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Quantum Betting Review, One to Avoid?

Quantum Betting is a brand new horse racing tipster service which is operated by an unnamed tipster. Supposedly, the service is able to make huge amounts of profit with very little risk.

Introduction to Quantum Betting

Before now, I have quoted famed astronomer, free thinker, and all round nice guy Carl Sagan. This is in part down to the fact that the man is responsible for the Sagan Standard (which says “Extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence”, a philosophy I often apply to the tipster services that I look at.

Knowing this, it might come as no surprise that I have something of a casual interest in science, and quantum mechanics is particularly interesting. With this in mind, I was quite keen when I saw Quantum Betting.

Not because I believe that what happens on a quantum level affects horse racing per se (although I wouldn’t dismiss this idea entirely out of hand). More so because what I am anticipating here is a marketer throwing around a lot of concepts that sound good but have little scientific founding.

With this in mind, I am keen to have a look at what Quantum Betting has to offer, in order to see whether or not quantum mechanics has actually been secretly cracked by a tipster team. 

What Does Quantum Betting Offer?

So what do you actually get from Quantum Betting? Despite being supposedly operated by some of the brightest scientific minds in the world, Quantum Betting is a very straight forward operation. This means that selections are issued on a daily basis, with the team sending them directly to subscribers. These are typically sent out in the mornings and I feel that it is only fair to highlight that the quality of these emails is somewhat lacking.

In terms of the bets themselves, the simplistic approach continues with all bets to date advised as simple win bets. These cover a reasonable range of odds, however Quantum Betting rarely ventures into any particularly extreme category. Everything is very much “middle of the road”.

This only serves to suggest to me that despite the claims made about how good Quantum Betting is at predicting bets, ultimately, this is likely to be the work of yet another questionable internet marketer.

Given how often you supposedly win with Quantum Betting (a thread I want to pick up shortly), a staking plan hardly seems necessary, and not surprisingly, there isn’t one in place either.

Whilst this may not seem particularly problematic (after all, a 100 point bank and 1 point stakes usually makes for a pretty safe option), it becomes a part of a wider problem that I have with Quantum Betting. This is namely that all of the claimed profits are in pounds and pence. Without information on the stakes involved, this information is essentially worthless.

Finally, I can talk about the alleged strike rate. The sales material for Quantum Betting makes reference to the fact that you can supposedly expect to see your bets win 90% of the time.

This is based off their own so called results (a highly improbably table with no detail) and a number of so called testimonials. Supposedly coming in from real Quantum Betting users, the claim of a 90% strike rate remains. Unfortunately, I am not convinced in the slightest that this is in any way a realistic result.

How Does Quantum Betting Work?

Supposedly, Quantum Betting somehow finds selections based off quantum mechanics. Now for those who don’t know, quantum mechanics looks at the way that sub atomic particles interact with one another.

This is a very different realm of science to classical mechanics, which look at how things happen in the world around us. Now, you may be wondering what this has to do with horse racing, but it is important to demonstrate that Quantum Betting saying that it deals with quantum mechanics highlights how clearly this “explanation” of the service is.

The fact that the relationship between quantum mechanics and horse racing selections isn’t described simply highlights to me how unlikely it is that there is in fact any tangible relationship.

I don’t want to derail this review with the science too much, but I can say that categorically, if scientists had been able to find out how to accurately use what happens at a quantum level to predict effects on the world around us, they would be in line for a Nobel Prize. It seems unlikely that they would be using it for horse racing tips. They certainly wouldn’t be selling it online for £30. 

What is the Initial Investment?

I’ve already given the game away a little bit with in terms of the cost of Quantum Betting. The service is being sold for a onetime cost of £29.99. This is incredibly cheap apparently as “The market price of this kind of breakthrough in betting predictions is about £999.99, as you could easily make that back in a day”. Apparently though, charging more that £30 would put the team behind Quantum Betting “in breech


of our ethics rules of conduct”. It is worth noting that payment for Quantum Betting is ultimately handled via Clickbank and as such, there is a full 60 day money back guarantee. 

What is the Rate of Return?

Supposedly, Quantum Betting is all but guaranteed to make £15,000 per month. The average monthly profit is claimed to be around this figure, and there are testimonials that are in line with this. Putting aside the fact that I am not entirely sold on this figure, and that there is no evidence to back it up, there is a more pressing issue.

One of the biggest problems that I have with Quantum Betting is that there is no context for the supposed profit. Do I think that the service is turning £15,000 per month? Maybe with £1,000 per point bets. This is very unlikely to be the case however, and I can’t help but feel that the number involved is designed to appeal to those who don’t know better. 

Conclusion on the Quantum Betting service

I won’t claim to know everything about quantum mechanics. If I did, I’d be lying. But I do know enough to know when I am looking at something which simply isn’t plausible.

I don’t want to dwell too much on this subject because we are here to talk about horse racing and not subatomic particles, but I can say that the methods behind Quantum Betting is a clear load of rubbish. In fact, it is by far and away the most ridiculous claim in terms of how a service works that I Have seen for a long time.

What impact does this have on Quantum Betting?

Obviously, it should go without saying that when a service tries to pull the wool over your eyes in one way, there is a strong possibility that it is doing so in other ways too. A look at the results for Quantum Betting demonstrate some ridiculously high, but also suspiciously startling consistency. Especially when you factor in that there is no real evidence to make these claims believable.

There have been a few different tipster services I have looked at recently, all of which seem to make little to no effort to disguises that they are highly questionable.

It isn’t just that the team behind Quantum Betting make their service sound so suspect, but where some evidence would go a long way, there simply isn’t any. All of this suggests that Quantum Betting is nothing more than a cynical cash grab in which an internet marketer has intended to use impressive sounding concepts to cover a lack of substance.

It should come as no surprise that considering all of this, I can’t really bring myself to recommend a single element of Quantum Betting. This is arguably one of the worst looking products I have looked at this year.        

Plus it has one of those intelligence insulting Silliam Hill screenshots – Avoid!!                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              

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