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PLR Xtreme: Monthly Membership Blueprint Review

PLR Xtreme: Monthly Membership Blueprint is a product created by Edmund Loh that claims to give users everything that they need to know to start making money online using PLR.

What does the product offer?

PLR Xtreme: Monthly Membership Blueprint is being sold as a “must have” for online marketers and as a business in a box that can “help your income grow to epic proportions”. These are rather bold claims from Edmund Loh, especially when you start to break down PLR Xtreme: Monthly Membership Blueprint as a product. The reality is that with PLR Xtreme: Monthly Membership Blueprint you are purchasing a copy of Edmund Loh’s Monthly Membership Blueprint, an 85 page guide that he claims that he intended to sell himself but doesn’t have the time to market it.

There are also a number of additional products included with PLR Xtreme: Monthly Membership Blueprint like sales letters and videos, graphics sets and giveaway reports. You also get the PLR rights to PLR Xtreme: Monthly Membership Blueprint as well, meaning you can also sell the product “as is” for others to also modify and market.

On top of the core product, PLR Xtreme: Monthly Membership Blueprint also comes with a number of bonuses, some of which are more related to the main product than others.

 How does the product work?

PLR or Private Label Rights allow you to modify the contents of a product including the branding and the name on the cover so that you can sell it as your own. This is a pretty easy way into content creation, especially if you have an existing mailing list to market to.

As well as selling the content of PLR Xtreme: Monthly Membership Blueprint there are also options to utilise it as a bonus product.

What is the initial investment?

The claimed value of PLR Xtreme: Monthly Membership Blueprint is $97 however at the time of writing it is on a dime sale with the price currently set at $12.49.

Although it isn’t mentioned on the sales page PLR Xtreme: Monthly Membership Blueprint does also come with a 30 day money back guarantee.

What is the rate of return?

There isn’t really any advertised rate of return for PLR Xtreme: Monthly Membership Blueprint and this is a very difficult thing to gauge. Selling your own products can prove lucrative depending on the resources you have available etc. however if you are just getting started in internet marketing then I wouldn’t expect too much.


PLR products aren’t anything new and I have looked at plenty in my time but there aren’t many that I have seen that I believe can really work. Unfortunately, PLR Xtreme: Monthly Membership Blueprint isn’t the product to change my mind about this.

The fact is that whilst PLR does take some of the work out of creating and selling a product, the marketing side of things doesn’t become any easier. If you have resources in place to do this then PLR Xtreme: Monthly Membership Blueprint might be worth a look but I’m not convinced personally.


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