12 Apr: Low Cost High Life Review Progressive Property

Low Cost High Life is a book by property entrepreneur Mark Homer of Progressive Property in which he discusses how to make your money go further. What is the product? Progressive Property have put out a number of books however these are generally by Mark Homer’s business partner, Rob Moore. A personality that Mark Homer refers to as flashier and more interested in marketing and this is evidenced in their approaches to writing. Looking solely at Low Cost…

27 Aug: Multiple Streams of Property Income Review

Multiple Streams of Property Income is a book authored by Rob Moore. In it he teaches users how set up their property portfolio to produce multiple revenue streams. What does the product offer? Multiple Streams of Property Income is a book that is designed to teach users how to use their property portfolio to generate revenue from the “4 income quarters” which writer Rob Moore ultimately claims provides you with a residual, leveraged and passive income. Multiple Streams…

14 Jul: Progressive In Property: From Beginners To Winners Review

Progressive In Property: From Beginners To Winners is a book authored by Robin Shaw of Progressive Property. In it he details how his clients have used his techniques successfully. What does the product offer? Progressive In Property: From Beginners To Winners is a book written by Robin Shaw. In it he chronicles the success of various property investors and the strategies that they have used (many of which appear to have come from the Progressive Property umbrella) and…

30 May: Guerrilla Marketing Property Sourcing Techniques Review

Guerrilla Marketing Property Sourcing Techniques is a training guide created by Rob Moore and Mark I’Anson to teach users alternative methods of sourcing properties. What does the product offer? Guerrilla Marketing Property Sourcing Techniques is a CD based guide developed by Rob Moore (co-founder of Progressive Properties) and Mark I’Anson, an alleged expert in deal sourcing and property negotiation. Rob Moore and Mark I’Anson claim that Guerrilla Marketing Property Sourcing Techniques will teach users 30 “little known proven”…

29 May: Make Cash in a Property Market Crash Review

Make Cash in a Property Market Crash is a book by Rob Moore and Mark Homer of Progressive Property that teaches users how to take advantage of dips in the property market. What does the product offer? Progressive Property $has put out a lot of books and content that is designed to teach users how to make money in the property market. Rob Moore and Mark Homer’s offering, Make Cash in a Property Market Crash is no different…