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Product Flipping for Cash Review

Product Flipping for Cash is a system developed by Liz Tomey. It is designed to teach users how to market their resell rights products in order to maximise sales.

What does the product offer?

The product comes as a how to guide that covers a variety of subjects ranging from creating “cash-producing assets” and learning from offline business models through to creating your own online media and the best places to obtain resell rights products.

How does the product work?

The program is a training manual that teaches users how to market their existing products and where to obtain new ones. The fundamental idea behind Product Flipping for Cash is that you have not invested in bad products but are not marketing them correctly. By following the training manual you are better equipped to start marketing these products and generating revenue from them.

What is the initial investment?

The product is available for $7 with no money back guarantee stated.

What is the rate of return?

As this is a product that is teaching you how to do something rather than a system or suchlike results will be qualitative rather than quantitative. That having been said the author claims to have made “thousands of dollars” although a disclaimer is quick to point out that these results are not necessarily reflective of the results that everybody will achieve.


There is a lot to like in Product Flipping for Cash. The sale price is low, the author seems to have a reasonable knowledge of the subject and there aren’t really any flags that indicate this may be a scam product. Obviously the key market for this are the people who have purchased resell rights products already and are looking to increase revenue from this but there also appears to be a lot that would be beneficial for the novice. As the program offers information on where to obtain the best deals on resell rights products it seems that one could really use this product as a jumping off point for creating an online empire as well. The long and short of it is that the product is that cheap that if you have any interest in the subject it seems difficult to see how you can come out worse off.




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From: Simon Roberts