month over 2 fan pages. This costs $27 per month.

The next option is the Credi Response Elite Yearly package. This allows you to send up to 2,000 messages per month over 3 fan pages and costs $37 per year (supposedly down from $127 per year0. Finally, there is the Credi Response Elite Lifetime package which costs $42.26 (on a limited time offer down from $197). This allows you to send 3,000 messages a month over 4 fan pages.

Credi Response comes with a full 30 day money back guarantee so should you find that the product isn’t for you in this time scale, you can claim a full refund. It is worth noting however that as Cyril Gupta does sell Credi Response through JVZoo, you will have to claim this directly from the vendor.

What is the rate of return?

There is no real advertised rate of return as such for Credi Response with the team making no direct claims.

There are a few case studies from people who have supposedly used the software, but these come in the main from people who have an existing online business and so shouldn’t be taken as writ.

Personally, I can see Credi Response providing a pretty significant degree of value, and I can also see the software being used to help make a Facebook based business more profitable. What I wouldn’t like to commit to is by what degree this would be to.


I have to hold my hands up and say that what I have seen of Credi Response has been very impressive so far. Whilst it is a long way from a complete marketing tool, it is refreshing to see that Cyril Gupta isn’t trying to market it in such a fashion.

The fact is that what Credi Response does is to a degree polarising and the fact that it only works on Facebook means that the only people who will really get value out of it are those who focus on the social media platform with their marketing.

In terms of the audience interaction side of things, I honestly (and rather unfortunately) don’t believe that Credi Response will work as a direct marketing tool.

Having somebody comment on a product only to have your fan page message them will possibly work in some situations, but it also walks a fine line in terms of spamming.

For my money, Credi Response is best employed as a distribution tool for a sales funnel. I think that a simple message of “Hi, thank you for your comment, if you have any further questions about our product please message me!

By the way, here is some free stuff” will always do better than “I see you know we have a product out. Here is a link to buy it”. The fact is that because Credi Response uses fan pages, you already have a degree of audience captivity.

Credi Response can help that audience become more captive, but it won’t sell something to people who don’t want it in the first place.



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