Jackpot247 is an offering from ITV on late night TV, but is there any chance you can win money using their roulette wheel, we find out
What does the product offer?
The offer is that you can play roulette late at night, using the enticement of a free bonus payment.
How does the product work?
This is basic roulette, and viewers watch the wheel spin round on their TV. The programme also shows other people apparently playing at the same time, which is used to encourage activity and new join ups. When a spin of the wheel has ended they then show you on the screen a batch on names who they claim have won. There is no way to prove this though.
What is the initial investment?
Although bonuses are stated, you will usually have to make a deposit in order to claim the offered bonus. This creates the illusion that you are gaining, but when you factor in that you have almost zero chance of winning the bonus becomes irrelevant, because they will gain that back through losing ‘bets’, or spins of the wheel.
What is the rate of return?
As this is blatant gambling, with no methodology behind it, the rate of return is probably going to be zero, and a loss is made. Some may claim this is a ‘bit of fun’, but when people are looking at gambling late at night, often after having a night out, there is no possible way a gain can be achieved.
In our opinion, if you like paying for fun, with no chance of a long term return, then you may like to try it. If you are looking to actually make a profit from Jackpot247.com, then we advise you to look elsewhere. Although we encourage you to apply caution after you have had alcohol, and as already mentioned.
The fact that this programme is shown very late at night, there is an increased chance that many viewers will be tired, and have been drinking beverages, which increases the likelihood of paying the programme over and above what they would if they were sober, and less tired.
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