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Maximum Bets Review – Pro Betting Club

Maximum Bets is a new to market horse racing tipster service that is being offered through the Pro Betting Club. Despite no specific profit claims at the time of writing, this is a very interesting prospect.

Introduction to Maximum Bets

One of the things that I see a lot with betting is this idea that things can be the same every day. It’s like people think that there is some simple formula. I often refer to this as an “if x then y” approach to betting. Everything is binary and black and white. Where you see this in tipster services are tipsters who will insist on picking three bets per day. Every day. The blunt truth is that sometimes, there aren’t 3 bets worth making. Others, you miss out on good bets by restricting yourself.

It is with this in mind that I am actually incredibly intrigued by the newest offering from tipster stable Pro Betting Club. Their newest service is something that seemingly rejects this notion in a big way. Nothing is standardised. It is an exciting and intriguing tipster service that carries the potential to win a hell of a lot. In fact, if I’m really honest, I would say that Maximum Bets is possibly the single most exciting tipster service I’ve looked at for a while with some truly remarkable results.

With all of that said, whilst I will sing the praises of Maximum Bets quite a lot over the course of this review, there is one thing I want you to keep in mind. It can go south very quickly. This is a hugely interesting service, but there are some restrictions in place that mean that things can turn on a sixpence. Of course, the risk is real, but what I can say is that Pro Betting Club demonstrate very actively that a good number of months betting are yet to see this happen. So, let’s get into it and see what is what.  

What Does Maximum Bets Offer?

In many respects, there is nothing about Maximum Bets that isn’t what you would expect to see from any given tipster service. By the same token, this is one of the most unique looking services I think I have looked at for a while. This is one hell of a dichotomy and one that I hope to explain and explore over the course of this review.

This contrast also mean that is rather hard to know where to begin. Whilst there are elements of what Pro Betting Club are doing that are remarkably simple, there is also a lot of nuance behind it. Which part of the puPro Betting Cluble is really the best place to start? I actually don’t know. So, let’s start by explaining Maximum Bets in about as simple terms as I can.

Maximum Bets is a horse racing tipster service. What it isn’t however is a tipster service with any sort of consistency. At least, in every way except the results. But I’ll come back to that. With that said, I think it’s time to try and explain a little bit about what I mean. Typically speaking, when a tipster is “consistent” they have rules that they will follow.

This can mean a certain number of bets being advised, it can be aiming to bet every day. Maximum Bets throws all of that out of the window. There are frequently several days without any bets at all. This isn’t just in the sense of a tipster missing the odd day either. In May, for example, there were 9 days when there weren’t any bets advised.

So, you might be thinking. Maximum Bets isn’t exactly high volume. Au contraire mon ami. Pro Betting Club’s proofing shows a service that bet only 2/3rds of the month. Despite that, 41 bets were advised. And once again, there was little seeming rhyme and reason for this. One day had 6 bets. Many had just one. Maximum Bets follows no patterns.

There are however a few things that are consistent. First and foremost, there is the type of bet that you will be placing. Maximum Bets is concerned entirely with simply backing a horse to win. It is all very straight forward and incredibly simple. This is something that works to your advantage, and you will want to take advantage of that.

The other thing that is consistent is that Maximum Bets deals with lower odds. Pro Betting Club only proof to BSP (a fantastic way of proofing that I approve of massively). As such, there is some wiggle room in the numbers, but the average odds are just over evens. 2.29 to be specific. A number that is helped significantly by the odd bets that have come in at big odds.

This is all quite important because if you were to use an odds comparison site and shop around, Maximum Bets could be much more profitable. Sure, you’d miss out on the occasional bet where odds drift, but a BOG bookie will likely improve on this drastically. Something that Pro Betting Club don’t talk about, but I think it is really important to acknowledge.

Whilst we’re talking about the numbers, I want to touch on the stakes. Pro Betting Club proof all of their bets to £100 bets. That isn’t feasible for a lot of people. What it does do though is highlight that when you break it down, Maximum Bets is a simple level stakes service. Something that helps make it manageable on those days where there are a lot of bets.

With that said, what you don’t necessarily need is a massive bank. The highest drawdown to date is just 6 points. This is very much an exception as well with Pro Betting Club showing that Maximum Bets rarely hits more than a few losses in a row. As such, I feel that 50 points would be enough if you were trying to get started with this on a budget.

All of that sounds massively impressive. But I want to put it in even greater context. Maximum Bets has a strike rate of about 80%. On its best winning streak, the service saw 31 consecutive winning bets. Those are absolutely incredible numbers, and whilst the lower odds might seem like a negative, it has proven profitable enough to date.

How Does Maximum Bets Work?

A key part of how Maximum Bets works is value. Which seems like an odd thing to say about a tipster service that has average odds as low as this. Value is usually the domain of big odds and massive winners. But this is something that I have generally opposed. Whilst value tends to be available more often in longer shots, value ultimately just means that a horse has a better chance of winning than the bookies thing it does.

Pro Betting Club take this one step further with Maximum Bets. They talk about how people think of value solely in terms of the bookie’s numbers and not the ability of the horse. This is quite eye opening, and I don’t really know why in all the time I’ve been doing this, I’ve never made the connection. What they say is that value is more to do with a horse’s ability to win and not the price that it wins at. Something that makes perfect sense to me.

Now, aside from completely opening my eyes to a new way of viewing one of the key tenets of modern betting, there remains something that isn’t discussed. That is how selections are being made. This new way of thinking about value is great insight and I am 100% on board with it. But I would like to have known a little bit about how Pro Betting Club are practically applying that in order to find selections for Maximum Bets.

Something that I always think is worth mentioning with a service like this is that whilst it doesn’t give you insight into how everything works per se, there is proofing for Maximum Bets. This is very comprehensive from Pro Betting Club and as mentioned is to BSP. As such, all prices are ones that were available to everybody. It really gives you an idea of what you are getting into and where the weaknesses may be in an otherwise solid looking service.

What is the Initial Investment?

There are two options available if you want to sign up to Maximum Bets. The first of these is a monthly subscription. This is priced at £39.50 (plus VAT) per month. That isn’t exactly cheap, but it is also far from prohibitive. As an interesting side note, Pro Betting Club do refer to his as a current price suggesting that it might go up at a later date.

The next subscription offer for Maximum Bets is a quarterly subscription. This is somewhat better value at £89.50 (plus VAT) per quarter (meaning an effective cost of about £30 per month). Obviously, that does mean considerably better value for money, but it also means that you are dealing with that larger outlay.

Something that is worth noting that Pro Betting Club unfortunately don’t mention is that both of these options come with a full 60 day money back guarantee as Maximum Bets is ultimately sold through Clickbank. They are generally very good at ensuring that this is adhered to and as such, you shouldn’t have too many problems claiming this if required.

What is the Rate of Return?

Maximum Bets closed May at a profit of 130.56 points to BSP. That is a bloody solid result when you consider that there were just 29 losing bets in that period of time. Think about that. Just 29 points actively lost. Which is exactly why I think if you really want to demonstrate just how well the service has performed, you have to look at the ROI. This comes in at 83%, a staggering low risk return.

Conclusion for Maximum Bets

Rarely am I at a loss with a tipster service. In the time I have been doing this I have seen a lot of things come and go, but very few of them have left me feeling truly wowed. Maximum Bets changes this. Now, I have to be very clear about one thing. It is still early days for Pro Betting Club. Ultimately, you’re only working off a 5 month period and things could change. Not that I necessarily expect them to dramatically.

Now, let’s get down to why this is a service I am so enthusiastic about. The results for Maximum Bets are, on a points basis, somewhat modest. Pro Betting Club might see 280 points off this over the year if it continues in the same vein. There are definitely tipsters out there that are making more than this. I know that for a fact.

What they aren’t doing though is simply not losing. Which is what Maximum Bets seems to be very good at. I always talk about the fact that I would take consistent and smaller wins over big ones any day of the week. This is a perfect example of why. Sure, you might not even see a point off some wins. But when they happen all the time, that adds up very quickly.

This means that you can start with a relatively small betting bank and build it up. You could compound your winnings with something like Maximum Bets very easily to build up your profits. Normally compounding comes with risk in so much as if you hit a big losing streak, then numbers aren’t necessarily sustainable. But here, what losing streak?6 bets?!

And of course, let’s not forget that you can very feasibly boost all of those wins so that you are making even more money if you are willing to put a bit of extra time into Maximum Bets. It is a bit of a trade off for some of the wilder swings that the exchanges can have, but again, consistency is key to me.

So, is there anything about Maximum Bets that I wouldn’t recommend? The short answer is not really. I know that Pro Betting Club have a few very exclusive and long running tipster services that perform well. This could be the next one to join them. Don’t get me wrong, there are definitely potential problems here.

Firstly, I have to acknowledge again that it has only been up for 5 months. Also, the fact that if the strike rate starts dropping for Maximum Bets, that will be catastrophic given the low odds. But at the time of writing, there is no sign of that slowing. So yes, there is definitely risk here. Pro Betting Club aren’t just giving you agency to print money.

What they are doing though is giving you a chance to get on board with one of the most exciting tipster services I have seen for a long time. All at costs that, frankly, are very reasonable when you compare it to what you are getting.


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