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Play With My Tips Review

Play With My Tips is a new to market horse racing tipster service that is operated by one Ian Wilson. He claims that his approach to betting will allow you to see quite substantial profit.

Introduction to Play With My Tips

As a punter, I can fully appreciate the fact that some people struggle when it comes to vague betting goals. Unfortunately, this is what most tipsters services are made of. Don’t get me wrong, I like to think that all of the genuine tipsters out there are working towards the same goal of profit. But how much profit? What’s enough? When do you draw out any winnings? As a seasoned bettor, you might not have trouble with these kinds of questions. But the fact is that plenty of people do.

And it is with that in mind that I can fully see the appeal of products along the same lines as Play With My Tips. Because what Ian Wilson does is gives you a goal. He claims that the results that he has encountered over the last 9 months are replicable. This means that the same £10,000 that he talks about a lot in the sales material is something that you too can achieve. Now, aside from the fact that that is a very significant of money, the importance lies in the fact that it is a clear and seemingly attainable result.

Let’s not mince our words here. That is something that is incredibly welcome. In fact, on the surface of things, there is little reason not to want to get involved with Play With My Tips. In fact, there area  lot of reasons that you might be taken in by this. But is there actually much basis for this? Ian Wilson makes some very compelling sounding arguments. Unfortunately, they lack the single most compelling thing. That is evidence. Honestly ,there is a lot to unpack here, so let’s get into it.  

What Does Play With My Tips Offer?

Play With My Tips is an interesting service. Not so much in the sense that Ian Wilson is doing anything new or revolutionary. In fact, if you really break this down, it is one of the single most straight forward tipster services that I think I’ve looked at in some time. However, there are a few different ways that make this seem different. The first element that I’ve touched on already is the structure of the profits.

The other element though is the one that really stands out to me. Unfortunately though, this isn’t really the place to talk about it. Firstly, I need to create a sketch of the finished painting. So, before we get into the details of this, let’s look at all of the other elements of Play With My Tips that are… well, if I’m frank, rather unremarkable.

First things first, let’s talk about how Ian Wilson manages Play With My Tips. This is probably the peak in terms of the “basic” side of the service. The truth of the matter is that there is very little on display here that I would say could be considered, in any way, remarkable. You receive tips directly via email. These contain… well, rather basic information really. Which is a bit of a shame.

Don’t get me wrong, you’ll have time to get bets placed, you will even be able to search around to ensure that you’re getting the best possible value. And this is something that I would definitely recommend if I were following Play With My Tips. You see, the nature of what Ian Wilson is doing means that if you aren’t looking to maximise your winnings, you run quite a real chance of drastically impacting that key end result.

This is because all results are based of those that Ian Wilson says that he’s got. Importantly, the prices can move after a bet has been advised. And sometimes quite seriously. As such, you can end up missing out on quite a significant amount of profit if you aren’t staying vigilant. This isn’t a deal breaker with Play With My Tips. But it is incredibly important to keep in mind.

In terms of the odds that you can typically expect to see… well, it’s quite convenient to me that Ian Wilson doesn’t actually provide a huge amount of evidence or proofing for his bets. What I can say though is that even at the lower end of the scale, you can expect to see them erring towards middling odds. There are also some longer shots that the sales material for Play With My Tips refers to as “an overpriced runner that can deliver big profits”.

As you might expect from a reasonable betting system with a significant range on the odds, there is a combination of win and each way bets. Of note however is the fact that Play With My Tips definitely errs much more frequently to that former than the latter. Something that probably has some benefit in terms of the stakes you are placing.

This brings me to one of the most interesting aspects of Play With My Tips. In theory, it is all incredibly simple with Ian Wilson recommending that you have a bank of £500. This all sounds reasonable enough. We are told however that you can expect to bet at anywhere from £2.50 per bet all the way up to £10. That doesn’t seem bad. But what it does mean is that you’re staking anywhere from 1 point to 4 points per bet. Of course, this impacts a lot of things.

What stands out to me though is that Ian Wilson is telling you to have an effective betting bank of 200 points. And of course, in order for these numbers to actually get close to the target for Play With My Tips, there has to be some compounding of your results down the line. All of which with those 4 point bets can start to add up cost wise.

Where this is particularly problematic with Play With My Tips in my mind is the fact that there isn’t really any strike rate or performance indicators. As such, even if you take the (incredibly limited I would hasten to add) evidence as gospel, there is still  a lot to be said for the fact that… well, there is just no context for anything there. Something that is ultimately quite the concern. Of course, this doesn’t stop Ian Wilson making claims that he should be judged on his losers “As There Are So Few”.

How Does Play With My Tips Work?

One of the things that we are actually given some insight into is the selection process for Play With My Tips. At least, we are to some degree. You see, what Ian Wilson actually says are a few rather vague and cryptic statements. All of which are seemingly designed to simply instil some sense of confidence. This starts with a claim that he worked at “the trading desks at one of the largest banks in the country”.

Ultimately, this led him to horse racing and his philosophy, something which effectively boils down to win more, lose less. Of course, this doesn’t actually tell us anything about anything. Fortunately, we are told about how there are many factors that influence the selection process for Play With My Tips.  Ian Wilson says that this includes things like trainer jockey combos, various aspects of form, and ultimately him “watching a lot of racing”.

The final element of how Play With My Tips works is one that is actually rather skipped over in my opinion. This is the compounding stakes. Let’s not mince our words here, the notion that you can simply go from a starting bank of £500 and increase this to £10,000 within a year is… well, it’s not really attainable without reinvesting your winnings into future bets.

Now, let’s come back to that point that I’ve talked about many times before now. Namely, the lack of evidence. Ian Wilson provides absolutely zero proofing for the last 9 months. Frankly, this makes me incredibly sceptical of the claimed results for Play With My Tips. The fact of the matter is that this kind of information should be a basic thing, and there shouldn’t be any reason that proofing couldn’t be supplied.

What is the Initial Investment?

If you want to sign up for Play With My Tips, there is just one option available. This is a one time payment of £47 (plus VAT) for which you are given access to Ian Wilson’s selection for a year, or until you hit the advertised target. It’s all very straightforward stuff and at a glance appears to be phenomenal value. After all, at £3.92 per month, this is literally less than the cost of a cup of coffee.

There are problems here though. Something that is really stand out to me is the fact that Play With My Tips does actually come with a very comprehensive 30 day money back guarantee This is also backed up by the fact that the service is being sold through Clickbank (who are generally very good with this sort of thing). . Not that you’d immediately know this. Or in fact, know it at all. Because Ian Wilson just outright fails to mention this.

What is the Rate of Return?

When it comes to income potential, this is an area where we do get plenty of information and insight. Of course, there is that point that I have referred to several times now in which Ian Wilson says that you can turn a £500 betting bank into £10,000. But this also scales, and a lot is made of this in a number of “testimonials” for Play With My Tips. Irrespective, you are looking at that 1900% increase in your betting bank,  

Personally, I find these to be of a highly questionable nature, for a number of reasons. But it is incredibly convenient to me that people like “Greg, and “Phil” are all roughly in the ballpark of that percentile increase. That number is undoubtedly the takeaway, especially because, and it bears repeating, this is supposedly replicable for Play With My Tips,

Conclusion for Play With My Tips

It isn’t hard to see what the appeal of Play With My Tips is. It isn’t just that this is a service that is supposedly immensely profitable. As I talked about in my introduction, the structure is definitely appealing. There is a clear goal, there is an end result. These are things that people like having. And the icing on the cake is that there isn’t a huge amount of investment.

Now, I’m not just referring to the fact that you only need £500 (or less) to get started. That is definitely a part of it for sure, but the actual costs are almost nothing. At least… if you think about it long term. But the truth of the matter is that whilst there is seemingly a huge amount of value here, you’re still paying out almost £50. That really isn’t nothing as an initial outlay.

All of this might be quite reasonable if Play With My Tips were a service that really demonstrated its worth. The truth of the matter is though that I don’t really believe that Ian Wilson does demonstrate this. When you really look at the sales material, what evidence do you get? In my opinion, there isn’t really anything. The closest that you can argue are those testimonials, but I am loathe to count them.

This is problematic for a number of reasons. First and foremost, there is the simple fact that you’re tying yourself down with Play With My Tips for quite a long time. Supporting this are a few other problems too. For example, if Ian Wilson had actually talked about what his selection process entails, showed off the results for the last cycle. You know, basic things that any genuine tipster would provide. Then the risk vs reward balance shifts slightly.

Then there is something that people tend to overlook in my opinion. Just how attainable is the income? You see, it’s all well and good making claims of huge profits, but if you aren’t actually going to make that money, then what are you paying for? And in the case of Play With My Tips, I am really not sold on the income potential. Even with compounding you’re talking about ridiculous returns.

With all of this in mind, I don’t think that I can bring myself to recommend Play With My Tips. As I think is quite clear, there are a lot of reasons to doubt Ian Wilson’s claimed outcome.Honestly, in and of itself, that would be enough for me to not recommend the service.

But more than this, there are simply a lot of better options available for similar money. In fact, a betting system that I know for a fact performs well costs about £2 more. There is so much more value available than Play With My Tips, and bringing it all together, I can find no reason that this is worthwhile.


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