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Secrets of Successful Betting Review

Secrets of Successful Betting is a guide by professional bettor Matt Houghton that is currently being marketed by Agora Lifestyles as a way of making daily income.

What does the product offer?

Secrets of Successful Betting is a monthly periodical from Matt Houghton in which he shares some of the various methods he uses to make a successful income as a bettor. Furthermore, Secrets of Successful Betting also comes with a number of different betting systems that relate to a massive variety of different sporting events ranging from horse racing to football.

As well as gambling through bookies, Secrets of Successful Betting  also looks at things like winning on fruit machines to “The Golden Secret” that you should take into casinos.

Matt Houghton also uses Secrets of Successful Betting as a platform to espouse anecdotes about how other professional gamblers have made money including various different “rules” that you should follow to amass gambling wealth.

How does the product work?

Most of Secrets of Successful Betting isn’t necessarily practical advice in terms of “back horses with this trait on these courses” so much as it is a complete overview to becoming a successful bettor.

There is a lot of focus on the psychological aspects of gambling successfully (be patient and don’t bet recklessly) and money management to make sure that you are able to live off your winnings as well. If you apply the knowledge that Matt Houghton supplies and are a successful bettor already then you will likely be much better off for it.

What is the initial investment?

Part one of Secrets of Successful Betting is free however when you sign up you will have to pay £17.95 per month for the rest of the course or until you cancel. If you use a credit card however this cost is £19.97 instead.

There is no money back guarantee however given the free trial this isn’t a deal breaker.

What is the rate of return?

Matt Houghton says that by following Secrets of Successful Betting you can be £30 better off “before dinner time”.

He also goes on to talk about how simply following part one alone of Secrets of Successful Betting can make you as much as “£30, £40 and even £60 a day” however there is nothing really to back this up.


Secrets of Successful Betting is more of an interesting read on betting than it is a product that can genuinely make you money.

Taken purely as this, Secrets of Successful Betting is actually decent enough however the cost involved is frankly rather ridiculous which leads me to the biggest problem with Secrets of Successful Betting.

In many respects it is something of a curiosity with the odd bit that might actually make you a bit of money. The problem with this is that there are plenty of systems and services out there for the same cost that can realistically make you more money (I don’t buy into the £30 per day thing really, especially given the lack of evidence).

With that in mind I can’t help but feel that the costs involved with Secrets of Successful Betting are probably better invested elsewhere.


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Comments (1)

I don’t agree with you conclusion. There are very interesting systems in there beside the info about the mental side of betting. I have used one of his football systems for 5 months now. On average 16-20 games a month.
I had an average strike rate of 70% a month. There are also very good horse racing system in the course. So it can make you money. But i agree with you that the price is very high. But for me it was worth the money.

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