Footy Multiplier is a brand new sports betting tipster service which is operated by one Andrew Whiteley. He claims that he is able to turn relatively small starting bets into a substantial weekly profit.
Introduction to Footy Multiplier
I must profess to being something of a fan of the understated. In a world where tipster services with ridiculous claims and headlines like “Smash £120,000 per year, guaranteed! Bash the Bookies!! Tell your Boss to stick his job!!!”.
We’ve all seen them and I feel like on a subconscious level, I barely glance at this kind of clearly crap claim. What I do look out for though are tipster services that can quietly and efficiently go about making money.
A cursory glance at the sales material for Footy Multiplier would make it seem like this most definitely isn’t such a system.
There appears to be plenty of evidence in the form of winning online bet slips, and Andrew Whitely is seemingly quite realistic with the numbers that he talks about. All of this seems like some strong positives. Combine all of this with a low purchase price and it makes Footy Multiplier a guaranteed winner surely? Let’s scratch the service and see just how above board this all is.
What Does Footy Multiplier Offer?
As far as tipster services go, Footy Multiplier doesn’t have a whole lot in common with the majority of tipster services that I usually look at. First and foremost, this is a seemingly specialised service with Andrew Whitely only issuing bets for the weekends.
These are then issued on a Friday, Saturday and Sunday, directly via email. All that you have to do is bet along with the tips which are sent out by Footy Multiplier, although it is arguably worth mentioning that from what I have seen, there aren’t huge amounts of detail here.
In terms of the bets themselves, there are a wide variety of markets covered with Footy Multiplier. This is something that I was expecting from the offset given some of the things that Andrew Whitely says.
Honestly, there is a lot of variation across the bets. This ranges from the volume of bets (which can get quite high on occasion, especially over the whole weekend). The odds that are involved with Footy Multiplier are also somewhat varied. With that having been said, there are some restrictions which simply come about from the available odds when it comes to football betting.
In terms of the stakes, this is a key part of how Footy Multiplier works. You start your weekend staking £30 across all bets that are advised on Friday. From there, Andrew Whitely says that you should then increase your stakes for the next day, again, staking all of your winnings from the first day as well as the initial £30.
If you have over £120 at this point, you take £60 out and then repeat this process on the Sunday with any remaining money. This is where Footy Multiplier has a view to cashing in everything on a final big win.
So finally, we come to the strike rate, and well, this is where the waters start to muddy around Footy Multiplier. Whilst Andrew Whitely is mostly transparent about what the service entails (a good thing and make no mistake), when it comes to information, we are left slightly more in the dark. There is seemingly lots of evidence as I have already mentioned.
In fact, there are actually 14 different screenshots of betting slips. There is however no context for this, and the sales material for Footy Multiplier seems to be just 2 example weeks.
How Does Footy Multiplier Work?
There are two elements to how Footy Multiplier works. The first of these that I Want to talk about is the selection process, or more specifically, the lack thereof. Andrew Whitely talks a good game about his betting prowess. At no point however are we given any insight into what approach he uses for his tips.
This is something that I have always said as a punter you should be provide with, but in the case of Footy Multiplier I think it applies doubly so. As far as I am concerned, the approach of Andrew Whitely is more important than ever as it really feels like this is an “all or nothing” service.
This brings me on to the second aspect of Footy Multiplier which I have fundamentally already explained in the staking plan. The problem that I have with this is that Andrew Whitely almost seems to be betting to lose. Whilst I can genuinely appreciate that everybody has a different approach, this seems somewhat reckless to me.
What is the Initial Investment?
There are two options available for Footy Multiplier. The first of these is a one time payment of £40. For this, you get full access to Andrew Whitely’s selections for the remainder of the season. In the sales material, this is referred to as a limited time offer, however I am writing this after it has elapsed and it is still available.
Alternatively, you can “Pay as you profit”. This means paying £20 upfront to Andrew Whitely. If Footy Multiplier is profitable for the week, then you have to pay £20 in order to receive the next weeks selections. If you aren’t profitable, then Andrew Whitely says he will keep sending tips until you are £30 into profit.
I feel like it is worth noting that whilst it isn’t explicitly mentioned in the sales material for Footy Multiplier, there is a full 60 day money back guarantee in place. This is because Andrew Whitely is selling the service through the Clickbank platform.
What is the Rate of Return?
There aren’t large quantities of information about how much you can expect to make from Footy Multiplier. In fact, the results are rather limited with just 2 example weekends available. These have shown profit in excess of £200 for each weekend however I am very sceptical that this is not a typical result. Given that you are starting with £30 on Friday, this means that you can expect to increase your initial stake sevenfold over an apparently typical weekend.
Conclusion on Footy Multiplier
There are two main problems that I have with Footy Multiplier. First of all, there is the whole approach. I can appreciate Andrew Whitely’s point of view that you are only ever betting £30 and on paper, there is some merit to this claim.
Unfortunately, you have to quadruple your money over two days, just in order to be able to place a big bet on your long shot on Sunday. This sounds reasonable written out and I have a feeling that the marketer behind Footy Multiplier knows this. But the reality is that I don’t know a single bettor who would recommend taking a 4 fold increase on a betting bank, and investing half of that in a long shot. It just doesn’t make good betting sense.
There are exceptions to this. For example, if you were backing bets that are quality and all but guaranteed to win, then you may see all of this a little different. Unfortunately, and honestly, not at all surprisingly, you aren’t with Footy Multiplier. Andrew Whitely make absolutely nothing that suggests that the results which are demonstrated are in any way attainable in the long term.
The fact that there are only two examples shown strongly suggests that these are exceptions rather than the rule. After all, if Footy Multiplier could genuinely do this consistently, you would want to show that. Combine this with the fact that there is no proofing and the whole thing starts to fall apart.
We are talking about basic evidence her and either Andrew Whitely just isn’t that professional, or Footy Multiplier is based around potentially fabricated results. I am more inclined to lean towards the latter than the former.
This is somewhat backed up by the vendor who is selling Footy Multiplier through Clickbank. They are a name that is pretty well known to me which suggests that the service exists more to turn a quick profit for a marketer than to sell a genuine and well thought out betting service.
With all of this in mind, not even the low cost of Footy Multiplier can make this something that I would see as worthwhile. The fact of the matter is that there are a lot of tipster services on the market and if yours isn’t going to make you money, it doesn’t matter how inexpensive it is, you will ultimately just be losing money.
As such, I would give Footy Multiplier a wide berth personally.