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Daily Binary Profits Review

Daily Binary Profits is a free product that offers indicators on binary trading. In order to gain access to this you have to sign up through an approved broker.

What does the product offer?

Daily Binary Profits is a downloadable piece of software that shows users the trend of currency pairs. The creators claim that it is able to do this over both short and long term trades and that it is able to provide an average of 120 signals per day which can allegedly predict success with a 91% success rate.

How does the product work?

As with most of the free binary software options available, Daily Binary Profits doesn’t actually make any mention of how it is able to predict movements with such incredible success.

What is the initial investment?

Daily Binary Profits is available for free but you will have to make a deposit with one of the approved brokers, in this case Banc de Binary or Optionfair. These will likely have a minimum deposit which is typically anywhere between $250 and $500.

What is the rate of return?

According to the creators of Daily Binary Profits you can expect to see a return on your investment of over 500% in a short space of time. The fact is that so many numbers are thrown around to entice users it is difficult to gauge what is plausible and what isn’t.


Daily Binary Profits represents part of a wider trend offering free indicators or software for trading binary options. The difference with Daily Binary Profits is that it offers some evidence of it working although this is only a brief video showing two short term trades. In the main these products don’t seem to be worth the effort as they exist solely as a way for marketers to gain commission from binary brokers.

Although Daily Binary Profits presents itself better than its competitors I am still not swayed that this is a viable money making opportunity so I would advise exercising extreme caution.



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