Profit Watch Pro is a new product from Frank Helmsley that is being marketed by Agora Lifestyles. The creator is claimed to be an expert trader.
What does the product offer?
Profit Watch Pro is essentially something of a Forex based tipster service. Whilst Frank Helmsley goes out of his way in the marketing material to portray the whole things as a bold method of trading. There are actually 3 different sides to Profit Watch Pro, however as I think will become obvious, there is only one that is really important. The first offering (and by far and away what I consider to be the most important) is Frank Helmsley’s daily Profit Watch email.
This is an email sent our Monday through Friday which highlights any potential trades. This includes “exclusive insight” into the various markets.
There is also access to an archive of back issues. Whilst this may be of interest to some people (if you only go back a few days), in the main, it is little more than a curiosity.
Finally, Profit Watch Pro comes with a variety of charts and market data that Frank Helmsley says will help you to trade like a pro. Profit Watch Pro also comes with a bonus book that can allegedly help you to develop as a trader.
How does the product work?
Whilst the so called expert analysis is carried out by the creator, Profit Watch Pro ultimately is a spread betting trading strategy. This means that you are betting that certain stock prices will climb or fall. It is a well known method of trading and certainly isn’t anything new.
Unfortunately, spread betting does come with very considerable risk and as such, you can often end up losing way more than you actually “invest”.
What is the initial investment?
At the time of writing Agora Lifestyles are marketing Profit Watch Pro at a cost of £37 per month. This is claimed to be a massive reduction on the actual claimed value of £97 per month. There is a 30 day money back guarantee in place which should give you some time to trial Profit Watch Pro.
This money back guarantee is referred to as “iron clad” and is sold as being unconditional.
What is the rate of return?
Whilst there are several examples of how much you can allegedly make (up to £36,000 per year), there is very little in the way of consistent record keeping for Profit Watch Pro. This means that Frank Helmsley’s claimed income isn’t really backed up by anything.
The thing with any product that deals with spread betting is that it should be a relatively straight forward affair. In fact, I would even go as far as to say that it is one of the more (worryingly in my opinion) simplistic ways to trade. This means that when you are looking at a product related to this, it should be definite and the trader behind the service should be able to provide evidence that they have made money.
Unfortunately, Frank Helmsley doesn’t do this. The few examples of his successful trades are all actually well past happening (in which case anybody can say that they called them), or in some cases, simply aren’t labelled but instead feature a crude, self drawn chart.
None of this bodes well in my opinion and as such, I would give Profit Watch Pro a miss.
this “expert trader” advised his readers to buy GDX back in the summer after doing 100%+ in the first half of the year – GDX has dropped back a bit since then. Stupid twat.
There’s a bunch of ’em all promoting each other, but they seem to get their money from subscription fees, selling ideas & that kind of stuff. I doubt if any of them actually make much money trading.