Make Cash in a Property Market Crash is a book by Rob Moore and Mark Homer of Progressive Property that teaches users how to take advantage of dips in the property market.
What does the product offer?
Progressive Property $has put out a lot of books and content that is designed to teach users how to make money in the property market. Rob Moore and Mark Homer’s offering, Make Cash in a Property Market Crash is no different really. This teaches users how to turn around a downward swing in the property market to their advantage and to ultimately profit from this.
How does the product work?
Make Cash in a Property Market Crash is an educational tool that draws heavily on Rob Moore and Mark Homer’s knowledge and experiences in developing Progressive Property. This is more a broad overview than a step by step guide although that doesn’t mean that there is nothing to take away from it. Make Cash in a Property Market Crash is probably best suited to those who are starting out and wish to garner an understanding of the property market as I don’t believe that current investors will really take away that much.
What is the initial investment?
Make Cash in a Property Market Crash sells through the Progressive Property website for £17.37. This seems to be the only place that you can buy the book too although searching online retailers may prove fruitful.
What is the rate of return?
As with all of Rob Moore and Mark Homer’s products there is no statement on how much you can earn. As Make Cash in a Property Market Crash is about teaching I would expect any results to represent an increase in knowledge.
There is a lot about Make Cash in a Property Market Crash that will work for people, particularly those that aren’t familiar with the property market and new investors. In the main though there is limited appeal.
There are a few of the customary upsells to other Progressive Property products but this is par for the course for their material. All in all Make Cash in a Property Market Crash isn’t a bad read, I just question its usefulness outside of people who know nothing about property investment.