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Fusion Forex Robot Review

Fusion Forex Robot is an automated Forex trading robot developed by Jamie Sykes.

What does the product offer?

Jamie Sykes claims that Fusion Forex Robot is specially designed for smaller traders with a focus on profit and sustainability. He says that Fusion Forex Robot will help users to trade with a purpose that is based on logic and understanding. Further to all this Jamie Sykes says that Fusion Forex Robot works with any account size starting as low as $100 and is 100% automatic and can run 24/7.

How does the product work?

Fusion Forex Robot seems to be based on Jamie Sykes experience in trading but doesn’t really go into any detail. He can only say that Fusion Forex Robot is a ground breaking piece of software and that it follows current trends rather than past trends.

What is the initial investment?

Fusion Forex Robot is available for a onetime fee of $97 which provides you with access to the software. There is also a 60 day money back guarantee in place should you be unhappy with the product.

What is the rate of return?

In terms of a return on your investment, Jamie Sykes claims that Fusion Forex Robot has been able to turn $10,000 into $385,794.61 over a 3 year period.


Initially Fusion Forex Robot doesn’t look all that different to its rivals but when you start looking at the evidence that Jamie Sykes has offered you realise that he has done something rather unique. Where many Forex trading bots may provide 6 months or even a years worth of results, Fusion Forex Robot provides an unprecedented 3 years of results to comb over.

This goes someway to counteracting the lack of information about how Fusion Forex Robot works although it is not enough to eradicate it. The fact is saying that his software follows current trends is all well and good but unless Jamie Sykes provides some insight into how it allegedly does this I would personally exercise caution.



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From: Simon Roberts