Doodly is a new product from Brad Callen and Jimmy Kim that the pair say allows anybody to quickly and easy and create their own doodle videos which can easily be used for marketing purposes.
What does the product offer?
Doodly is a brand new piece of software onto the market from Brad Callen and Jimmy Kim that will supposedly revolutionise your approach to video marketing. The reality of Doodly is that it is another of the many products that create simple line drawings on video for you. These are an increasingly common thing (something that Brad Callen and Jimmy Kim are keen to point out is because they supposedly work).
The software itself is available for both Mac and PC and according to the sales material, is easy to use. So much so that Doodly is advertised as needing no technical skills.
The videos that you output can range in quality going all the way up to 1080p and 60 frames per second which is something that is actually quite impressive for this kind of software.
To get you started, Doodly comes with “100’s of Characters, Props, Images, Fonts and Sounds”. As well as the various template images that come with Doodly, the software also comes with the ability to import your own images and map a path for the software to “draw”.
How does the product work?
The main idea behind Doodly and products like it are that you create videos which you can then supposedly use to great effect in your own marketing campaigns. Brad Callen and Jimmy Kim cite a few examples of products which have used these including one from Brad Callen.
What is the initial investment?
At the time of writing, Brad Callen and Jimmy Kim are selling Doodly for a one time cost of $67. This is supposedly a reduction on the claimed real value of $297. Brad Callen and Jimmy Kim also talk about how they intend to charge at least $67 per month in the immediate future.
There is a 30 day money back guarantee offered when you buy Doodly however as it is sold through JVZoo you have to claim this from the vendors directly.
What is the rate of return?
There aren’t really any claims in terms of how much you can expect to make through Doodly. Instead, the marketing material chooses to focus on the millions that others have made, supposedly as a result of these videos.
I have to hold my hands up and say that I am not necessarily huge on doodle videos. When they are well done, they can work as well as any other form of video marketing.
That having been said, I feel like Doodly is probably one of the better examples of this kind of software that I have looked at before now. The results are surprisingly fluid and don’t look terrible. The fact that you can upload your own images is only a bonus.
If you are into video marketing then Doodly isn’t a bad option, but it isn’t something that is going to magically take your sales to the next level.
Is there something else that will do this for free — or for a lower price? I might be interested in something that simply makes a line drawing based on a picture.