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NSH Racing Review – Pro Betting Club

NSH Racing is a somewhat new horse racing tipster service which comes courtesy of Pro Betting Club. The service favours a somewhat interesting approach; however, the results show that it seems to be paying off. 

Introduction to NSH Racing

There is more than one way to skin a cat, we are told. And likewise, there is more than one way to approach horse racing betting. I have recently been on a bit of a journey in this regard having looked at quite a number of… Shall we say questionable tipsters, and I have seen it all. Honestly, it is shocking the number of ex-jockey’s, city analysts, software engineers, math geniuses, and people who are just friends with those in the know that are supposedly out there. And all of that energy makes you crave the stability of something sensible.

A craving that was at least somewhat fulfilled by today’s review subject, NSH Racing. This is a pretty new tipster service from Pro Betting Club, and when I say that it is pretty no nonsense, I’m not playing. I won’t expand on this too much here, but it is quite exciting to see. Whilst we’re touching on the positives for NSH Racing, it seems to have solid foundations, it isn’t a huge financial undertaking, and  it carries the potential for the holy grail of betting, consistent profits. All of which, when combined, you’d expect to just be a guaranteed winner, right?

Well, yes and no. Whilst there is a lot about NSH Racing that I can say that I like, there are a good few… considerations, shall we say. I don’t believe that Pro Betting Club are purposefully misrepresenting what you can expect from this, but nor do I think the performance is necessarily quite as black and white as it may first seem. So, with that said, let’s actually get into it all and see whether or not this is a service that is truly poised to deliver.

What Does NSH Racing Offer?

As I have said, NSH Racing is a sensible tipster service in many ways. It is also a relatively simple service. There isn’t a lot here that you can really talk about as being a “unique selling point”. Which of course can make it difficult to pick a thread to run with whilst writing. Not that any of this has to be a negative you understand. And as far as tipster stables that are equipped to provide this, Pro Betting Club aren’t a bad option.

The fact is that they have been around for a number of years and they know how to manage a tipster service. This is something that I think is evident in terms of the logistics surrounding NSH Racing. Everything is as you would expect, and that really isn’t a bad thing. Selections are sent out directly via email, they are also made through a member’s area on the Pro Betting Club website. It is all standard, but without putting a foot wrong.

One thing that I do really like about NSH Racing is that the tipster behind the service makes selections available from 8pm. Receiving tips the night before racing has two positives. Firstly, there is the fact that it is more flexible for people. Especially those who are working a 9-5. But more practically from a betting standpoint, it allows you to seek out and maximise value in your bets.

The fact of the matter is that NSH Racing is concerned with a fair old range of odds. There are a lot that hover around the evens mark, typically going up to about 10.00. And for context on this, the average is almost slap bang in the middle of this at 5.6. It is very much in that middle ground in terms of the odds you are betting at.

As such, it is quite important (in my mind) to ensure that you are getting the best odds possible. There can be quite a lot of variance with mid range odds and taking a few minutes to check out selections on an odds comparison site can see you squeeze a few more points out of winning bets. Something that can make all the difference (as I will explore a little later). 

Now, this extra step shouldn’t ultimately add too much in the way of work to NSH Racing. All bets that are advised are simple win bets with the occasional each way seemingly making an appearance as well. Both of these bet types are widely available and easy to find on said odds comparison sites.

Furthermore, you aren’t really dealing with a huge volume of bets either. The approach that the tipster behind NSH Racing takes is one that really does open the door to no bet days. Something that I am a massive fan of. I really cannot stress enough that I would prefer to not bet at all than to bet on something because a tipster just “fancies it”. And because Pro Betting Club say that this is based on a strong system (more about this shortly), it only emphasises why this is a plus.

When you are betting, most days are producing just 2-4 bets. That really isn’t a significant number. Especially when you factor in the staking plan that is in place. And now, I want to come back to a point that I highlighted in my introduction about NSH Racing not being a huge financial undertaking. First things first, Pro Betting Club say you are simply dealing with level stakes. So, at most, you’re looking at 4 points per day (although I do want to come back to this a little later).

Secondly, Pro Betting Club say that a betting bank of just 75 points is recommended. This is much lower than some services whilst still being enough that you should be able to cover any drawdown. Even the biggest losing run with NSH Racing saw a loss of about 25 points. Whilst that is still a third of your bank and quite significant, it isn’t earth shattering.

But honestly, that kind of run is likely to be an exception rather than the rule. The overall strike rate for NSH Racing sits at 32.15% at the time of writing. This isn’t a number that is hit like clockwork however, so that is definitely something worth keeping in mind.  

How Does NSH Racing Work?

How NSH Racing works is an interesting thing to me. Now, I do have to start by saying that Pro Betting Club don’t go into too much detail about all this. Which frankly, I think is fair enough. They give enough insight in my opinion to make an informed decision about the process, and that is about all that I think you can reasonably ask.

So, what exactly is involved? Well, we are told that NSH Racing is backed by a “professional horse racing tipster” who has longstanding experience in the industry. Honestly, I don’t put too much weight behind this part because it is the sort of thing that you hear all the time. What are also told is that he uses “intense form study linked to the very latest stats and algorithms data” as well as “occasional inside stable information”.

All of that is something, which is good to see. But what really stands out in my eyes is that Pro Betting Club say that the key to NSH Racing is “choosing the right races to back in and [the tipster’s] system enables him to focus on only a small number of races per day, the rest are the bookies races to be honest”. Effectively, NSH Racing is based on the idea that there are some races that you have better chances of winning in. Something that genuinely can be the case.

If you are in a position whereby you still aren’t sure about NSH Racing, there is also the comprehensive proofing that Pro Betting Club provide for the service. This gives you a good idea of what you can expect in terms of winning streaks, losing streaks, etc. Combining all of this I really think it’s difficult to say that you can’t come into this knowing what is what. 

What is the Initial Investment?

There are two options available if you want to sign up for NSH Racing. These are a monthly subscription and a quarterly one. As you might expect, the monthly subscription has less outlay at a cost of £39.50 plus VAT. Meanwhile at £89.50 plus VAT for the quarterly subscription there is better value to be had long term, it just comes at a higher cost.

Something that is worth keeping in mind is that at the time of writing there is a “50% Lifetime Offer” being provided by Pro Betting Club. This brings the costs down by half to £19.75 per month and £44.75 per quarter or as long as you are subscribed, both of which make for some truly fantastic value.

As a final note, it is worth keeping in mind that NSH Racing does come with a full 60 day money back guarantee. This isn’t something that Pro Betting Club advertise, however, it is provided through Clickbank who handle the payments for the service. 

What is the Rate of Return?

At the time of writing, NSH Racing is, Pro Betting Club say on 200.62 points of profit to BOG. This is an incredibly strong result for 6 months and using level stakes of 1 point per bet. Unfortunately, I do have some questions about this. You see that result seems to come courtesy of And in their proofing, not all bets are to 1 point stakes. In actual fact, there are bets shown to as much as 5 point stakes.

With that in mind, I am not entirely convinced that these results can be seen as strictly accurate. Given that they show average stakes of 1.27, you are definitely looking at quite an additional jump in profit. With that said, even factoring the numbers down to account for this, you are still looking at around 160 points of profit. A respectable enough number really.

Conclusion for NSH Racing

I don’t think it’s unreasonable to say that the way Pro Betting Club have presented NSH Racing there are some questions about it. I still don’t understand how that discrepancy on the profits has shown up. However, it is also of note that I don’t ultimately believe that it is in any way a deciding factor here. Because I still think that Pro Betting Club have a fundamentally decent service on their hands. Subject to one or two caveats, of course.

First, let’s talk about the positives of the results. One of the most impressive things about NSH Racing for me is that as a service, it doesn’t seem to have any particularly obvious weak points. There has been one small losing month to date, and if I’m honest, shopping around for odds would probably have removed that deficit. It was after all less than a point.

Meanwhile, the winning months have been consistently around the 25 point mark with even the least profitable month coming in at 15.95 points. That really isn’t too bad at all. And it is achieved without any huge losing streaks in the main. Of course, there has been losing streaks. I’ve already mentioned that. But I will say that they are the exception rather than the rule which is welcome.

And the biggest positive for NSH Racing in my book is the costs. At least, they are if you can get them at the half price rate. You see, the way I see things is this. Pro Betting Club don’t really remedy that difference in terms of the profit and the stakes. Something that is quite important given that you may well sign up on certain grounds, only to find them pulled out from underneath you. There is a hell of a difference between 1 point and 5 points on a bet. Especially with a small bank. 

Now, if you’re paying £20 a month, that isn’t the kind of thing that is earth shattering. It can be seen as worth a punt. At £40 per month though, I would definitely expect more. At that price point, you are paying what I consider to be in the average range for a tipster, and if you’re paying full price, you expect full service. So, either Pro Betting Club need to amend their results and how they present NSH Racing or the proofing.

I cannot stress enough, I don’t think that NSH Racing is a bad service. Ultimately, I do think that there is something decent here. But before I could really say that it’s worth consideration, you would have to know really what you are actually getting into. I say all the time that you should be able to make an informed decision about what you are getting to. And this to me highlights exactly why it is so important. 


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