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Secret Sort Code Guide – Agora Lifestyles

An Insider’s Guide To Pocketing 430% MORE On Your Money is a new product which is being launched of Matt Houghton of Agora Lifestyles. The content itself is actually authored by Greg Robinson and claims to show you how you can make more money off your savings.

Introduction Secret Sort Code Guide – Agora

There is no arguing in my opinion that anything from Agora Lifestyles is going to feature some very creating marketing. In the case of An Insider’s Guide To Pocketing 430% MORE On Your Money, it says “ENTER THIS SORT CODE: ⬛⬛-⬛⬛-⬛⬛ TO LEGALLY RECEIVE INTEREST PAYMENTS OF £750-£5,000 INTO YOUR BANK ACCOUNT”.

Highlight that sort code and you are presented with a series of x’s. Colour me intrigued, I thought. Of course, this is Agora Lifestyles  that we are dealing with so the truth of what you are getting into is something that is somewhat skipped over. I will reveal here that you are actually dealing with peer to peer lending.

This is the headline for the product:


Although of course we know that Agora will NOT be limiting any sales of the product, and and 1,000+ people purchase it, they will accept that payment from every single person, so a bit of an insult immediately.

Now I will hold my hands up, this is a topic that I have been aware of for some time, however I haven’t seen anything dedicated to it. What Matt Houghton and Greg Robinson have put together is an interesting proposition, but is it really that much better than traditional ways of savings? Let’s find out.

What Does An Insider’s Guide To Pocketing 430% MORE On Your Money Offer?

As is so often the case with products from Agora Lifestyles, there is a lot of work with An Insider’s Guide To Pocketing 430% MORE On Your Money in so much as you have to really work hard to separate the truth from what is effectively very good promotion of a service.

That doesn’t however mean that everything that is related to them is inherently rubbish and I can say here and now that the things that are discussed in An Insider’s Guide To Pocketing 430% MORE On Your Money are all fundamentally above board and legitimate.

In terms of what you are getting, An Insider’s Guide To Pocketing 430% MORE On Your Money is definitely a comprehensive guide to the topic. Matt Houghton and Greg Robinson have very clearly done their homework and it definitely shows through in most of the content.

Sometimes I think that the book feels a little padded, however that is a preferential thing. What I can say is that An Insider’s Guide To Pocketing 430% MORE On Your Money is generally well written and anybody who reads through it shouldn’t have any real problems grasping the theory of what is being discussed here.

The whole thing is broken down in such a way that everything flows pretty well into the next topic. These topics include things like which of the various lending schemes are the best on the market, how the whole thing works, and a rather interesting interview with somebody who actually works for such a company.

As I have said, the majority of the content that is provide is genuinely top drawer and I can say with some comfort that An Insider’s Guide To Pocketing 430% MORE On Your Money looks to be one of the better compendiums of information.

As well as the core product, An Insider’s Guide To Pocketing 430% MORE On Your Money also comes with a free book from David Belle. This is called “Retire Rich: How to Trade Your Way to £1,000 a Week. This is less interesting in my opinion than the core topic of An Insider’s Guide To Pocketing 430% MORE On Your Money.

As is the additional bonus product which looks at other ways of making money. Truthfully, these feel like little more than basic additions from Agora Lifestyles and Matt Houghton in order to help justify the costs (a point that I want to come to shortly).

How Does An Insider’s Guide To Pocketing 430% MORE On Your Money Work?

The core idea behind An Insider’s Guide To Pocketing 430% MORE On Your Money is a pretty simple affair. There are companies out there who collate revenue from people who wish to save with a view to receiving interest.

These companies then loan out this money, often at lower interest rates than banks, to others. The money that you have then paid into a peer to peer lender generates revenue in the form of interest on those loans. It is a proven method and fundamentally all above board.

This brings in An Insider’s Guide To Pocketing 430% MORE On Your Money as a product. Greg Robinson covers in detail the pros and the cons of what you can expect if you want to participate in peer to peer lending.

Ultimately, I see this as an educational tool. It brings a lot of information together into one place and by reading it, you should be better placed to decide whether or not it is an option for you. As a learning tool, I don’t think that there is a hole lot of arguing with the quality of An Insider’s Guide To Pocketing 430% MORE On Your Money.

What is the Initial Investment?

According to Matt Houghton the actual value of the entire package for An Insider’s Guide To Pocketing 430% MORE On Your Money is £441. This includes a supposed actual value of £247 just to the book, An Insider’s Guide To Pocketing 430% MORE On Your Money. If this genuinely is the perceived value of the product, it just seems like highway robbery to me.

Fortunately, there is a whopping 89% discount on this usual price which means that you can actually get An Insider’s Guide To Pocketing 430% MORE On Your Money plus the bonus items for a one time payment of £47.It is worth noting that this comes with no money back guarantee.

Although the discount is a bit of an insult, and typical of Agora when marketing their products, so that that with a pinch of salt.

What is the Rate of Return?

Right there in the title, Matt Houghton suggests that you can make “430% more” on your savings. The headline mentions getting interest payments of £750 to £5,000 being paid directly into your bank account.

As well as these core claims, you see examples peppered throughout in which people have made amounts as varied as £744 in 30 days to £171,903 in 4 months. Realistically, a lot of these numbers may not be attainable for a number of reasons I want to discuss below.

Conclusion on Secret Sort Code Guide by Agora

There are two different things that need to be considered with An Insider’s Guide To Pocketing 430% MORE On Your Money.

The first thing that I want to talk about is peer to peer lending as a concept. Honestly, it isn’t something that will work for everybody and it is a long way from how the marketing material for An Insider’s Guide To Pocketing 430% MORE On Your Money portrays it.

Of course, this is pretty typical for Agora Lifestyles and I can appreciate that at the end of the day, they are looking to sell a product. As such, there has to be some allowance for creative license.

Now as a concept, there is peer to peer lending is all generally above board and there is no dying that you can see higher returns than you would in a normal savings account. It should be said however that the concept is also different from savings. First of all, your cash doesn’t have the same liquidity.

Whilst I can appreciate that not all savings accounts offer you full access either, peer to peer lending can be very different as your investment may be tied up in a loan. This brings me to another point with peer to peer lending. Whilst you may receive interest, this is not really savings, but more of an investment.

This brings me to the second thing which I want to talk about which is the quality of An Insider’s Guide To Pocketing 430% MORE On Your Money itself. As I have said, it is well written enough and it is definitely detailed enough to give you a taste of what to expect. There is, I feel, a slight bias to the tone of the book.

This feels more like marketing than it is a genuine opinion piece on the subject and that puts me off An Insider’s Guide To Pocketing 430% MORE On Your Money a little bit. Honestly, I don’t think that it is terrible, but I also don’t think that it is necessarily a definitive guide to the subject and that brings me on to my final point.

Value for money is a big factor when it comes to things like An Insider’s Guide To Pocketing 430% MORE On Your Money. Matt Houghton’s suggestion that this is worth £250 is pretty nonsensical to me.

I just don’t see it at all. In fact, I don’t even think that it is necessarily worth £47. I can definitely appreciate that there is a decent amount to An Insider’s Guide To Pocketing 430% MORE On Your Money, I can also appreciate that Matt Houghton and Greg Robinson have probably worked hard on it and it isn’t unreasonable that they are compensated for this.

For me though, I just don’t see this as a product that is worth £50. Especially when you consider that there is a lot of more objective writing on the subject elsewhere online for free.

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