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Odds on Profit Review Jake Young

Odds on Profit is a new product from tipster Jake Young. He claims that his betting advice will allow you to make a large profit starting with comparatively small initial bets.

Introduction to Odds on Profit

When I start to receive a lot of emails about a tipster service, I know that it is time to sit up and pay attention. Especially when the headline says that I can turn “turn low £5 bets into £10, 273.18 in 10 months”.

That is a hell of a claim to make, and you can bet that my interest is piqued. Of course, I have seen this kind of thing before now as well and I also feel that it is important to ensure that Odds on Profit is treated with a healthy dose of cynicism.

odds-on-profit-review I know that if I took every tipster at their face value claims, I would be bankrupt many times over by now. So with money on my mind, and cynicism in my heart, let’s take some time out and see whether or not Odds on Profit is everything that it claims to be.

What Does Odds on Profit Offer?

According to Jake Young, Odds on Profit is so good that he doesn’t keep it open all the time. In fact, he is only taking on members for a few days.

So what do you really get here?

Odds on Profit is very much in line with what you would expect from any modern day tipster service.

What I mean by this is that Jake Young issues his selections on a near daily basis. When they are sent out, it is directly via email. The quality of these emails is somewhat mixed however with enough information to place a bet, but certainly not as much as I would like to see.

In terms of the bets themselves, Jake Young says that he has a very specific approach. You can use any bookie you like (although he prefers to use Betfair Sportsbook). You can expect to back horses at odds of anywhere from 2/1 all the way up to 10/1.

The bets that you will be placing through Odds on Profit are not complicated affairs. In fact, all the bets that I have seen have been straight win bets, usually just one or two on a given day. Odds on Profit is not a high value service.

Rather interestingly, there is a staking plan of sorts in place for Odds on Profit, however I do find myself questioning how much planning has actually gone into it. As I have already discussed, Jake Young claims in the headline that you can start out with stakes of just £5 (no betting bank recommended that I have seen).

From here, all that you do is simply increase your stakes by £5 after every calendar month. There is no discussion about how to prepare your bank for this increase, what happens if you have a losing month. There is nothing. Just, increasing your stakes every month (a very bad idea as it happens).

Finally, I want to discuss the strike rate for Odds on Profit.

This is claimed to be some 31.22%, a very feasible number. Furthermore, Jake Young actually provides proofing for the service which is a real rarity or this kind of product (although I want to come back to the validity of this later). When you consider the kind of odds that you are backing however, I do feel that the number arguably becomes even more impressive.

How Does Odds on Profit Work?

Jake Young says that he has a clear strategy for Odds on Profit. He only bets on horses with value. Supposedly, backing anything under 2/1 just doesn’t make money in the long term. There is some evidence to back this up. As such, this is why longer odds are chosen. The horses that are selected as tips for Odds on Profit are supposedly done so off the back of speed analysis.

Jake Young talks about whether or not the horse is getting faster, better on a certain surface etc. and also why all races are less than a mile. Finally, Odds on Profit will only ever back flat races. This is because there is less to go wrong.

I have to hold my hands up and say that once again, one the surface of things, Odds on Profit looks to be well covered. Jake Young does us all a favour in discussing the selection process so candidly and to somebody none the wiser, it would make reasonable sense. There are however a number of arguments that I wish to take up against the selection process that I will come back to a little later on.

What is the Initial Investment?

There is only one option if you want to subscribe to Odds on Profit which is to pay a one time cost of £49 for a year of access. Supposedly, this represents a significant discount on the “real” value of Odds on Profit which is supposedly £99. It is also interesting to note that whilst it isn’t mentioned by Jake Young in the sales material, there is in a full 60 day money back guarantee in place.

What is the Rate of Return?

There is only really one claim made in terms of the income potential of Odds on Profit and it is one that I have already covered.

This is what the Odds on Profit website states as the profits attained:

odds-on-profit-strike-rateThis is Jake Young’s headlining act of making £10,273 in a 10 month period. Of course this has to be qualified by saying that it is calculated around the quite bizarre staking plan that is in place. What is slightly more clear is that the points profit stands at 328.75 points. This works out at monthly profits of around 32 points which is very respectable.

Conclusion on Odds on Profit

On the surface of things, Odds on Profit looks like a very solid product. The profits are strong, the strike rate is consistent and Jake Young is able to explain to some degree how his selections are found. Surely, you would think, you are in safe hands there. Without thinking too hard about a lot of things, it makes a certain degree of sense.

For example, the selection process seems to read well, however I note with some interest that the way that Jake Young portrays his process works backwards.

This could simply be bad marketing, however I don’t believe that this will be the case. If I believed that Odds on Profit was a genuine product, then maybe I could be led to believe that it is a tipster getting marketing wrong, but I am not convinced on this for a number of different reasons.

One of the most obvious ones is something that I believe will genuinely go over the head of anybody who doesn’t follow tipsters etc. as frequently as I do. Namely, that I recognise the template of the sales material.

With this in mind, I opted to dig into Odds on Profit a little more and the results were rather disappointingly in line with what I expected. Rather than Jake Young, Odds on Profit is actually being sold by an internet marketer who is rather well known to me. They have a reputation for putting out tipster services which are generally less than stellar. In fact, almost all of them have been quietly closed down within 3-6 months.

Unfortunately, I see no reason to believe that Odds on Profit will actually break this mould.

With all of this in mind, it shouldn’t come as a surprise to learn that Odds on Profit isn’t something that I would recommend in the slightest.

Whilst I can appreciate that it is far from expensive (although still not really cheap), I don’t even believe that there is value for money to be had here. The truth of the matter is that I don’t believe that Odds on Profit is actually capable of making profit so it isn’t even like it can be perceived as value for money.

This is one that I would really recommend passing on.


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