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Pay Per Profit Review Punthub

Pay Per Profit is a horse racing tipster service which is operated through the Punthub group of tipsters. It is rather unique in that it offers a variety of different betting approaches.

Introduction to Pay Per Profit 

As of the time of writing this, I have to say that I have been rather pleasantly surprised by the availability of tipster services which actually seem to be a bit different. I would be lying if I said that all of the services I look at don’t start to blur together a little bit sometimes.

Now, this is in part just down to the industry. There are only so many ways that you can run a tipster service, especially if you want it to actually be profitable (both for you and consumers).

Sometimes though, things come together nicely and you get a service that is a little bit different and yet, is supposedly able to generate a profit.

This is where Pay Per Profit comes in. Honestly, it is one of the most flexible tipster services that I have seen for a while and whilst it isn’t the be all and end all, it is nice to see. Now, Punthub don’t tend to talk a whole lot about the details of services that they manage, so there might be some gaps, but Pay Per Profit genuinely looks like it could be a winner for a lot of people.

What Does Pay Per Profit Offer?

In many respects, Pay Per Profit could well be considered 3 different tipster services because of how Punthub operate the service. This is by no means a bad thing, however it does make it a little difficult to know where to start a review.

Essentially, Pay Per Profit is broken down into tips which are issued the day before racing, tips which are issued the day/morning of racing, and finally late and live bets. Punthub issues all of these through Telegram Messenger. This then links you up with the relevant groups where tips are issued.

First of all, I want to look at the evening before bets aspect of Pay Per Profit. These are sent out on a near daily basis and as the name suggests, they arrive the evening before races. This involves a combination of win and each way bets advised at a variety of odds.

The proofing from Punthub demonstrates that there is definitely a leaning towards longer odds here which makes sense. In my experience, services which are based around betting the night before typically aim to take advantage of the best odds. It is important to note that of all of the options that Pay Per Profit offer, this is the one that has passed the most rounds and is currently on its 4th.

Secondly, there is the “On the day/morning” aspect of Pay Per Profit.

As with the evening bets, this is a combination of each way and win bets, however it is somewhat higher volume than the evening before races. Interestingly, the odds have a much wider range, especially in terms of the longer odds which go as high as 33/1. Interestingly, at the time of writing, Pay Per Profit still hasn’t completed a round.

Finally, I want to talk about the late and live bets. These are much more interesting and do exactly what Punthub describe them as. This aspect of Pay Per Profit can involve betting in play and placing bets at the last minutes.

Once again, you are looking at each way and win bets, again, dealing with a variety of odds, albeit with less of a range than some of the other options. At the time of writing, late and live bets have passed just one round.

There are a few things that are worth noting across all of these. First of all, the stakes can range from 0.5 points all the way up to 3 points on bets. Whilst the volume isn’t particularly high this can add up. Furthermore, it is important to ensure that you are getting the best possible odds which can mean a willingness to act when you first receive notifications.

How Does Pay Per Profit Work?

In terms of the selection process that is behind Pay Per Profit, there is unfortunately no information provided. This is something that is rather disappointing, however I can appreciate the fact that Punthub probably have a lot going on under the hood in order to identify 3 different sets of tips based around the time of day. Honestly, the fact that everything is proofed does go some way to making up for this quite well.

The fact that you are in a position to choose what time you receive selections, and that they are tailored around this is a very good thing in my opinion. The fact of the matter is that different people do require different things from their tipsters, and it is very easy to fall into a trap of simply going along with what ever option a tipster provides.

But if you work late nights, then receiving selections in the morning simply isn’t ideal for you. Likewise, some people may be very early risers and waiting up till 10 or 11pm to get the best value odds may not work for them either. As such, I do consider this to be one of the standout elements of Pay Per Profit.

What is the Initial Investment?

As the name says, Pay Per Profit is based around the model of paying as you profit. I have mentioned the idea of there being profitable rounds in place and when you sign up for the service, that is effectively what you are paying for.

Punthub charge £25 for a profitable round. For this, you get access to selections from your chosen strategy until a predetermined amount of profit has been generated (based off Punthub’s staking etc.). This may take a few days or it may take over a month. It is worth noting that payment for Pay Per Profit is handled directly via Paypal and there is no refund policy in place.

What is the Rate of Return?

One of the things that is a definite positive when it comes to Pay Per Profit is the fact that you are guaranteed a certain amount of profit. In this case, Punthub are offering 15 points of profit for your £25. Now, it is important to keep in mind that whilst you won’t necessarily pay more money for this profit, the time scales on which you can expect to see the returns can differ massively.

Conclusion on Pay Per Profit 

There are different ways of looking at Pay Per Profit, and depending on how you choose to look at it depends on the conclusion.

First of all, there is looking at everything as an overall whole. In this regard, I think that the execution is particularly decent. I have looked at services like Pay Per Profit before and usually I find that extortionate amounts of money are being asked or there simply isn’t any real profit to be had. This latter part is something that can even be applied to aspects of Pay Per Profit.

This brings me back to the second way of looking at the service. It is very clear that some of the approaches are performing better than others.  The tips sent the evening before have completed 4 rounds which would mean 60 points of profit. Admittedly, this may have cost you £100, but even at meagre £2 stakes you would have made some profit. By the same token, the worst performing aspect of Pay Per Profit is still operating at a loss.

With this in mind, I think that a big part of making Pay Per Profit work for you is down to picking the correct approach. This is rather disappointing because I would have genuinely loved to have seen the flexibility that is offered being successful across the board. None the less, I do think that it is somewhat noteworthy that the best performing service is arguably the most flexible.

As always with pay per profit systems, there are things to keep in mind as I have discussed, but honestly, Pay Per Profit is possibly the strongest version of this method I have seen for a long time.

With this in mind, I think that there is definitely some merit here, however it does come with the caveats that you really have to be committed as if you miss out on stakes or struggle to get the right odds, this may impact your overall profitability.

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Comments (1)

Hi Curtis,
Firstly thankyou for the overall review – a good write up and an honest one.
Between ourselves and the author we decided to drop the live and morning/day groups and focus solely on the evening group. After round 5 there was a price increase to £40 per round and we are about to start round 8.

Round 6 was the longest to date with 72 bets, staking 157 poinrts to make 16 points profit.
Round 7 was far quicker and back to normal if you like, with 25 bets in 11 days, making 16 points profit.

Hope this helps update.
Ben (author – Pay Per profit)

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