27 Apr: The Percentage Form Edge Review

The Percentage Form Edge is a horse racing tipster service by Dennis Hatcher in which he shares the selections that his own secret method has generated. What does the product offer? Dennis Hatcher says that he stumbled upon the various aspects of The Percentage Form Edge from something that he “cobbled” together on the last day of Cheltenham. Not surprisingly (given the copywriting), it worked and The Percentage Form Edge was born. The system provides near daily selections…

30 May: Elite Racing System Review

Elite Rating System is a horse racing tipster service by Stuart Oakley. He claims that all selections are made by his own personal specialist software. What does the product offer? Elite Rating System offers users daily selections for horse racing with selections coming directly from Stuart Oakley. The system offers users between 5 and 8 selections daily which are sent directly to your email inbox. Elite Rating System uses each way bets and has a focus on shorter…