Qualscan Software/Penny Share Letteris a product from Sean Keyes that is being marketed by Agora Lifestyles that claims to be able to identify good investments from the bad.
What does the product offer?
According to the sales material, Qualscan Software is able to eliminate “over 98% of bad companies” leaving you with just the profitable 2%. This culling is so extreme that Sean Keyes says that from 40,000 stocks, you will be left with just 50 options.
There is also a lot of talk about how Qualscan Software as a piece of software requires just a click of a button in order to find these 2% of companies that are claimed to be so profitable.
What is rather disappointing however is that despite how Agora Lifestyles present this opportunity, Qualscan Software is no more than a chance to subscribe to zz.
A monthly newsletter from Sean Keyes that highlights what he claims are investment opportunities that have been selected by Qualscan Software. Also included are a number of Penny Share Letter branded bonuses.
How does the product work?
As a piece of software, Qualscan Software allegedly follows a 7 step procedure in order to identify what the best possible investments are.
I won’t go into detail on this here because Agora Lifestyles and Sean Keyes provide plenty of information in the sales page. In terms of what Penny Share Letter involves, it will show you a handful of investment opportunities each month which are based around Qualscan Software’s identifications.
From here following Penny Share Letter is done in the same way as you would with any stocks or shares.
What is the initial investment?
Penny Share Letter is sod on an annual subscription with Agora Lifestyles offering the service for £37 for your first year going up to £97 per annum if you pay on a debit card or £47 going up to £107 if you are paying on a credit card.
There unfortunately seems to be no money back guarantee in place for Penny Share Letter with Agora Lifestyles nor Sean Keyes making any mention of this.
What is the rate of return?
The headline for Penny Share Letter is quite clear that you can expect to see the companies that are highlighted to double in price. This is somewhat contradicted however by multiple references saying that you can’t predict how a stock will actually move.
Frankly I think that the whole of Qualscan Software is rather bad form on behalf of Agora Lifestyles. For one I simply don’t believe that most users would be able to instantly identify that Qualscan Software is actually zz.
This is particularly problematic as there is a massive gulf between the two. Whilst there is no denying that anybody who really takes the time to read the sales material would understand what you are getting, the presentation could be a lot better. In terms of what you do actually get I simply don’t see the value in Penny Share Letter really.
The fact is that if you were paying for access to Qualscan Software it would be one thing but to pay for just a handful of selections when Sean Keyes sends them out isn’t good enough to me. With all of this in mind, I’d give Qualscan Software a miss for a massive number of reasons.
“According to the sales material, Qualscan Software is able to eliminate “over 98% of bad companies” leaving you with just the profitable 2%. This culling is so extreme that Sean Keyes says that from 40,000 stocks, you will be left with just 50 options.”
So if you took a bunch of companies and removed 98% of the bad ones you would still have 2% of the bad ones left + the all the not bad companies.
If I’m wrong on this point then lets go with “the profitable 2%”, so from “40,000 stocks” you would be left with 800 & not “just 50 options”
of course its a scam – QualScam