Rubles to Riches is a new sports betting tipster service from tipster Nikolai. He claims that he is able to make a lot of money through betting on the upcoming World Cup.
Introduction to Rubles to Riches
I see a lot of allegations made in the sales material but there is one that always jumps out at me and that is fixing. Whether it is horse racing, cricket or football, I can guarantee that my curiosity will be piqued. With this in mind, when a service lands in my inbox which says the following:
“If you’re looking to make a KILLING during the PUTIN world cup then this… RUSSIAN INSIDER GIVES FIXED-MATCH SELECTIONS!”
That is a hell of a claim and one that I am very eager to explore to see if there is any modicum of truth to it. The fact is that whilst I don’t like to get political, I think that it is fair to say that in Putin’s Russia, anything is seemingly possible, so why not World Cup fixing? There are a lot of reasons actually and I will talk about all of this over the course of this article.
What Does Rubles to Riches Offer?
I am writing this in the rather unique position that Rubles to Riches has not technically launched yet. In fact, tips will not be issued for another 12 days, however there is enough information to understand what is supposedly on offer and what you will be able to expect. Over the course of the World Cup, Nikolai says that he will be sending “daily emails throughout the games” which will inevitably be a series of so called tips.
Here is their video:
The fact of the matter however is that the focus of this article is not necessarily on how Rubles to Riches will operate. If I am feeling speculative, I would say that it will be a copy and paste job from the large numbers of highly questionable tipster services which seem to be cropping up everywhere.
How Does Rubles to Riches Work?
So we come to the crux of Rubles to Riches and the whole reason that the service jumped out at me. The whole thing is supposedly based around match fixing. There is a lot of ground to cover here and we have to start with who Nikolai claims to be. He refers to himself as a “successful government official” in Russia. From his early days in Russian politics, he claims to have been introduced to a man named Vitaly. This person’s influence “during various recent scandals has been far-reaching to say the least”.
The insinuation to me here is clear. We are just coming off the back of a number of top world events where Russia have been disallowed from competing with the Winter Olympics being a particularly stand out example. Nikolai also talks about the culture of corruption in Russia saying in the sales video that it is common place. In fact, to quote, it says:
“Many of you think here in Russia we are corrupt. Well I can safely say wherever there is money there is corruption… everybody has a price and money and corruption go hand in hand.”
There is a very clear implication here about what you can expect. This is backed up by Nikolai claiming that he knows all of the right people to know over the World Cup.
What is the Initial Investment?
Rather interestingly, there is no quoted price when it comes to Rubles to Riches. When I went through to the payment screen however, the price was listed at £28.20. This is supposedly a 63% discount which would reasonably put the so called “actual” cost of Rubles to Riches at around £90. I am not convinced about this valuation in the slightest. It is interesting to note that Rubles to Riches is sold through Clickbank and Nikolai does make reference to the 60 day money back guarantee.
What is the Rate of Return?
Nikolai says that over the world cup you will make in excess of £5,000. This is a lot of money to be generated over a short space of time however there is very little context for the claim. There is certainly no information on what kind of stakes are involved to generate this kind of money. This casts some doubt over the profitability of Rubles to Riches for me.
Conclusion on Rubles to Riches
I feel that it is abundantly clear that Rubles to Riches is a highly questionable option as far as your options for the World Cup go. There are a lot of reasons for this and I want to go over all them here. The first thing that seems highly unlikely to me is that match fixing allegations. Now this can happen at a top level and whilst I have my doubts that the biggest stage in football can be influenced too heavily, I will play devils advocate and consider this a possibility (after all, there has to be some reason England haven’t won anything since ’66).
If however there was any sort of match fixing going on, I find it incredibly unlikely that the outcomes will have made their way to a website like Rubles to Riches. If you buy into the whole narrative, it seems entirely likely that Nikolai would make substantially more money through betting himself than he ever could selling on so called fixed results.
This casts the whole of Rubles to Riches as a service into doubt in my book.
Then there is the sales video which is frankly, rather amateurish in its construction. What the voice is saying and what the shadowy figure is saying are clearly two very different things. All of this pales however s you realise that the Russian that is being said in no way correlates with the subtitles on screen.
Using YouTube’s built in subtitle generator and automatic translation, you end up with such gems as the subtitle saying “The difference with us Russians is that we are perhaps not so good at covering our tracks on a professional level” and the translated subtitles reading “My special congratulations to all who are now working performs military or professional duty on duty in hospitals”.
Obviously, the translation is a little off, but there is nothing in common with what is being said and what Nikolai’s own subtitles read.
The nail in the coffin for all of this is actually a comment which helpfully points out that the speech that is used in the sales video for Rubles to Riches is actually ripped directly from a New Years address by Russian President Vladimir Putin. Nothing at all to do, you will note, with the World Cup. Or betting. Or in fact, anything that relates to the subjects that Rubles to Riches deals with.
With all of this in mind, it probably comes as no surprise that I wouldn’t recommend Rubles to Riches. The whole thing is massively questionable from start to finish and put simply, I believe that the most likely outcome is that you are going to lose money with this. It has been a long time since I saw a product that I am so vehemently against as Rubles to Riches and whilst it might not have launched yet, I simply don’t see this as being a viable investment opportunity.