Dan’s Daily Double is a brand new tipster service which is operated by Dan Vickers. He claims that his selections have made a reasonable profit over the last 12 months.
Introduction toDan’s Daily Double
The headline for Dan’s Daily Double reads “Sick of Buying Tips From Dodgy Fraudsters That Just Send You Losing Tips ALL The Time and Bleed Your Betting Bank Dry”, The fact that Dan Vickers is able to ask this question without a trace of irony is a very ballsy move for reasons that I want to get to.
Putting that to one side for now, the picture that is painted here is one of a tipster who has made anywhere from an entirely believable profit, all the way to an entirely unbelievable one, depending on which part of the sales material you choose to read.
The fact of the matter however is this. Dan Vickers is claiming that Dan’s Daily Double is able to make a profit, no matter how questionably he does so. With that in mind, let’s try and see whether this is the real deal or not.
What Does Dan’s Daily Double Offer?
Despite some rather interesting sounding claims about his service, Dan’s Daily Double seems to be very much what you would expect from an online tipster. Selections are issued on a daily basis although Dan Vickers does send them out the night before racing, usually before 11pm.
All that you have to do (as is so often the case with this kind of thing) is place the bets with your bookmaker of choice. It is worth pointing out that there is not a whole lot of quality to the emails that Dan’s Daily Double subscribers receive however.
In terms of the bets that you will receive, it is right there in the title. The whole premise of Dan’s Daily Double is built around using doubles in order to maximise your earning potential. The odds that you can get on these does vary somewhat.
I find it rather interesting that Dan Vickers says that he personally uses Betfair in order to bet. In my opinion, you would be better trying to shop around in order to squeeze the most profit potential out of Dan’s Daily Double.
This brings me on to the staking side of Dan’s Daily Double and this is a part of one of the biggest things that I want to address. Dan Vickers mentions at different points in the sales material about staking £10 and £100 with varying results.
Realistically, you could stake any amount, however I would very much be inclined to stick to level stakes. I wouldn’t be staking large amounts on the selections from Dan’s Daily Double either for reasons that I will explore later.
Moving on to the strike rate for Dan’s Daily Double, I find it particularly noteworthy that there are no claims made. Nor does Dan Vickers provide any proofing for the service either. The closest that this comes is a list of claimed profit and loss on a given month.
At the end of the day, Dan’s Daily Double is a service which is based around doubles, and the whole reason that you get longer odds is because you take on more risk. As such, I wouldn’t expect a particularly high strike rate, something which I do believe plays into Dan Vickers’s hands in the longer term.
How Does Dan’s Daily Double Work?
There is a fair amount of information provided throughout the sales material for Dan’s Daily Double. Unfortunately, there is absolutely no information provided in terms of what the selections process entails.
Dan Vickers says that only last year he was sinking his money into another service that promised thousands a month if he followed their advice. Allegedly, these services were guaranteeing 50-100 points of profit per month (I don’t believe in all the time I have been doing this that any of the questionable services make a claim of points profit).
From here, we are told that Dan Vickers decided that he didn’t want to accept it. “But when [he] finally came to terms [he] decided to give it a go [himself]” he discovered “you can make money from betting as long as you keep your expectations realistic”.
This is of course crap.
You can make money through betting through discipline, hard work, and a level approach. The fact of the matter is that here, Dan’s Daily Double may as well be claimed to operate on the basis of magic. There certainly isn’t a single tangible thing said here.
What is the Initial Investment?
In order to get access to Dan’s Daily Double, Dan Vickers has just one option available. This is to buy a 12 month subscription to the service and it is priced at £30. It is worth noting that this supposedly represents a 75% discount on the claimed real value for Dan’s Daily Double of £120.
I am not entirely convinced by Dan Vickers’s claims in this regard. It is worth pointing out that Dan’s Daily Double is sold through Clickbank and as such, there is a full 60 day money back guarantee in place.
What is the Rate of Return?
The claimed income for Dan’s Daily Double is something that is very interesting and also slightly confusing to me. Over 12 months, Dan Vickers claims that he has made a total profit of £14,600. This is fair enough; however he says at one point that this is to £100 bets.
In the headline however, he says that he is able to make £4,100 per month from £100 bets. Obviously, there is a lot of disparity there and I can’t help but feel that the headlining number has been revised down in order to create a more believable product.
Conclusion on Dan’s Daily Double
There are a lot of inconsistencies when it comes to Dan’s Daily Double. So much so that I don’t entirely know where to start. One of the best and most apparent examples is that Dan’s Daily Double is a horse racing tipster service.
This is talked about several times in the sales material. In spite of this, the banner features images of people engaged in various ball sports, as does the logo. It is a small thing, but this kind of inattention to detail shows elsewhere.
The other, arguably more important discrepancy is one that I have already discussed which is the differences in profit potential. When you set out to create a service, whether it is genuine or entirely to line your own pockets, this kind of thing is just Marketing 101.
The suggestion to me however is that Dan Vickers is slovenly, meaning even if it is a genuine product (which I don’t think that it is), this same problem will be applicable to the service as well.
These massive discrepancies are only one of the many problems with Dan’s Daily Double however. Putting them to one side, there remains the problem that there isn’t actually any evidence to back up any of the claims that Dan Vickers makes.
There are certain standards that I expect from any tipster service and things like proofing are a very straight forward thing to provide. Especially when you factor in that Dan Vickers doesn’t ever tell us anything tangible about his service.
There are plenty more problems that I could raise with Dan’s Daily Double however by this point, I think it is quite apparent that there is a lot about this particular service that just doesn’t sit right.
When this is the case, I also think that it is not unreasonable to reach the conclusion that a service isn’t likely to be good. I certainly haven’t seen anything from Dan Vickers that suggests contrary to this.
As such, whilst I can appreciate that you aren’t necessarily paying a lot for Dan’s Daily Double, it seems to me that you aren’t paying a lot for something that doesn’t really work and that just doesn’t represent value. There really isn’t anything here that makes me believe that this is a genuine service, or that it will work.
In fact, Dan’s Daily Double is probably one of the most questionable services I have looked at for a very long time. This is definitely one to avoid.