E.V. Profit Alert is a new product which is being marketed through Agora Financial. It has been created by Sean Keyes and will supposedly help identify stocks that are likely to multiply many times over in value.
Introduction E.V. Profit Alert
I never quite understand the approach that Agora Financial have to their marketing. I mean, it has to be successful because they continue to do brisk business, but by God do they go around the houses. Enter E.V. Profit Alert, which claims to have developed a trading approach which is based on the escape velocity of a rocket leaving the Earth’s atmosphere.
I mean… That’s just blatantly not true because formulae simply don’t work like that. Fortunately, Sean Keyes is quick to point out that this formula is more analogous than realistic, although I am still not certain I like the approach. That is personal preference though. The real question is whether or not E.V. Profit Alert can really take your investments to the next level?
What Does E.V. Profit Alert Offer?
As is always the case when it comes to products from Agora Financial, I am inclined to say that you are able to get a hell of a lot for your money at first glance.
In the case of E.V. Profit Alert, email alerts from Sean Keyes when he has identified a company that could hit “escape velocity”, a copy of a book that highlights three companies that his VELOCITY TRADING SYSTEM has already identified (I will talk a little more about this shortly), a number of “bonuses” that include a number of books relating to the VELOCITY TRADING SYSTEM, a copy of Sean Keyes’s book “Market of 2023: The Five Biggest Investment Stories of the Next Five Years”, and guides to selling and buying stocks in the US.
If you ask my opinion, there are two main things which are at the core of E.V. Profit Alert. The first of these is access to Sean Keyes’s selections.
These are rather interesting in so much as, you will receive alerts when they are identified, as well as receiving both buy and sell signals. This is opposed to some products I have looked at through the financial arm of Agora Financial that rely on a monthly newsletter or the sort and have come with somewhat vague instruction.
Sean Keyes says that these email alerts are typically sent out by 2.30pm. The fact that stock prices tend to move relatively slowly mean that you aren’t shackled to a computer if you follow the advice.
Building off of this, and in my opinion, arguably what you are relying on upfront is access to three current stock that Sean Keyes has identified for E.V. Profit Alert.
These each come with detailed reports and to credit Sean Keyes, allow you to make an informed decision on whether or not they are for you. This last part is particularly important as a massive part of the VELOCITY TRADING SYSTEMand E.V. Profit Alert are the risk involved with investment and managing this.
Finally, I want to look at the so called bonuses. If I am completely honest, I can’t help but feel like a number of these should simply be counted as a part of the wider E.V. Profit Alert package. Given that Bonus One details how Sean Keyes has identified companies using the VELOCITY TRADING SYSTEM, I can’t help but feel that this should be an inherent part of the product.
Meanwhile, the look at the business model of companies that E.V. Profit Alert will typically recommend feels like it should be a part of Bonus One. Bonus Four is about trading overseas stocks, something that E.V. Profit Alert actively recommends and should just be include in my opinion. This leaves a book authored by Sean Keyes and access to webinars which should also arguably be included. These do not add any real value to E.V. Profit Alert in my opinion.
How Does E.V. Profit Alert Work?
E.V. Profit Alert as a wider product is based on the VELOCITY TRADING SYSTEM, something which I have mentioned a number of times. Sean Keyes describes this as standing for the multiple factors for a stock to require in order to potentially reach “escape velocity”. It looks like this:
V – Volume: there may be high recent trading volume
E – Effective: the product or service must be good
L – Loss Making: the company must be making a loss
O – Operating Costs: product or service must be cost-effective
C – Catalyst: there must be a clear reason for change
I – Industry: must operate in an appropriate industry
T – Tailwind: there should be good people behind the company
Y – Young: the company should be early in its lifespan
This is all very interesting and I will admit that Sean Keyes’s approach does have merit. In fact, I would go as far as to say that in terms of the things I have looked at, E.V. Profit Alert is pretty unique. The fundamental however isn’t.
Essentially, what you are doing when investing in these companies is how much they will be worth in the future.
Typically speaking you will be looking at tech firms with low overheads who are working on ideas that have much wider implications. When bigger companies want to get involved, share prices go up and you make a profit with it. This is something of an over simplification of E.V. Profit Alert, however, I do believe that it is a fair way of explaining the methodology.
What is the Initial Investment?
In the sales material for E.V. Profit Alert, Sean Keyes and Agora Financial say that it would typically cost you £1,297 in order to subscribe to the service for a year. There is however an “introductory” price at the moment which means that you can get full access for a discount of £300 bringing the cost down to £997.
That is still a massive amount of money and you have to pay all that in one up front cost. It is worth noting however that Sean Keyes and Agora Financial do offer a refund in the first 30 days if you aren’t happy with E.V. Profit Alert.
What is the Rate of Return?
There aren’t necessarily any explicit claims in terms of the income potential of E.V. Profit Alert. Sean Keyes is very careful to point out that the end results with investments can vary wildly and I think that this is something that should definitely be kept in mind.
With that having been said, one of the many headlines for E.V. Profit Alert makes reference to potential gains that are in excess of 1,000%. It is entirely plausible that the right companies under the right circumstances could well demonstrate this level of return. These returns would potentially be over a good few years and would require a large investment to be considered worthwhile in my opinion.
Conclusion on E.V. Profit Alert
As is quite often the case with products from Agora Financial, reaching a conclusion on E.V. Profit Alert is a bit of a difficult thing to do There are a lot of reasons for that. One of the main aspects is that Sean Keyes’s product is entirely speculative. This means that there is very little historical evidence to suggest that the 1,000% plus returns that you can supposedly expect will be delivered.
I believe that there is definitely the potential there for it to deliver, however there is no definitive answer for the future. Furthermore, the examples that are provided as “demonstrating” that E.V. Profit Alert has worked don’t really stand up to any scrutiny.
The core premise is one that I believe has potential to work. Really, what Sean Keyes is doing is a pretty smart idea. The fact of the matter is that the tech sector (which is where the majority of E.V. Profit Alert is likely to be) is built around patents and owning an idea that larger companies will pay to license.
Now, that isn’t to say that this is exclusively what you will be dealing with and I believe Sean Keyes when he says that there is more to E.V. Profit Alert. Furthermore, I like that there is no gimmicky “if x then y” system.
One of the things that really stands out to me and I think that you need to keep in mind is the fact that E.V. Profit Alert is ultimately investment advice. This is in direct contrast to trading where everything is much more immediate and responsive. Naturally, and as discussed this does have an impact on the quantities of investment advice you will receive.
Arguably the biggest question for me comes in relation to the concept of value for money. There is no sugar coating the fact that E.V. Profit Alert is very expensive. £1,000 is a hell of a lot of money no matter how you want to dress it up. That doesn’t however mean that you aren’t getting value for money.
This ties in to the profit side of things rather nicely for me. I think that you really need a bit of capital in order to make this worthwhile. If it takes 3 years for a VELOCITY TRADING SYSTEM stock to take off, you will have paid nearly £3,500. That means that you need minimum returns of £3,500 overall.
Is E.V. Profit Alert a bad product? I don’t believe that it is. It is somewhat niche and will definitely not suit everybody, but that doesn’t mean that it is bad. Really, it is all a question about how much money you have to invest, how much you are willing to invest, and how willing you are to take on the risk.
The fact of the matter is that the VELOCITY TRADING SYSTEM behind E.V. Profit Alert inherently deals with investment opportunities that carry risk. Whilst you may well see 1,000% plus in terms of returns, it wouldn’t take a lot for these stocks to go the other way.
Unfortunately, I have to reach a conclusion that is a bit of a cop out really. E.V. Profit Alert will work very well for some people, and those reading this who it will work for will already know. If you are sat on the fence, then it probably isn’t for you.
Of course, if you are willing to make the investment and don’t mind taking the punt, there is always the fact that Agora Financial provide a 30 day money back guarantee.