Edmund Loh

14 Apr: PLR Extreme Review

PLR Extreme is a package put together by Edmund Loh, the self-styled PLR Extraordinaire. It offers users 9 products with private label rights that allow you to resell them. What does the product offer? PLR Extreme is a product by Edmund Loh that offers users a whole bunch of pre-packaged products with private label rights for reselling. These are on a multitude of aspects relating to internet market and come with titles like Killer Web Copy Vol. 1-3,…

26 Dec: Article Wings Review

Article Wings is a product provided by Edmund Loh and James Y that provides users with a number of pre written articles. What does the product offer? Edmund Loh and James Y are offering 20 of their articles for sale as a pack of 20 articles, mostly relating to making money online. There are also two bonuses in the form of additional articles should Edmund Loh and James Y’s writer have any more time available. There is also…