Stripped Down Binary is a piece of binary options trading software offered by Zoe Sinclair that she claims works with just one click.
What does the product offer?
Zoe Sinclair claims that she is an overnight binary options millionaire through Stripped Down Binary. She says that Stripped Down Binary is easy to use, you don’t require any expensive equipment and you don’t need insider trading knowledge. In fact, Zoe Sinclair goes as far as to say that you don’t need a single skill to use Stripped Down Binary.
How does the product work?
In terms of how Stripped Down Binary works, it seems that Zoe Sinclair doesn’t know, at least if you believe her story about how she obtained the software. There certainly isn’t any information available on the website. The closest you get to insight into how Stripped Down Binary works is Zoe Sinclair’s claim that the software “seeks out the hottest, and most liquid Binary Options markets”.
What is the initial investment?
Stripped Down Binary is a free piece of software although you have to sign up for Zoe Sinclair’s favoured broker Trader XP.
What is the rate of return?
Zoe Sinclair claims that using Stripped Down Binary you can earn as much as $2,301,066 per month with zero losses. She also provides examples of between $300 and $4,000 per day.
Another example of binary trading software that requires you to sign up with the sellers favoured broker, Stripped Down Binary ticks all the boxes that go with these products. There is the highly improbable back story, the rags to riches and most importantly targeting potential users as the down on their luck good guys. In the case of Stripped Down Binary, Zoe Sinclair claims to be an ex stripper (hence the name) who blackmailed an online trader into creating the software for her.
This is after pointing out that these guys are the ones who are ripping you off with products that don’t work. She even says that these Gurus would hold launches at the club she worked at and brag about ripping off regular Joes like “you or I”. Personally I don’t believe the story one bit. It seems to be a ploy to get you to sign up with a broker for either the seller of the software to obtain commission or even the brokers operating