09 Mar: The Pro Lay System Review Anthony Warner 2020 Updated

The Pro Lay System is a new horse racing betting system which comes courtesy of Anthony Warner. He claims to be able to show you how to make a respectable income through lay betting. Introduction to The Pro Lay System I want to start by saying that there isn’t intrinsically anything interesting about the fact that today’s subject is a lay betting system. I have seen plenty of them in the time I have been doing this. With…

08 Jul: The Pro Lay System Review

The Pro Lay System is a lay betting training guide which has been written by Anthony Warner. He says that it is not just comprehensive, but will teach you everything that you need to know about the betting method. Introduction to The Pro Lay System There are a lot of very bold claims made in the sales material for The Pro Lay System. The headline actually refers to it as “THE ULTIMATE GUIDE TO LAYING HORSES”. I will…