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One Pound Punt Review Harry Ford

One Pound Punt is a new to market horse racing tipster service which is operated by one Harry Ford. He claims that his approach to betting is able to provide some very substantial profits using very small stakes.

Introduction to One Pound Punt

Let’s be honest here. Most of us who are involved with betting in any semi serious capacity are doing it for one main reason. And that is, in my experience, to start generating a second income that is relatively hands off. Now, quite what you consider to be a second income will depend massively from one person to another. But I don’t believe there are many people would say that making 5 figures off a single bet doesn’t constitute a reasonable second income.

This is the claim that today’s review subject, One Pound Punt, is fundamentally based on. Tipster zz headlines his sales page with the following statement “DISCOVER HOW I TURNED A TINY £1 BET INTO £23,595 IN JUST 1 DAY!”. Let’s be honest for a minute. It is hard to ignore that kind of claim. Because you only have to see one of them land in a year to make all of your betting more than worthwhile. Hell, even if you get one bet like that every two years. Or arguably 10 years. It would make it all worthwhile.

The fact is that those numbers are just the kinds of things that are very hard to ignore. What is also very hard to ignore are the gaps in the service. As much as zz paints a masterful picture of what you are getting into, it only looks good if you don’t really look at it. Because, probably not surprisingly (especially to those who know what is going on here), One Pound Punt doesn’t stand up to scrutiny. Even basic things are missing, and honestly, that doesn’t come as a surprise to me at all. So, with that out there, let’s get into it.  

What Does One Pound Punt Offer?

I can appreciate the fact that all of that sounds like a lot to process. And I’ll be straight up and say that there are a lot of elements of One Pound Punt that are definitely concerning. However, they have no immediate reasoning for being so. There are very definite reasons though, and I will come to in the conclusion. 

First things first, let’s talk about the management side of things. Because this is probably the area where I think zz is at his most transparent (a term that has been purposefully chosen for its subjectivity). Although, even here you aren’t really exposed to a lot of genuine insight into the wider service.

As you would expect from pretty much any tipster in this day and age,  selections for One Pound Punt are sent out directly to subscribers via email. They are also only sent out on Mondays through Saturdays (zz is very explicit about the fact that he doesn’t bet on Sundays). And that is about it.

Now, I will give some credit where it is due. I can appreciate that zz sends out selections the evening before racing. Typically, before 11pm. This means that if you are following One Pound Punt, you have some time to seek out some decent value. You will want to do this for a lot of different reasons, but one of the main ones is that you simply don’t get really get any helpful advice when the tips are issued.

We are told that zz simply bets through Betfair in order to allow him to keep a better track of his betting performance. But that is in no way, shape, or form helpful to you as a punter. There is a vague mention of using other bookies, but you are generally left on your own here. Which isn’t something that I eve like to see.

Cue the recommendation for using an odds comparison site. First and foremost, the nature of bets that you place with One Pound Punt mean that you won’t win often. As such, it is very important to ensure that you’re maximising your wins as standard. But building on this, the very long shots you are backing also mean that the usual 10-20% increase that you can see in odds is drastically improved.

Now, let’s talk about those bets. As you might expect from a service that claims to have had a winner land at odds of 23,594/1, you are dealing with accumulators. Specifically, you are looking at five folds. That is one hell of an undertaking, and it doesn’t really leave a whole lot of room for mistakes.

You would be forgiven for thinking that this isn’t a problem here tough. Because despite highly improbable bet type that zz uses, he also claims to have seen one winner a month. That doesn’t sound like a lot, and if you were to calculate it as a strike rate, you’d be looking at about 3-4%. Which sounds dire. But of course, with the returns that One Pound Punt talks about, that is a long way from problematic.

What is interesting to me though is that putting aside the odds of the actual accas for a second, zz seems to really like backing somewhat long shots in his bets. Individual odds are rarely below 3/1, and even when they are it is pretty marginal. What you will mostly be dealing with though are 5/1 and above. Not outsiders by any stretch. But the probability of 5 horses coming in is highly improbable.

A big part of placating that concern is the staking plan that is recommended. Something that is absolutely key to the appeal of One Pound Punt. You see, it is advised that all bets are backed to stakes of just £1. And with just one bet per day, that means that in a given month, your potential outlay is what… Less than £30? That is pennies in the grand scheme of things. Especially when you could win so much money, right?  

How Does One Pound Punt Work?

If you want to talk about how One Pound Punt works there are two key elements to consider. First and foremost, there is the obvious one. Zz uses those five fold accumulators in order to drastically increase the returns potential compared to every bet coming in. And the way that all of that is presented, it makes a lot of sense. You aren’t betting a lot, you only need one winner to cover you for the year. It’s a solid looking argument.

The other and more important element of how a system works is the selection process. Make no mistake, using a certain type of bet on its own isn’t a system. The fact is that if you aren’t picking the right horses, none of that actually matters. Now, there are a lot of different approaches to picking out the right horses. You might look at speed ratings, form, the jockey or the trainers preferences. There are a myriad of options.

Unfortunately, zz doesn’t actually talk about any of them. The closest that we get to a statement on this is where he says he will “Use ONLY selections that I think will win regardless of the odds.”. Which doesn’t actually tell you anything at all. The rest of the sales material talks about how big the winners will be, and how you can expect consistent profits. Both statements that I am sceptical of.

And finishing all of that off is the distinctive lack of proofing or evidence. The sales material for One Pound Punt contains 4 examples of wining bets going back to January. All of these I am sceptical of for reasons that I will come to. But even if I weren’t sceptical, that is a long way from a consistent profit. Realistically, even if you did believe those wins, there is only the slimmest of chances that you would see a win like that during your subscription.

What is the Initial Investment?

If you want to subscribe to One Pound Punt, there is only one option available. This is a one time payment of £45 (plus VAT) for which you get access to selections for 3 months. Honestly, this seems like a very generous offering working out at just £18 per month. That simply isn’t a lot of investment for a tipster service. Especially compared to some of the other services on the market. Zz does say however that this is “limited time special offer”.

One Pound Punt does come with a full 30 day money back guarantee. Something that is backed up by the fact that it is being sold through Clickbank. They are generally very good at ensuring that these are honoured, and as such, you shouldn’t have too many issues if you come to claim this.

What is the Rate of Return?

Of course, the piece de resistance of One Pound Punt is the profit potential. Zz makes mention in the headline for his service that you he has made £23,595 off a £1 bet. Other months have shown profits of £4,853.33, £1,093.75, and £2,772. Keep in mind that all of these are to £1 stakes, which means that so far this year, One Pound Punt has seen returns of 32,314 points. A number so large that I can’t begin to figure out how to dissect it.

Let me put this into some context. One Pound Punt could lose every single bet placed for a full decade. And even after 10 years of loss, you would still be looking at the business end of a profit that is what 100 times what I would expect a decent tipster to make in a year. The numbers are, frankly, ludicrous. Especially when you keep in mind the fact that zz provides (in my mind) very limited evidence.

Conclusion for One Pound Punt

There is a lot of irony in the fact that one of the first things that zz says about One Pound Punt is that it isn’t a get rich quick scheme. Because in my mind, that is exactly what is being peddled here. Saying that you are positioned to return hundreds of times what your competitors are producing, without backing it up…. Well, that just has the hallmarks of a get rich quick scheme to me.

It certainly doesn’t have the appearance of a well thought out and genuine tipster service. Not by a long way. There are a lot of reasons for this that I will cover, but really, a lot of it boils down to this. How much does zz actually talk about horse racing with One Pound Punt?

Outside of mentioning that is what you are betting on that is. I can tell you. The word “horse” appears just 3 times in the sales material. Horse racing, not at all. Everything is about how much money you can supposedly expect to make. Let’s be frank for a minute, that hardly seems like the approach of someone who is picking 5 outsiders for an acca, pretty much day in and day out, and actually getting even one win a month.

Combine that with any real lack of evidence and it becomes quite apparent just how questionable One Pound Punt really is. But that is only one piece of the puzzle here. Sure, I could say with confidence that based off everything I’ve discussed so far, I wouldn’t look to recommend this. And I would stand by that assessment, because zz just seems to have set something up to appeal to those who don’t really know better.

But let’s dig a little deeper. If you look at (what I refer to as) the back end stuff, the vendor who is actually selling One Pound Punt is one that is very well known to me. Unfortunately, not necessarily for the best reasons. Now, I don’t want to say that this is definitively going to go the same way, but I will say this.

In 2020, the vendor who is selling this released 10 different tipster services. All under different names, with different “tipsters” behind said service, and all with drastically different, but ultimately, unlikely approaches.  The fact is that in so much as these things can have a “template”, One Pound Punt fits it perfectly.

Especially when you factor in these latter elements, I struggle to see how anybody could look at One Pound Punt and realistically see a viable tipster service. Even if you took the best case scenario and said that zz was all entirely above board with his previous results (which I find doubtful), when are you realistically going to win again with something like this? Something that I believe is entirely intentional so that “zz” can keep you subscribed until that money back guarantee period has elapsed.

Honestly, I just cannot find a single reason to recommend One Pound Punt at all. It is of questionable quality no matter how you look at it. And it isn’t even like it is really all that cheap. The truth is that there are plenty of genuine tipsters out there who actually have the intent of providing you with profitable betting for the same money. So, why would you choose this?  


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