Created by Aidan Corkery and Art Flair, FB Traffic Enigma is a product that aims to show users a method of generating free traffic through the social media website Facebook.
What is the product?
If you have used Facebook marketing before, then I will open by saying that you have probably seen the exact same methods that FB Traffic Enigma teaches. In terms of what the product actually is, it is a video based training course that focuses on Facebook marketing (I will look at the method properly below). Aidan Corkery and Art Flair sell FB Traffic Enigma as being a straight forward course that requires no special skills, understanding or knowledge making it accessible to anybody.
The training is presented in an over the shoulder view that talks you through what you should be doing whilst demonstrating this on a case study. This allows you to see on a step by step basis what FB Traffic Enigma is showing you and how to implement it into your own example which isn’t a bad thing. In fact, the standard of training isn’t the problem with FB Traffic Enigma, so much as what it shows you.
Without going into too much detail (because honestly, there isn’t fundamentally all that much to go into), FB Traffic Enigma shows you a method of marketing through Facebook groups.
The core premise is that you build a group and then start marketing products on an affiliate basis to them. FB Traffic Enigma is that simple. There are also a number of bonuses included which range from a webinar to additional training on using Facebook as a marketing platform and even information on how to outsource.
What is the investment vs. the rate of return?
Aidan Corkery and Art Flair have launched FB Traffic Enigma on a dime sale through Warrior Plus sales platform. This means that whilst the price of $9.67 is correct at the time of writing, it may be more when you come to buy.
I don’t however believe that it will ever reach the “actual” value of $47.
There is a 30 day money back guarantee in place however the sales platform means that you will have to claim this directly from the vendor. In terms of the income potential, the main selling point is that you can expect to make $100 per day however all of the evidence suggests that actually, $150 plus per day is more likely. Personally, I don’t really see either being plausible outside of the occasional “good day”.
Does the product provide value for money?
Given the methods that FB Traffic Enigma involves, I simply don’t see FB Traffic Enigma as being worthwhile.
Conclusion on FB Traffic Enigma?
The main problem that I have with FB Traffic Enigma is that it doesn’t do anything new, and it doesn’t do it well enough to warrant the cost in my opinion. Top all of this off with the fact that a simple search online can reveal similar methods for free. The thing is that using Facebook groups is an old method and whilst proven, is time consuming. I just don’t see how it’s worth spending $10 on training in this case.