Loves Racing is a new horse racing tipster service which is operated by one Brett Love. It appears to provide consistent profits and has showed a lot of initial promise.
Introduction to Loves Racing
I have on occasion been known to be wrong (many occasions if you ask the missus), I have to put that out there in order to create some context for Loves Racing. When I was first introduced to this and saw the headline “Ex Pro Footballer Earns his Living Betting Top Grade Horses in High Class Races”, I immediately expected crap.
I read on anticipating some cock and bull story about how some supposed pro footballer spent their fortune on horse racing and became friends with top trainers and jockeys. I was expecting stories of hobnobbing with the horse racing elite, only to have a career cut short and these friends to offer him the best inside information so that he can make a living through betting. I have a lot of egg on my face, because Loves Racing is very much a genuine service and may well be the real deal.
What Does Loves Racing Offer?
Now that I have thoroughly finished my humble pie, I want to turn to Loves Racing as a service because there is a hell of a lot to like here. Selections are a long way from every day. In fact, since November, Brett Love has advised just 156 selections. During a trial period, there were just 90 selections advised over a 4 month period.
These are sent out via email and generally speaking are actually sent out the day before the races. I should also point out that the quantity does increase during festivals.
All bets are advised through Loves Racing are either win or each way however you will see a lot more of the latter than the former. This is in no small fact down Brett Love’s selection process which apparently has a focus on finding bets for Loves Racing that have longer odds. As an example of this, throughout March, the lowest odds advised were “just” 4/1 however the highest odds, well into double figures.
This kind of betting does come with some risk and as such, there needs to be a reasonable staking plan in place. It doesn’t come as a surprise to me however that Brett Love has taken care of this. Win bets are advised to be backed at 1 or 2 points whilst each way bets are backed at 0.5 points each way or 1 point each way. Combined with the selective nature of Loves Racing, this makes for a very sustainable approach.
Sticking with the numbers side of things, I want to talk about the strike rate for Loves Racing. This is a bit of a difficult thing to gauge however due to a disparity in results. Whilst Brett Love was proofing Loves Racing to the Betting School Insiders Club, the strike rate was an incredible (especially given the odds) 41%.
Since the service launched however, we have seen a hugely reduced strike rate of around 20%. Whilst it would be easy to make this an average of 30%, I don’t believe that this creates proper context for things.
How Does Loves Racing Work?
Brett Love supposedly comes from a long line of “horse racing experts, pro gamblers and tipsters”. So much so that his landing a place with West Bromwich Albion is referred to as letting the family down in the sales material. This is important n the context of how Loves Racing works because it is the only information that we are given about how Brett Love makes selections.
Put bluntly there is a complete lack of information in this regard and it is a massive disappointment. Whilst it is very easy to see that there is a value element to Loves Racing, when somebody is as selective as Brett Love is, I would generally enough information to make an informed decision as to what I am getting myself into as a potential customer.
What is the Initial Investment?
There is only one option if you want to sign up to Loves Racing and this is to subscribe on a monthly basis at a cost of £59.99 per month. Payment for this is handled directly via Paypal and there doesn’t appear to be any money back guarantee in place. This is however typical for a lot of tipster services and I don’t believe that it really counts against Loves Racing.
What is the Rate of Return?
The income potential is one of the things that really stands out about the service. During the trial period, the profit was an incredible 293.2 points based off best odds guaranteed which represents and ROI of 94.3%. Keeping in mind that this is also based on reasonable stakes and it is extra impressive. Arguably more so though is the 186.78 points that would have been made to Betfair SP.
Unfortunately, this form has seen a dip since Loves Racing went live with a profit of 65 points proofed to BOG. This would of course drop even more for Betfair SP. Meanwhile, between Cheltenham and Aintree, Brett Love has guided Loves Racing to a combined profit of 76 points.
Conclusion on Loves Racing
I am always conflicted whenever it comes to something like Loves Racing for several reasons. Historically, the results are strong however by the same token Brett Love has been live for long enough that the present stream of results cannot quite be considered a blip. Throwing another spanner in the works is the fact that the festival results have been absolutely outstanding. So where do you go from here without giving a copout answer?
The historic results and the festivals have produced some incredibly strong results and that is where I want to focus first of all. Looking at these two big winning aspects, we see a profit of more or less 360 points. This is the standard that Loves Racing should be held to and compared to that, the live results have been massively disappointing. But here is the fact of the matter.
Even when it isn’t performing particularly well, Loves Racing has still made money. If you asked me if I would take 12 points of profit per month plus an extra 70 over festivals, I would be content with this, at least at the right price.
This brings me nicely onto the other aspect of Loves Racing which requires a lot of consideration and that is the price. £60 per month is a hell of a lot for a tipster service. If we were looking at results that were the quality of the trial, it would be a no brainer but in the cold hard light of day I can’t get around the fact that we are not.
For my money, Loves Racing is a bit of a risky punt if I am completely honest. It is expensive, and that makes it difficult to say that it there is value to be had. The recent results are also far from ideal.
In spite of all of this, I am inclined to believe that Brett Love can return to his previous form. Tipsters inevitably have ups and downs and Brett Love’s down is that he isn’t making as much. What I am getting at is that we haven’t seen losses. And the potential is there for the results to improve again. With this in mind, if you can afford to sink £60 per month into a service with potential then Loves Racing is worth some serious consideration.
The fact is however that this isn’t going to be many people and to those who don’t I would be inclined to give Loves Racing a look back in a few months to see where the results are then.