Football Index Investor is a new to market tipster service which takes an approach that, to my knowledge, is entirely unique. It comes from the team at The Bet Chat and is operated by Adam Gibbs.
Introduction to Football Index Investor
You see tipster services for a lot of different things these days. Let’s be honest here, at the time of writing this, the whole Covid-19 pandemic has changed the face of betting for the foreseeable future. And with it, there have been a lot of very dodgy tipster services that have come out of the woodwork. As such, the tipster market is arguably more treacherous now than it has ever been before.
But, today’s subject, Football Index Investor is something that I am actually quite keen to look at. Because it is one of the first releases from The Bet Chat (which I plan to review separately at a later date). This is a team who are actually very much above board, and in this case, I am confident that the service isn’t some knee jerk reaction to what is going on. And a well thought out and genuine tipster service is something of a rarity at the moment.
So, I am genuinely quite excited to jump into Football Index Investor and see whether or not this is something that can work for every day punters. And with Adam Gibbs (the guy providing selections) supposedly a master of this area, it all really shapes up to be a potentially very strong option. So, let’s dive in and see whether or not this is the real deal.
What Does Football Index Investor Offer?
As far as tipster services go, Football Index Investor is really a pretty unique thing. For a lot of different reasons. But so long as the service is well managed, being different doesn’t have to mean that it is in any way bad. In actual fact, it can be something that really works in the favour of both punters and tipsters.
Because of all of this, it does mean that reviewing Football Index Investor is a bit different to reviewing most tipster services. The nature of the service means that there aren’t hard and fast rules. Something that I actually welcome. If Adam Gibbs were putting out tips on a daily basis, I’d be a little bit concerned to be honest.
Instead, selections are typically sent out on a weekly basis. And they aren’t really selections in the typical sense of the word either. Instead, what you get from Football Index Investor is more akin to a newsletter. This covers a number of topics relating to selections, the general market, and a host of other thing.
And full credit to Adam Gibbs. From what I have seen so far, it is an engaging and interesting read. This in an of itself is no easy feat. Honestly, I look at that many tipster services that I get tired of simply seeing “time, event, bet type” repeated five times landing in my inbox.
So, Football Index Investor is very different to anything else on the market. And a big part of that is because of what you are betting on. Or trading on is perhaps a better explanation. Because you can’t talk about Football Index Investor without addressing the Football Index element.
For those of you who don’t know what it is, Football Index is akin to a stock market, but for football players. I don’t think it is something I have ever talked about here before, but I am very much aware of it. And whilst I will go into more detail below, I can categorically state that is a very interesting creature indeed.
The idea is that as players play, or don’t, they have a “market value”. Ultimately, this is dictated by a number of elements, from the markets, to match days, to the media. For example, if you look at a player like Bruno Fernandes, he was “valued” at around £5. Since then, his scintillating form for Manchester United has seen his “value” almost double.
This means that if you’d “invested” £100 in him at that time, your “investment” would now be worth almost £200. It’s all fundamentally very straight forward. With that said, it can be a very difficult market to crack, which is exactly where Football Index Investor comes into it. I will talk about it in more detail shortly, but the long and short of it is that knowledge is key.
Now, the advice that you get from Adam Gibbs can be a varied affair. Whilst there is a general sense that this is about building a portfolio that is profitable long term, there are 3 key “types” of selection you will receive.
The first of these are probably what you would expect. They are players who should see “steady long-term gains”. This is equivalent really to investing in a company like, say, Apple. They will always do well and the share price will reflect this.
Next there are “exciting fast moving short-term profits”. These are players that are likely to see a short and sharp increase in value that can be capitalised on. Ultimately, I think that these are higher risk, however, they inevitably carry the potential to drastically increase profits.
Finally, Adam Gibbs looks at players who have predictable dividend pay-outs. Because, just like with shares in a business, Football Index pays out dividends when players are performing well. This means that whilst your longer term investments are maturing, you are still receiving some consistent income as well.
And finally, on top of the core product, it is worth noting that Football Index Investor comes with Adam Gibbs’s guide to football trading. This gives you insight into the strategy for the season and covers a broader and longer term array of topics. It is a useful thing, but claiming that it is worth an additional £47 seems like a stretch to me.
It is worth noting as a final aside that if you sign up for Football Index Investor, there is also an additional offering. This allows you to receive Adam Gibbs’s report on Euro 2021 and what you need to do to win on Football Index. This is priced at £9.97 (a one time cost) and represents a discount on the “claimed value” which is again, £47.
How Does Football Index Investor Work?
I won’t lie, I’m quite impressed with Football Index Investor so far, however, a big part of the service boils down to how it all works. And whilst Adam Gibbs isn’t too informative on the sales page, the wider The Bet Chat website does provide plenty of insight.
Now at the centre of it all is, of course, Adam Gibbs. He has been trading on Football Index “for years”, but actually since 2017. However, prior to using the site he says that he as invested a huge amount of time into learning about football and more specifically, a lot of niche areas.
He mentions playing Fantasy Premier League for about 10 years and sinking time into Football Manager (which hardly sounds like credentials, but that latter is an increasingly large part of real life scouting with a database that is generally considered to be very accurate). We are told that this has allowed him to know teams and players from around the world including niche leagues like Latvia and Malaysia.
This kind of thing can be very important as, just like real trading, a bit part of shorter term gains with Football Index is getting those smaller players (akin to penny shares). Now there is an argument to be made that this is hardly detailed, but if you are signed up and receiving the newsletter, you are ultimately getting the best insight into how Football Index Investor works.
What is the Initial Investment?
If you want to sign up to Football Index Investor, there is just one option. This is a recurring monthly subscription which is priced at £29.97. Now it is worth noting that at the time of writing, this is being referred to as “pioneer pricing” and can supposedly go up in value. Unfortunately, there is no context provided for what this may be to.
Another thing that is worth noting is that Adam Gibbs and The Bet Chat offer a full 60 day money back guarantee should you find that Football Index Investor isn’t for you. Now this is vendor backed, but I don’t believe that you will really have problems in this regard.
What is the Rate of Return?
Looking at how much you can make from something like Football Index Investor is a difficult thing to do. Ultimately, it will massively depend on how much you are wiling to invest. Now one of the things that I do think is a bit misleading is that the sales material suggests that making 6 figure incomes is very possible, or that dividend pay-outs in the thousands are commonplace.
Unfortunately, the examples that are given seem to come from other traders, not Adam Gibbs. What he demonstrates is a dividend pay-out of £284.83 (with no info on how much was invested) and a £428.75 profit on a player added over Christmas (based off an investment of £507.64).
The fact of the matter is that realistically, I can see you making money with this, so long as you have enough to invest. It seems incredibly obvious, but if you aren’t putting in a decent amount of money here, your returns are going to be quite minimal.
Conclusion for Football Index Investor
The Football Index is a very interesting way of making money through sports betting. Betting probably isn’t the right word, but I hope you know what I mean. In actual fact, I think that it is a bit if a game changer and in time, will become a standard that is probably duplicated (much in the way that Betfair’s exchange was).
Is Football Index Investor the right way to go about making money from it? That is the real question that exists here. And it is a difficult one to answer. You see, pretty much anybody with half a football brain and a big enough bank can make money off this. It is much easier than betting or trading on commodities etc. where there are massive amounts of variables.
But in order to do that, you are talking about tens of thousands of pounds. Numbers that most people simply don’t have sitting around. I mentioned that there are examples given of big pay outs. Let me put that into context. A £1,357.25 dividend on Bruno Fernandes involved 10,000 shares. This could mean anywhere from around £45,000 to £104,000 invested if they were bought over the last 3 months.
This brings me to one of the biggest things that I think needs to be considered with Football Index Investor, and Adam Gibbs doesn’t really mention it unfortunately. That is the fact that this isn’t a particularly liquid system. Especially when it comes to those longer term gains, you can have quite a lot of your bank tied up.
Using that example above, you have enough tied up in a player to buy a house. And whilst there is obviously the option to withdraw that whenever you want, you still have to sell your shares etc. Which when you are looking at that kind of money, can be difficult.
Now, coming back to the question about whether or not Football Index Investor is good enough? This all really depends on what you are comparing it to. In and of itself, there is nothing on the market that is really comparable to my knowledge. As such, this makes it very interesting to those who are new to the platform, especially on those quick turn around players.
Here’s the thing. I want to preface what I am about to say by saying that I think that Bet Chat and Adam Gibbs have done a solid job here. I believe that it will all work and Adam Gibbs seems to know his stuff.
However, I do think it would be naïve of me not to mention that Bet Chat also push Football Index heavily as an affiliate. Sure, they have money to make and there is good synergy here. And I would hope that this service isn’t being used to leverage new users through an affiliate link. I don’t think that is the case, but it would be remiss of me not to mention it.
So, with all of that out of the way, I think that that I can say if you are interested in Football Index, this is worth some serious consideration. It is a rather unique product that really is well put together. With that said though, compared to the wider network of betting services though, I think that there are simply better options out there that I would consider first.