Elite Marketing Pro is advertised by Tim Erway as a complete package for users who wish to start generating traffic for their business.
What does the product offer?
Elite Marketing Pro provides users with a number of different marketing methods that according to creator Tim Erway are all practically guaranteed to be high converting. These involve using a number of different marketing techniques. These are composed of a combination of tools (such as capture pages, blogs and a “traffic getting content marketer tool”), training and other resources that when brought together make up the bulk of Elite Marketing Pro.
How does the product work?
Essentially it looks like Elite Marketing Pro is the sum of all its parts. By applying the various different tools etc. you should be able to theoretically generate traffic for your site. This doesn’t stop Tim Erway from pushing magnetic sponsoring a lot through Elite Marketing Pro, a network marketing method developed by Mike Dillard.
What is the initial investment?
Elite Marketing Pro is marketed at a cost of $47 per month however when you try to close the website you will be offered your first month for a $1 cost after which subsequent months will come in at the usual cost. Alternatively you can pay $297 in a one time fee to get the complete service for a year. There is not money back guarantee however if you are paying monthly then you can cancel whenever.
What is the rate of return?
The figures thrown about for Elite Marketing Pro range from $2,000 per month to almost 5 figures per month. These are all in testimonials and there is no evidence to support these claims however.
I have looked at a number of products like Elite Marketing Pro and honestly, they very rarely seem to work. Aside from this you are paying a lot of money for tools that you can generally pick up individually for a lot less than the $47 per month that you are paying for Elite Marketing Pro. There are other niggles that I could talk about, for example the now tired and clichéd story about how Tim Erway turned his life around etc. Really, there’s nothing in Elite Marketing Pro that hasn’t been seen before in some form or another and personally, I’d recommend giving this a miss.