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Easy Race Profits Review

Easy Race Profits is a new horse racing tipster service from Simon Whittaker that he claims can generate substantial profits with minimal staking.

What does the product offer?

Easy Race Profits is a near daily horse racing service that is seemingly based on taking advantage of good odds to profit. This isn’t all that there is to Easy Race Profits as I will explore. As far as horse racing tipster services go, Easy Race Profits isn’t anything special in terms of operation or results.

The service averages between 40 and 60 bets per month meaning just 2 per day, all of which are straight back to win bets.

Simon Whittaker recommends staking just £10 per bet which appears to be to help minimise losses when they inevitably occur as at the time of writing, this has run to a maximum losing streak if 11 bets so far for 2016 which means that this figure is likely to be broken before the year is out.

In terms of the strike rate, Simon Whittaker claims that over 2015 he averaged 35.74% whilst 2016 is slightly lower at 34.59% however higher odds mean that it remains profitable.

How does the product work?

Simon Whittaker makes several references to his method of selection however he doesn’t really go into any detail on how it works. He does say that he decided to start developing his own system (which would go on to be the driving force behind Easy Race Profits) after losing money through paid tipsters. There is also reference made to reading form as well as “research” but unfortunately, this is all the information that Easy Race Profits gives us.

What is the initial investment?

There are two options if you want to sign up for Easy Race Profits which are a 60 day trial at a cost of £20 or alternatively, you can pay £50 for the rest of 2016.

What is interesting is that selections for all of 2016 and the trial period are both sold through Clickbank which means that whichever option you go for, there will actually be a 60 day money back guarantee.

What is the rate of return?

Over 2015 Easy Race Profits allegedly made a profit of 99 points which isn’t great. For 2016, Easy Race Profits has made more than this in just a few months according to Simon Whittaker.


The numbers for Easy Race Profits aren’t too shabby at all and perhaps most importantly, the service is fully proofed and showing a profit.

That doesn’t mean that Easy Race Profits doesn’t come with risk, in fact from what I have seen there is perhaps more risk with this than most other tipster services I have looked at.

The losses for Easy Race Profits are coming pretty thick and fast and really, there are only a few pretty big wins that are balancing the books. Personally I would possibly consider Easy Race Profits however I would also want to watch it for a few months to see how Simon Whittaker’s form continues for the coming year.


Comments (2)

I signed up to easy race profits in March i paid £50 for tips for the rest of 2016 everything was going ok until 2 days ago when they just stopped sending the tips ive e.mailed them but had no reply does anyone know whats going on

Hit my box today 15/8/22 – Are they surviving or just looking into their toy box bringing out their old toys? I wont dismiss but i also wont proceed at the current time

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