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The Arab Betting Club (ABC) Review

The Arab Betting Club (or ABC, the two are used interchangeably in the marketing) is a horse racing tipster service that claims to be affiliated with various Arab stable owners. The claimed income is unbelievable in a very literal sense.

Introduction to The Arab Betting Club

How much money would you say most bettors are able to make? This isn’t something that we tend to think about, but I would say that most I know would probably say less than you might think. Whilst there are very well documented cases of people making millions and even billions through betting, these are exceptions rather than the rule. Furthermore, people like Matthew Benham (owner of Brentford) are rarely as rich as they are as a direct result of betting. Not like you or I would bet.

Original Link: (read review first!!!)

All of this is really quite important to establish because today, I am looking at a service that is effectively claiming that you can become a millionaire by following their tips. That’s right. Average joes like you or I can expect to make a million pounds in a year. Naturally, I am incredibly sceptical of this claim from The Arab Betting Club. So surely, you might be crying out (but probably not if I’m honest), ABC provide plenty of evidence to back up this incredible and substantial claim!

The short answer to this is… well, not really. What ABC actually provide is a massively questionable screenshot of a betting bank. That isn’t the only element of The Arab Betting Club that is questionable either. The whole narrative of the sales pitch, about Arab billionaires and shady dealings in Middle Eastern horse racing doesn’t exactly have the ring of truth to it. Nonetheless, whilst I’m not a greedy man, the opportunity to become a millionaire isn’t a call that I can easily overlook.

What Does The Arab Betting Club Offer?

Where do you start with a service that is seemingly as impressive as The Arab Betting Club is? There is just so much ground to cover. But where I want to start is with a bit of a unique angle. ABC strongly suggest that this is a perfect tipster service for those who are just getting started. And given that the system is broken down into just 5 steps, you would seemingly be right to be excited

In terms of the management side of things, ABC basically make the claim that you simply have to join them, receive your selections via email each morning, place your bets either online or at your local bookies, win big!, and then collect your money. The astute amongst you will notice that there is some really quite vital information missing about The Arab Betting Club here.

Unfortunately, and not at all surprisingly to me, the actual quality of the emails is rather lacking. There is basic information missing with things like decent insight into odds being very notable in their absence. The Arab Betting Club isn’t the only tipster service that does this, but the fact that you are told to simply place your bets with any bookie is a very real cause for concern.

With that out of the way, let’s talk about the bets themselves. What I have seen so far of The Arab Betting Club suggests that ABC will be exclusively advising win bets to subscribers. This is very much in keeping with this selling point of being a simple and easy to follow service. It is however something that puts me at least a little bit on edge.

The thing is, there is nothing inherently wrong with a simple tipster service. In fact, when utilised by a knowledgeable tipster it can be a real credit. But it is also something that it can be incredibly easy to hide behind to. If you don’t know what you’re doing, why would you complicate matters and risk revealing this. Not to say that ABC are doing this. Of course.

Anyway, back to those bets. By and large, ABC advises selections at a range of odds. Somewhat noteworthy to me that The Arab Betting Club doesn’t tend to ever dabble at extreme highs and lows. Almost all bets end up with rather middling odds. Given how the service supposedly works (which I will get to), this is somewhat surprising.  

Something that I will say whilst we’re touching on the topic of odds is this. If you are going to follow The Arab Betting Club, then using an odds comparison site is a must. The fact that ABC suggest you can place your bets with “your local bookie” is incredibly naïve. This is a service that requires you getting the best possible odds. Not least of which is because I really don’t believe that you’ll be winning all that often.

Finally, I want to talk about the volume of bets that are advised with The Arab Betting Club. This can vary day to day, however ABC say that if you want to make “the most money”, then you should place at least two bets per day. But you can also bet more or less. This seems like a strange approach for a tipster service.

It also highlights the incredible lack of information that ABC provide with The Arab Betting Club. They talk about “how much you’re comfortable spending”. In theory, this is a decent thing to see from a tipster. After all, the last thing you want to do is overstretch your bank. But by the same token, I would really expect some staking advice.

How much you should you be placing per bet? This is especially important. Because the only reason that I can see for signing up to The Arab Betting Club so far is because you want to be a millionaire. Surely you aren’t going to achieve that to £10 stakes. But of course, ABC don’t address it. A continuing theme.

Anyway, before I get too off topic, let’s go back to this idea of simply betting on as much as you want. If you are following any tipster service, you should place all bets advised. The Arab Betting Club shouldn’t be any different and the fact that ABC don’t address this is truly incredible to me.

Especially because this is a service that supposedly has a strike rate of between 60% and 70%. Those are numbers that you can’t really lose at. Even if The Arab Betting Club only advised horses at evens, those kinds of strike rates would produce an admirable profit. Of course, I should highlight that these aren’t actually proofed…

How Does The Arab Betting Club Work?

The sales material for The Arab Betting Club is very much a narrative driven thing. There is simply a lot of talk about… well, a lot. But ultimately, how everything works can be summed up in two words. Inside information. But there is so much more to it than this. ABC tell a story that I’ve heard many times on websites for questionable tipster eservices. This one just happens to take place in the Middle East rather than the UK.

The person who is behind The Arab Betting Club (who ultimately has to remain anonymous they say. What a surprise there…) claims that he worked for a stable owner who was a founding member of a “secret organisation [that] was a nameless society of rich Arab stable owners”. This group supposedly built up connections and monopolised big horse racing events by cooperating with peers and avoiding direct competition.

If you sign up to The Arab Betting Club, you are supposedly being fed the same information that the Sheikhs who are ultimately behind the organisation have access to. When you sign up for the service, you are paying a small fee so that the ABC can continue to pay off its insiders in other stables etc. all of whom supposedly supply information. We are told this includes “trainers, bookies, jockeys, race tracks owners, and even the English royal family”.

I am massively sceptical of all of this. It sounds incredibly impressive, of course. But that is more than likely by design. Because the single most important thing to note if you were considering The Arab Betting Club in my mind is a simple one. There is absolutely zero evidence provided by ABC to back any of these claims up, both in terms of the story that is told, and the money that is up for grabs. 

What is the Initial Investment?

ABC claims that under normal circumstances, signing up to The Arab Betting Club would cost you £126.99 (a very low number for when you consider all of the moving parts that are supposedly in place for this to work). Fortunately, at the time of writing, we are being offered a limited time offer whereby you can buy a lifetime of access to the information for a hugely discounted price of £26.99 (plus VAT).

There isn’t necessarily much that I feel ABC is worth crediting for. But one thing definitely is, and that is the fact that he mentions quite clearly that this does come with a full 60 day money back guarantee. This is backed up by the fact that The Arab Betting Club is being sold through the Clickbank platform.

What is the Rate of Return?

Supposedly, you can expect to make £1,000,000 in a year through The Arab Betting Club. In fact, we are told that “you WILL EASILY make more than £1,000,000 this year!”. Like I said easier though, ABC make no mention at all about how much money you would have to stake to get close to this though.

Even £1,000 stakes (which are well above what most people would consider betting) would mean a 1,000 points profit. Which is frankly ludicrous. Elsewhere in the sales material for The Arab Betting Club, testimonials try to sell you on smaller numbers like £4,000 per week and £10,000 in 2 weeks. It is worth noting that all of these numbers are entirely without context and unsubstantiated.

Conclusion for The Arab Betting Club

Astronomer Carl Sagan famously said, “Extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence”. I don’t think that it’s unreasonable to say that the claims that are made for The Arab Betting Club are exactly that. Extraordinary. Unfortunately, the evidence that ABC provide (if you can credibly consider that) is far from it.

Truth be told, I don’t really know what to say or where to start dissecting all of the ridiculous sounding claims that are made. Every time I find a thread to start picking at, it’s like there’s another new pile of BS that I see instead. With that having been said, I will start with the same thing that ABC lead with, and that is the profit.

So, £1,000,000 a year through betting. It’s possible, or at least, more realistically, it was possible. The truth is that if you look at modern and successful professional bettors, they are barely that. What they do when they’re at the point of making millions is more akin to stock trading than a tenner on Redrum down the bookies. So it’s unlikely The Arab Betting Club is really going to deliver on that.  

Moving on to the idea of a syndicate of secretive Sheikhs all sharing selections they swear will succeed (I promise, the alliteration is an accident). It sounds at least somewhat plausible, but only because of all of the money that is in the Middle East. I mean, it does seem a little bit questionable over there.

But what ABC are claiming seems like a bit of a stretch. Especially since you can get in the door of The Arab Betting Club for the cost of a bottle of whisky. But realistically, can you imagine what would happen to anybody who was leaking how The Queen’s horses were running? It just doesn’t make sense. It sounds good, but I just don’t believe it to be true and The Arab Betting Club has no evidence backing this up.  

I could keep on going, but the fact of the matter is, there isn’t much point really. On balance of probability, The Arab Betting Club is likely to be nought more than a good story (if you can even call it that). It certainly doesn’t seem to be the service that is going to end your financial woes. It certainly as if ABC shows any of this,

With all of this in mind, I cannot recommend enough giving The Arab Betting Club a very wide berth. Whilst it is cheap, if you end up burning through your betting bank (whatever that may be), then you will ultimately lose a lot more than £26.99. Ultimately, I don’t believe that this is a genuine tipster service at all, and there isn’t much more to say than that.


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